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About van_binsbergen

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  • Birthday 02/21/1980

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  1. Big clothes auction!

    the buyer is traced. grats to princess titanium. bins ty for the understanding. (bit) lucky for the buyer, it was just befor the update ;s
  2. Big clothes auction!

    Hi I got a BIN half a day before yours, cabman. I try to reach the bidder, but I dont get answer. I wait till monday and with no reaction the clothes are yours. Sorry for the later reaction, I was kinda uccopied last week
  3. Big clothes auction!

    Hi Im selling my clothes. Auction ends at thursday 2200 dutch time (GMT+2). Auction ends 10 minutes after last bid. Since there r 2 mirrors and 1 arti cape the starting bid is 50k. BIn 200k The winner takes all clothes. good for some events or resell 1 Excavator Cape 22 Augmented Leather Armor 1 Leather Pants 25 Augmented Leather Pants 1 Conjurer Cloak 10 Blue Robe 10 Brown Buccaneer Hat 9 Black Robe Skirt 1 Fur Boots 10 Black Blue Striped Baggy Pants 10 Green Robe Skirt 10 Black Purple Striped Baggy Pants 1 Black Tunic White Shirt 10 Skunk hat 10 Brown Robe Skirt 10 Black Robe 1 Black Tunic Green Shirt 2 Warlock's Cloak 9 Black Red Striped Baggy Pants 11 Brown Baggy Pants 2 Black Tunic Black Shirt 1 White red peasant dress 11 Light Blue Robe Skirt 10 Brown Robe 11 Light Blue Robe 11 Green Robe 9 White Robe Skirt 1 Green Tunic 1 Black Tunic 3 Black white dress 7 Red Robe Skirt 9 Yellow Robe 10 Purple Robe Skirt 8 Warm Fur Gloves 12 Yellow Robe Skirt 9 Green Cavalier Peacock Hat 1 Cape of The Unbreakable 11 Red Robe 2 Mirror Cloak 32 Brown Tricorn Hat 10 Black Cavalier Peacock Hat 18 Blue Cavalier Hat 11 Black Baggy Pants 1 Black Tunic Purple Shirt 10 Gray Robe Skirt 1 Red pink dress 1 Brown Tunic 8 Black Buccaneer Hat 1 White Tunic 14 Black Scarf 9 Black Tricorn Hat 1 Red pink skirt 10 Skull Crossbones Scarf 3 Purple white skirt 10 Purple Robe 10 Gray Robe 10 Black Cavalier Hat 1 Fast Regeneration Cape 14 Red Scarf 11 Blue Robe Skirt 3 Green white dress 3 Green white skirt 3 Black white skirt 41 Blue Tricorn Hat 11 White Red Striped Baggy Pants 1 The artificer cape 1 Powersaving Cloak 9 White Robe 3 Body Piercing Cloak 1 Lavender tunic
  4. Colored fabrics auction

    going once twice
  5. Colored fabrics auction

    Hi Im selling my fabrics. Auction ends at thursday 2200 dutch time (GMT+2). ty Elke.. ;-) Auction ends 10 minutes after last bid. 34 orange fabric 573 blue fabric 309 black fabric 1356 red fabric 1432 purple fabric 1454 grey fabric 148 green fabric 1421 yellow fabric 691 brown fabric (total 7418 fabrics) post you bid here, starting with 50k. BIN 350k or pm garanhon
  6. selling 10k amber

    going once...... going twice we got a winner
  7. selling 10k amber

    have to say, your bid has to be older than 10 minutes old to win. people can bid at last second if they want at this price... so if youre 22:00 you win at 22:10. unless you got overbidden, otherwise I got 10 replies at 21:59:59 ty
  8. selling 10k amber

    auction ends at 22:00 dutch time. (GMT -1) the trade will be right that moment or tomorrow if the winner is not on
  9. selling 10k amber

    hello, Im selling 10k amber starting bid 500k+ Auction ends thursday the winner gets 425 extra amber free msg here or pm garanhon
  10. Susje only use you

    you trusted me in giving 100k+gc of ings to mix for you, what now not trusted me? not one of my guildies scammed. not in this guidld.. so you make yourself a liar, and even worse you say Im a liar too. nice way to build up your name end of topic. rest my case, think its clear now
  11. Susje only use you

    i never said `a good guy` and since you trusted me with all your stuff, give me your pw and ill hand over mine to scammers, I share my guild with peeps, and when they scam or threat guys badly I will ban or leave my guild myself! I dont have to prove anything, I just say youre an ungratefull guy
  12. Susje only use you

    Hi, I wanted to let you know Susje only want to take advantage of the players here in EL. We had over the years a pretty good contact and I made stuff for him since I can make every item ingame he always come to me. I NEVER asked fee, but he gave sometimes an item(s) for the service. Was just a friendly understanding. We took thi guy into the guild who "scammed" years ago.. the really fault was at the botowner (who set the prices wrong, aka susje (you cant blame a stock seller to buy at high price and sell a lower price)) what Susje called a scam.. Just wanted to let you know dont do too much favour for this smooth talker, and he lets you think you have a silent agreement, he will drop you like garbage, like you never did a favour for him. he doesnt care, only think about his own profit. he banned my guild from bots (not that we care) but ABOVE all said Im not better than the scammer and all that pathetic stuff. now who is the liar, he trusted me with hunders of Ks worth of stuff .... you fill in the rest.
  13. Expiring bots, November 2013

    leeuwarden paid
  14. Netherlands / Holland

    Hey Siss! Leuk van je te horen.. Kom maar snel terug ja Cu ingame
  15. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    Hello Can I order: 10k daffodills 10k wheat 10k wheat (2) 10k valerian 10k mugwort Thanks! van_binsbergen