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Everything posted by Miiks

  1. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Spawnaan ite tänne postaamaan paskaa ihan uhallakin.
  2. Hatwood

    My condolences to everyone close to her. I remember her name from ages ago.
  3. Very sad news, regarding Learner

    Oh, it's been ages after his passing but I just saw this. Condolences to their friends and family. Never knew them that well myself, but I know how much he did for this game.
  4. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Mistä teitä tänne vieläkin spawnaa postaamaan paskaa?
  5. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Vittu sinne meni sekin 666:n viestin laskuri. Virhe.
  6. Suomi Finland Perkele

  7. Hello again EL! from AluminA

    I just noticed I'll have 666 forum posts after this one. Noticed a familiar name from ages ago so thought I'd come say hi! I'm in the same boat with you btw, I learned practically most of my written English from EL and EL related things (spamming unofficial EL forums like crazy). But yeah, now since I got my 666th post, I think I'll stay quiet for a few years more. Just quietly stalking forums once in a while.
  8. Susje only use you

    Enough proof for LeeDonaldson at least. You know, there's no trolls in unoff so it must automatically be true without any critical thinking.
  9. Susje only use you

    These threads are one of the reasons I still check official forums from time to time. At first the thread was already hilarious and then wild LeeDonaldson appears and makes it even more weird and fun. Sometimes I miss teh drama in EL.
  10. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Se yrittää vaa pelastaa sinut EL:ltä.
  11. Raise cap on PK server to 120 A/D

    Just give up, it's a dead server and will be dead in future too.
  12. Most of those things don't drain gc out of the game, just move it to another player's pocket. Anyway if I was still playing, I'd say no too.
  13. Wasn't restore 300 HP earlier, not all your health? I'm not sure tho, but that's how I remember it.
  14. Suomi Finland Perkele

    Mielenkiintosta aina välillä lueskella suomiketju läpi... Hienoo settiä, ei voi muuta sanoo. Cara lopettaa joka toisella sivulla ja minäki ehkä joka neljännellä.
  15. Uhhh? I quess it took about 6-8 years until first person reached cap even in OA level. I don't think anyone has reached it in any other skill yet. Not to talk about average players, it would take 150 years to reach the cap even with small exp bonuses. let me clarify my statement, other than fighting or writing books, leveling any skill to around 100 maxes out just about all you can do with it. Everything stops being a challenge and gets to be the same ol'. Yep I agree with this, sorry for misunderstanding.
  16. Uhhh? I quess it took about 6-8 years until first person reached cap even in OA level. I don't think anyone has reached it in any other skill yet. Not to talk about average players, it would take 150 years to reach the cap even with small exp bonuses.
  17. bought shyhermit for a freind

    So people are allowed to use fake identity, try to steal money and do other shit if they don't success? For fuck's sake, in what world are you living? It's still a crime even trying (at least in my country), doesn't matter if the money was sent or not. Even if you don't get sentenced by the law, do you really think radu is willing to let you in game after that shit? And then you are ranting how low IQ everyone else has because they participate in your things... This is just unbelievable stupidity by you.
  18. Toughness reduces also crit damage iirc. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Tho radu made a change that it doesn't make so radical effect. Earlier it was possible to avoid practically all armor breaks by having huge toughness. I quess no one knows the exact way how the armor break is calculated these days, except radu.
  20. Not a suggestion a demand :D

    You're clearly failing something. With my ex-char I used to get about 310k exp per hour from feroses meanwhile double FCW's gave 360k and much better drops. At 120-125's a/d you can move to frost trolls that again give you about 360-400k exp if done correctly.
  21. I think it shouldn't be available unlimited from the shop, maybe auction couple of them per month or something?