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About weaverdas

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  1. Safe bot paid

    Paid unlock fee and annual payment. reactivation fee: 8F48361LT7452839 annual payment: 9HU60127FC150754V Ingame name WeaverDAS
  2. EFE's giveaway

  3. Ranging fix

    I agree with the second word of the fifth paragraph of FairyTail's first post...
  4. PK/Mixing contest - possible new fightclub

    I like the idea. To Vanyel's point, maybe interested participants can post relevant stats and an event moderator could choose teams.
  5. Android web page

    I went through the content and reworked it a bit. My suggested content: Eternal Lands - Android client Eternal Lands is a Free MMORPG that has been in existence for over 14 years on Windows, Linux, and OSX. Eternal Lands is now also available on Android! It works on all the Android devices we tested, even on very cheap tablets. For the best experience, we recommend a large screen (5.5" or larger) and a decent processor. It works pretty well on a Samsung S5, which is a 3 years old device. VIDEO HERE Here is an overview of what Eternal Lands has to offer: · Choose from several races to create and customize your character · No fixed classes, you can assign your attributes on the go · Click to move (similar to Runescape, Diablo, etc.) · Many maps to explore on two continents · PvE oriented, but there are PvP areas as well · Friendly community that will usually help you if you ask · Lots of one-time and daily quests with plenty of variation · Many skills to develop · You don't have to fight (much) if you don't like it. You can harvest resources, make items, trade, and develop skills · Over 1000 items, including weapons, armors, potions, ores, plants, tools, and books · Day and night cycle which affects some aspects of the game · Events with other players, such as monster invasions, or on your own, like treasure hunting Please visit eternal-lands.com for more details and information about the game. INVASION SCREENSHOT HERE Quick Start Guide: After you install the game and create and name your character, visit the Tutorial NPC and follow the instructions. Keep in mind that the tutorial is written for the Desktop version, so a few things will be a bit different. However, the Android client is generally more intuitive. If you get stuck, or just need some help, you can ask the people on the newbie channel. · Double click on one of the camera rotation bars to bring up the keyboard. · Type "@Hello" (without quote marks) to say Hello to the people in the active channel. Without @, players nearby will see your message. Download the client here: http://www.eternal-lands.com/el_android.apk to get started on your adventure! Please keep in mind that this is a Beta version, and there will be some improvements in the future. If you encounter any problems, please visit our forums at http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/. SCREENSHOTS HERE Special thanks: I would like to thank the author of GL4ES, a library that has saved me a lot of work in porting the client. If you need your OpenGL 1.x program to run on GLES contexts, this is the best library to use. -Radu Privantu
  6. Android web page

    Suggestion for first few sentences: Eternal Lands is a Free MMORPG, which now runs on Android as well. Eternal Lands is a Free MMORPG which has been in existence for over 14 years on Windows, Linux, and OSX. Eternal Lands now runs on Android as well. You can play on the same server using the phone or desktop client.
  7. Raising Attribute Cap to 60!

    Yes vote here
  8. New Item idea, blanks

    Question: Do you mean planks as in wood boards?
  9. Dung rat event

    Cabman, Nice addition to the idea, I like it a lot! Thanks, DAS
  10. Hi all, it's time for the sixth annual NFL football league. I know it's really close to the season start, is there any interest this year? If we get at least a few players, we can do it again this year. It is fun and quite simple to play. How the league works: Every week, all players must pick winners/losers for each game that week. The deadline for picks is five minutes before each game. The person who predicts the most games wins. You will also have to pick a total score for the Monday night game in case of a tie. If 2 or more players tie at the end of each week the winner is the player whose predicted total points comes closest to the Monday night game's actual total points scored. Entry fees: 750gc/week (Regular Season) 17 weeks total 2,250gc for the most correct picks for the season Total: 15,000gc to enter, pool is for the regular season only The winner of each week gets the whole pot. If there is enough interest in this we will move forward to the next step...the more players we get the bigger the pot and the more fun it will be...so let's go people, NFL season is almost BACK!! Send me a forum PM or PM in game with your e-mail address so that we can e-mail you an invite to join the league. Please send me a forum PM with any questions. Thank you, WeaverDAS
  11. **** guild/event map

    Orick, I love this idea. I plan to have a HAVN house there. Will there be a preview of the map so we can have an idea of what it looks like? What are the deadlines? Thanks! DAS
  12. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    f getting exp for minimum amount of effort is different from refusing to help someone cause of personal grudgvoted yes on both, es, getting mana etc. or stand around with just a few left if you got no supplies.. go restock and miss the finish? lol keep in mind how do you prove people are not refilling mana while they stand around? do you expect them to summon away the mana they try to regain to be more helpfull fighting rather then summoning worthless rabbits? or have to spend even more gc on stones, new bow, arrows and summon stones on top of gear requirements? (depending on gear results ofc) result won't matter much to me personally anyway, didn't went to invances much cause of complaining/whining, now i can stop doing them alltogether to prevent getting in trouble cause of all the rules in a fun addition to the game. invances are fun but with all these added extra rules etc you have to focus more on the rules rather then having fun participating. wow. strange interpretation of posts (especially if you were referring to mine)
  13. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    I agree with minimum gear requirements. How do you define it though? Have to have col or rdholam? Weapon requirement? Should rangers have a specific # of pk arrows to use?
  14. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    I knew there was another thread about this. I tried to consider the poll as written without being influenced by others opinions.
  15. Invance Helping and Gear Poll

    I am confused...One example, start invance melee, finish invance as a ranger when only large mobs are left(I often do this), go through 200 pk arrows or so, no time to restock, last couple of mobs are engaged. I think this question needs a much better definition. -edit: Please let me know if I misunderstood this question.