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About Gil_Manel

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  • Birthday 08/08/1956

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894 profile views
  1. The Circle Guild ~o~ - 6th Year Anniversary

    Congratulations from LLL
  2. Favorite, Least and Most

    Favorite: any higher-level Crafting items (MoL, for example)....such a feeling of accomplishment, when you finally gather everything, put all the ings together, and get the final product! Least Favorite: FEs, without question. (WE, a close second) Done the Most: FEs, without question
  3. Expiring bots

    Paid for bots Lord_Legend and Book_Legend 1/8/2013. Transaction ID 66R70452WE834890C. Thanks....
  4. Lords and Ladies of Legend

    Come take your place within the Legend! Lords and Ladies of Legend, one of the oldest Guilds within the Eternal Lands, is holding open recruiting, and we invite you to come take a look. Enjoy the benefits of a large, long-standing Guild – a private guild map containing our own training arena; well-established Fighting Academy and mentoring/training systems; the ability to rise above your peers, becoming a Squire or Knight; winning prizes in our Guild Competitions – all while enjoying a small, helpful, chatty group of fellow Guild Members. LLL is based on honor and loyalty: our Code of Conduct is central to all we do. In-game, feel free to chat with any LLL member you happen to see, or PM me, Gil_Manel, Guild-Master, or any of our Council Members: wuffzel, icevodka and Moonbeam. We'll all be happy to talk to you. More information is available at our Guild Site, which can be found at: http://lordsandladiesoflegend.guildportal.com We ask that you be at least 16 years of age, have an Overall Level of 20, with at least one Skill (not including Attack or Defense) of 30. Whether you're well above those minimum requirements or have just reached them, we're looking for you! The Legend awaits...will you take your rightful place?
  5. Payment Question

    Ah, lovely....thanks for the response!
  6. LLL

    Thanks, very much, RedDevil...that means a lot! Was great seeing you ingame, as well...you should come back, you know!
  7. Payment Question

    I've taken over ownership of Lord_Legend and Book_Legend (and, posted the change in the "New and Updated Trade Bot List thread). While Wuffzel retains ownership of Princess_Legend, I'm going to make this year's payment for all three bots (I gots the money, this time ). I believe that Lord and Princess are due on 9 January, while Book isn't due until March; if I make the payment on Book_Legend now, am I correct in assuming that all 3 will be due next January? (that's not really a problem...easier to remember one date, at my age!) Thanks! Gil-Manel
  8. New and updated trade bot list

    Gil_Manel now owns "Lord_Legend" and "Book_Legend": Wuffzel retains ownership of "Princess_Legend." (LLL)
  9. LLL

    On 1 January 2013, Lords and Ladies of Legend will be holding ceremonies, including the retirement of one Guild Master, and ascension of a new one. All are welcome, particularly those interested in possibly joining an old, well-established and well-respected Guild. The ceremonies will be held in the Aluwen Temple, Forest of the Fall, at 11am EST US time; what time that might be in your specific place in the space/time continuum will need be determined by yourself. Gil-Manel Council Member
  10. Meep is recruiting

    With RoadRunner as my Internet Provider, how could I not wish Meep-Meep all the success in the world? Gil_Manel
  11. DropBot

    Interesting idea...especially the "festival" idea...perhaps have one geared more towards noobies, with appropriate inventory and announced on Noobie Help? Curious to see how this works.... Gil_Manel
  12. Lords and Ladies of Legend

    We certainly try to be...
  13. Lords and Ladies of Legend

    Lords and Ladies of Legend is a well-established Guild, seeking mature, fun-loving members who like to interact with others while being allowed to "do their own thing." LLL has an active (and, often, noisy! ) Membership; our Guild Chat channel is usually quite busy. We frequently have Guild Projects and Competitions which are, of course, completely voluntary. We freely offer advice and suggestions and most of us are more than willing to help another Guildie whenever possible. We have our own Guild Quests and ways for Members to advance themselves within our Guild, as well as advancing themselves within EL. We are not a PK guild; if PK is a part of the game that you really enjoy, I'd politely suggest looking elsewhere. We do have one of the top Rangers in the game, as well as one of the top tailors; you'll find that all other skills are well-represented, too. If you think you'd be interested in joining us, feel free to chat to any of our Members; you may also wish to PM DevilBoy or Wuffzel (Council-Members) or Gil_Manel (Guild-Master). Any of us would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. I'd also suggest taking a look at our Guild-Page, located at: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=75990&TabID=656051 We have a minimum age-requirement of 16-years of age; as well as having a minimum OA of 20, we require that you also have one other skill (not A/D) of at least 30. And, upon joining us, you will be on a 30-day probation period, while we all decide if we're "comfortable" together. Gil_Manel Guild-Master
  14. PEN - People Enlightening Newbs

    An honorable Guild, and one that LLL is proud to call Friend and Ally Gil_Manel
  15. Testing the water-

    An event that makes use of sound and/or music? You've piqued my interest....can and do use both.... Gil_Manel