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Posts posted by dejan

  1. I have hunted cyclops on Egratia few minutes ago, and the only other person i have seen on Egratia in last 1h before bagjump was the guy with name "timbo". I died because as usual i talked too much with my guildmates, and when I came back i found my DB with only lupine in it. I passed whole Egratia - noone was there.

    Conclusion is so simple - he took my stuff, and left. No other person was there 1h before the action, and certainly noone was there after. So I am 99% sure it was him who bagjumped.


    I can live without iron greaves and cuisses - this text is just to warn other players, when he is somewhere around, to be more carefull. Cheers!

  2. Vilken tur lilla jag har haft,

    jag känner mej så hedrad.

    Att få växa upp i ditt sköte

    e ett privilegium som få har haft,

    så tack mor & far.

    Tack mina lärare

    och tack alla vi,

    alla vi som har det så bra.


    Men Svärje, Svärje Fosterland,

    säj mej är det verkligen sant?


    Jag har fått lära mej

    att tacka för maten

    & ja har fått lära mej

    att jag mår bra, jag mår bra, jag mår bra.

    Och jag känner efter och försöker.

    Man får ju inte bli en sån där ni vet,

    en sån som står och hänger,

    en sån som står och glor.


    Men Svärje, Svärje...


    Jag har fått lära mej

    att aldrig ljuga om någonting,

    aldrig sno på varuhus,

    för du vet hur fel de e.

    Och käfta aldrig med äldre folk

    för du vet att dom alltid har rätt.

    Men konstigt nog mår jag dåligt i dag

    precis som jag gjorde i går.

  3. There are already TOO MANY (IMHO) PK places on EL, it should be reduced to just few, maybe even JUST TO TWO, one per each continent, and make them be near some storage, like KF is near to VOTD storage. That would make PKing much more interesting because everybody will gather on one place.


    Please note it would also ENCOURAGE guilds to announce total war to some other guilds.

  4. My first anniversary was somewhere in August 2006. I have played EL few times before that but only for a short time, because I was not satisfied with quality of the game... I will count August the 20th as my EL-start date because since than I was active EL player. :P




    (@desdamona Btw. Magners is far better than Scrumpy Jack!)

  5. Well, i was a victim of this too, as those two destroyed my stuff as well, but i did not have expensive stuff like some other fellows.


    I agree with masterpiter, but somehow i doubt even the old mufossa owner cares about what others do with his char.


    Yes, they have spoiled the fun during that day, but they also earned disrespect. Respect is something that one earns hard. They probably do not care about that either, so i guess it is pointless to tell anything to them.

  6. I do not think scafativ owe anything to gossip's users. gossip has never offered any security/ethical/anonimity assurance, so scafativ's hands are, from my point of view, clean whatever he did with his bot.


    I share concern for those who used the bot to send sensible information, but that is actually their problem - they put a lot of trust into something they should not.


    I have never used gossip for anything serious. EL protocol is clear-text protocol, no compression, no cyphering, so even if i trusted the bot i would never send any sensible information via it. I actually do not send such information via PM either - i use SILC, ICQ or MSN.
