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Everything posted by bluap

  1. Sorry, I have made the change you requested, just after you asked. I just forget to say. I'll be producing new builds in a day or two.
  2. I think we could probably do the alphabetizing within a category just with some code changes. Anything more complex would require additional "type" information along the lines we did for the extended item swap. The alphabetizing probably gets most of the way to sub-categories so "Ring of .." etc would be grouped just by having sorted items in the current categories. I did have a quick look when this first came up but I got distracted on other things. I'll pick it up again.
  3. Most of the data files in the source git repo are out of data and should probably be deleted to avoid confusion. The in use data files are stored elsewhere.
  4. There's a el.ini fil in to data files zip. That's the one you should use really. The one is dev-files is way old. You can also start the client form the directory you unziped the data into and the client will create a new el.ini.
  5. I've started a small modification to add an option to toggle the use of the keyboard to scale the windows. Should I disable the mouse+scrollwheel action with the option too? I've added an option on the Font tab, just above the scale options. It disables window scaling with the mouse or keys, you have to use the options instead.
  6. You could always redefine the keys for resizing. Current values: el_key_def K_WINSCALEUP = {SDLK_UP, KMOD_LCTRL, "#K_WINSCALEUP"}; el_key_def K_WINSCALEDOWN = {SDLK_DOWN, KMOD_LCTRL, "#K_WINSCALEDOWN"}; el_key_def K_WINSCALEDEF = {SDLK_HOME, KMOD_LCTRL, "#K_WINSCALEDEF"}; el_key_def K_WINSCALEINIT = {SDLK_END, KMOD_LCTRL, "#K_WINSCALEINIT"};
  7. I've added a " (read)" or " (unread)" tag to the description text you get when you hover the mouse over items that are books. You'll need a client built from latest source and an additional data file that provides the item to book mapping. I'll publish some new client builds tomorrow.
  8. That sounds quite hard and, as you mentioned, sort of doable with the item lists. Perhaps you should add this idea to the thread about storage categories.
  9. The data that drives the knowledge window has the information about whether you have read the book or not. However, the book names used in the knowledge list do not match the name of the item (as shown the in inventory and storage). For example, I have "Titanium Chainmail Torso Construction" in my storage, but the knowledge list calls this book "Titanium Chainmail Torso". These miss-matches are a mix of spelling typos, abbreviations, and alternative wording. I'll have a look at tidying this up to make it more consistent. We can perhaps them show if you've read a book in the text shown when hovering over a book. I think we could also improve the knowledge window a bit too. I'd like to have a simple type-text-to-filter-books-shown function for example.
  10. P8 crash

    If you still have the old el.ini and el.cfg files, any chance you could send them to me and possibly Ben for diagnostics? If so contact us via PM.
  11. login screen Question

    If you want to use the password manager. There is a setting in the options window at the top of the server tab. This will save your username and password.
  12. New client update available 1.9.5.p8

    I hope its OK, but I've moved the two suggestion for HUD and storage UI changes into new topics in the general suggestion area. On the 32-bit / 64-bit installation directory question, I've updated and uploaded new installer packages which now default to "program files x86" for 32 -bit, and "program files" for 64-bit when selecting to "install for all users".
  13. I've committed the change to git. It uses truncation but that's trivial to change.
  14. OK, I do option 3 and both "#q" and "#quantity", although I'll use the the translated string from inventory for the latter (case does not matter). One last question. If the calculation result is not an integer, should we use the truncated or rounded value.
  15. I've considered/tried three options. "#q <value>" sets the quantity to <value> and "#calc <calculation>" sets the quantity to the result of the calculation. "#q <value>" sets the quantity to <value> and "#q" sets the quantity to the last #calc result. "#q <calculation>" sets the quantity to the result of the specified calculation. Option 3 just uses the calculator so anything the calculator can do, can be used. You can just use "#q 42" if you wish. I like it because it is obvious and does not do perhaps unexpected things depending on your last #calc usage. Which version would you like implemented? Don't be biased by my preference. Also would you like "#q", "#quantity", both or something else.
  16. We could do as you suggest. Changing the maximum quantity for the buttons has the complexity that we'd have to do something about the size of the quantity boxes on the inventory window. Would an additional quantity box on the trade window help? It's also be possible change the quantity without using the quantity buttons. The new value lasts until you use one of the buttons. It would be easy to set the quantity from a calculation or a new #command. For example "#q <number>" which I've just tried in a crude way. The advantage is that you don't have to edit one of the quantity buttons. The item_quantity variable is a signed integer so the value can be up to 2,147,483,647. diff --git a/console.c b/console.c index 3cced335..d8088171 100755 --- a/console.c +++ b/console.c @@ -1590,6 +1590,14 @@ int command_keypress(char *text, int len) return 1; } +int command_quantity(char *text, int len) +{ + text = getparams(text); + if (*text) + item_quantity = atol(text); + return 1; +} + void save_local_data(void) { @@ -1788,6 +1796,7 @@ add_command("horse", &horse_cmd); add_command(cmd_relogin, &command_relogin); add_command(cmd_disconnect, &command_disconnect); add_command(cmd_disco, &command_disconnect); + add_command("q", &command_quantity); add_command("change_pass", &command_change_pass); command_buffer_offset = NULL; }
  17. Mercators El Time Widget (for Android)

    @vinoveritas Hi, is your time source still working OK? The URL has been down for me for a few days, its now back but I'm getting "Unexpected UTF-8 BOM" errors while trying to parse the JSON. Has something changed or am I doing it wrong? Also, https://holy-eternalland.de/eldata.php showing an error too: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
  18. The mac client uses the same code as Linux and Window. I also don't understand quite what you mean.
  19. New client update available 1.9.5.p8

    No deliberate reason. I had not noticed that, I usually install locally not "for all users". Its probably been like that since I started producing the Windows build using this installer last year. Looks like there's an option for the installer configuration settings that I've not set.
  20. Build links Linux dev builds for Flatpak, Snaps Deb are done or in progress. Linux 32-bit static Linux 64-bit static Windows 32-bit executable and DLL files zip archive Windows 64-bit executable and DLL files zip archive New Features Added specific scaling factor for most windows. Can be changed using in the font config window or ctrl+mouse wheel or ctrl+cursor keys. Also, reset to default or initial value using crtl+home and ctrl+end. Keys can be redefined in key.ini. Modified config window set-up to allow rescaling without restart, now you just need to close and reopen the window. New trouble shooting option to clear modifier keys when the window get focus. Added a button to items window to show/hide the text message panel - allowing a smaller window. If possible, when we swap an equipped item, move the removed item to the slot left by the replacement. Enhanced equipment swap function to swap equivalent items if the new item is clicked twice. Requires the item_extra_info.txt file to be placed in your data directory. Added id and image id to storage category print. Added #disconnect (or #disco) # commands to disconnect from the server. (Updated 2020/02/29 to include saving of local files). 2020/02/29: Try to keep movable windows, proportionally where they are when resizing the main window. The centre of the window is used as the anchor point. 2020/03/15: Added CTRL+U key bindng to open the summoning menu in addition to using the touch cursor on the summoned creature. 2020/03/22: The buttons and / or the equip grid of the inventory window can now be moved to the left of the window. Using options in the title bar right-click menu. 2020/03/22: Added a "Unequip all items" buttton "<", to the inventory window. 2020/03/22: Added a small dot to the show/hide message panel button "V", to show the colour of the last message when the panel is closed. 2020/03/23: Added popup window colours to those that can be redefined in named_colours.xml. Here's the new named_colours.xml containing the new defs. 2020/03/27: Enable auto equip when using the item keys. Bug Fixes Fixed scaling of spin widget arrows. Fixed use item keys so not limited by number or quickbar slots shown SDL2 Port: Prevent TAB key dangling from window system switching. SDL2 Port: Prevent MOD (Ctrl/Alt/Shift) keys from causing AFK to end. SDL2 Port: Fixed key definition of ITEM11 and SPELL11 to use SDLK_MINUS not SDLK_UNDERSCORE. SDL2 Port: Fixed not being able to define keypad keys using key.ini. Using the *Key Name* from SDL_GetKeyName() and keypad keys contain a space. To use these, replace the space with and underscore, for example *keypad_1*. 2020/03/08: Resolved issues with "Resync with server..." messages while minimised. 2020/03/08: Resolved issue restoring after minimised that caused fast animations for a while while the client caught up. 2020/03/08: Fix crash for special effects due to use after free when removing actors. 2020/03/15: Changed mix window tooltip for +10 to suggest ALT not CTRL as CTRL clashes with window scaling. 2020/03/15: Fixed issue where using the Touch cursor on a non-NPC could clear any open NCP dialogue. 2020/03/26: Remove white space from end of new map marks and saved map marks. This prevents confusion when trying to unmark. Map Editor Map Editor fixes and new windows build.
  21. This is indeed due to resizing the window (making it bigger in this case), then exiting while still resized. When you restart the client it starts with the window size you have set in options. I've considered modifying the window positions on exit, back to where there would be if you had resized to the windows size set in options. I think that would fix this.
  22. I was able to reproduce this, it looks to be only an issue on Ubuntu 18.04. It is due to an uncaught X11 error on that platform so will not effect Windows or MacOS, and apparently any other Linux. Anyhow, I've fixed it. If you do "sudo snap refresh" you should get the update (your system may have already updated). The client still shows 1.9.5p7 but the "snap list eternallands" should show 1.9.5p7-1.
  23. OK, I'll see what I can find. Do you know when this started happening? When you switched version for example? Did it work OK with the snap package for previous versions?
  24. Sorry, just to clarify. Do you still need to hold ctrl-U down while summoning for this to work? Or does it work as intended, that after the summons, you can press ctrl_U and type to open the menu while the creature is in view?
  25. Its possible that I could drastically simplify the code needed for summoning menu ctrl-U. I've asked Radu about it and will see what he says.