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Everything posted by caladina

  1. Photography stuff

  2. rig & reg : very rare harvest finds?

    harvest related, if its in the wrong place delete it or move it,
  3. As alot of suggestions for el are geared towards the fighting i thought maybe a very rare harvestable find could offer rigs or regs to people not built as fighters. yes i know alot of fighters have harvest alts including myself ( limited time these days i only play one char) but they would be as rare as nexus stones for instance.
  4. personally i dont see a problem with highlighting some of the obvious safe places like naralik house, i'd say no to buildings that are a walk away from stores like the crypt in zink, maybe some maps just not supposed to have safe places esp when you can hop on a boat to another map that being said there should be some learning in the game and that includes what is usually safe or not, as we begin el we are told IP and inside stores are safe, that alone should be enough.
  5. Photography stuff

    Jessica's two kittens born may 7th 2021 she had 5 in her, spot was the first to be born, she then had to be rushed to vet with a second breached, the third, blackie was born at home, the second two were never born and she had to have a c section removal all said we have two lovely kittens and mum is making a good recovery.
  6. Bot expiration

    Raised_by_bats paid may 6th 2021
  7. Orange Spam Off Command

    yes, the orange spam needs an off button in settings
  8. Traitors Row

    if the character is made rangable, that would add to the shame, knowing their once loved character is being used as target practice
  9. Map Editor - Video Tutorial Series

    been watching them, great posts Burn
  10. i thought the magical interference thing was to test the strength of the players monitor....................
  11. More Mini Bosses!

    great idea, love this too +1
  12. Photography stuff

  13. Photography stuff

    Just wondering if anyone else does photography on the forum / or interest in a photography section
  14. Photography stuff

    Treats for me? thank you... Can i steals them all please.......... yeah my axle stands are that big!
  15. Saw this thought it might be of interest to some of you / Radu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgk6xlFw-Go
  16. End of summer sale

    Radu are you doing a christmas sale / bundle ?
  17. Gatherer Perk

    an option on a gathering perk/medal i'd like is a ranging one,
  18. Sslessar red

    Sslessar Red version, does 200 poison damage, unlike the current poisons this one acts like the heat/cold damage as a constant subtraction of health points at a fast rate, so if hit with this poison you start loosing health points quite rapidly until the count of 200 is done. Depending how mods would want to use this creature as an invasion tool, we could have a higher damage amount with no option for the antidote to work so it would be restore only to save your hp till the counter runs out, being quite rapid it would be quicker than the normal poison counter but added to a multi invasion, something to watch out for.
  19. el bot site quicker link

    http://bots.el-services.net/search.php i found it quicker to get into the search page directly as the main page seems quite slow atm credit to Kaelfury for pointing it out to me
  20. Afk mastery quest

    sounds like a good idea, as you say those sets not used and it would be more break fun +1
  21. Child of stars perk / Astro broken?

    without seeing the astro codes, to which i think its better if we don't because there has to be some mystery involved, even if it is el logic, there could be individual high points in the astrology based on when a player is created, there seems to be several bands a player falls into and stays there like two of mine always have opposite astro. there may be day and month high points that alter the predictable point of the astro bar itself or maybe its just alot simpler than that and i'm over thinking it.
  22. An old post, but i'd like to see more quests added to the mule daily From Tatu which is one option, it would be nice to se a ranging reward from tatu, a delivery of ranging stuff somewhere is one option. Another mule idea would be for a mule fight quest, maybe from an existing a/d giver like Haidir, Novac, whimmp side mission " i need you to go under cover as a mule or phoenix to kill ........"
  23. Bluap is it possible to make it so players could choose to highlight individual storage items a selection of colours so they can make thier own groups up, ie highlight red around all the vegetal flowers and another colour for mixture of power, or same with quest books for gerund etc. addition to that would be like the book filter that dims out those not in the filter text, ie: red would dim all those colours not red this would be a nice way for a quick check on storage stuff. yes i'm aware you can put 1 each of the flowers / books into a item list and name it vegetal collection/quest books too. just thinking aloud, as always
  24. Better pathfinding/Control

    i always thought auto walk should follow the pathways in game, ie walk along the twisty roads that way giving players not afk walking the quicker advantage