For the Ubuntu distributions you need to install a few packages before fetching the code and building it. This procedure has been tested on a clean live-cd version of Ubuntu 11.10. First open the software-sources application and make sure the line "Community-maintained Open Source Software (Universe)" is ticked. Then install the required packages (several additional packages will get included as dependencies).   For the current official client. [paul@hagrid ~]$ sudo apt-get update [paul@hagrid ~]$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git libcal3d12-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libxml2-dev libopenal-dev libvorbis-dev For the Opengl2 testing client, in addition to those above. [paul@hagrid ~]$ sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-dev libfreetype6-dev libglew1.6-dev libglm-dev