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Guest Ancient EL Player

Some bugs/game problems

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Guest Ancient EL Player

First, I want to excuse about my not very good english. But I hope it's clearly what I mean.

Very long not played EL. Find some new bugs/game problems. Sorry if about this problems were writen about, but I have no time for searching things like this. But I though that I need/must to tell about such things to help so lovely old game to me (now it's not old, and It's very sad to me... it is not so beautiful old kind EL that I knew long time ago... Already a different game I can tell like ancient player (2003 year...))

So... here it goes.


1) Can't change #data_dir

It's simply do not change. Nor in ini nor in game client. It always put self by default "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\Eternal Lands"

Btw why u done such silly thing? Earlier all game with it options was in game directory. And it was perfec and great. Why it was need to create/move it on C:/ ? It's very very bad and ugly.

2) Now it's new "login_back.bmp" in "x:\Eternal Lands\textures"... But! It doesn't work in 1.9.2 now with us. 1.9.0 was normal about that. But now we see only white screen when starting the game client. It's when it's loading. And white screen when "Login" menu.


Many other bugs and silly things in new game... What have you done to such great game, men?! Wanna sob very loudly =((( Such slendid game transmuted into bullshit with 'nice' graphics... Give it back, return old good kind EL! =)))


However that may be, good luck to you, developers. You created such great game and you at the same time kill (killed) it.

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Btw why u done such silly thing? Earlier all game with it options was in game directory. And it was perfec and great. Why it was need to create/move it on C:/ ? It's very very bad and ugly.

It's not bad and ugly at all. It's the way things should be (especially for systems with multiple users who have different accounts).

Microsoft should never have promoted the idea and made OS'es oriented around the user being always logged in as Administrator and having write access to all areas of the file system. It's a big part of why Windows has historically been so susceptible to viruses and is generally a bad idea for non-technical users.


Microsoft have finally acknowledged that mistake and changed the way they do things.


2) Now it's new "login_back.bmp" in "x:\Eternal Lands\textures"... But! It doesn't work in 1.9.2 now with us. 1.9.0 was normal about that. But now we see only white screen when starting the game client. It's when it's loading. And white screen when "Login" menu.


Many other bugs and silly things in new game... What have you done to such great game, men?! Wanna sob very loudly =((( Such slendid game transmuted into bullshit with 'nice' graphics... Give it back, return old good kind EL! =)))


However that may be, good luck to you, developers. You created such great game and you at the same time kill (killed) it.

  • Uninstall EL.
  • Manually check that the EL system data directory (usually C:\Program Files\Eternal Lands) has been removed, if it hasn't, delete it yourself.
  • Clean install EL 1.9.2

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Main thing that you can not change it. That is the problem. The rest is not so important our 'imhos'.

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I put in el.ini #data_dir = "D:/Eternal Lands/" or #data_dir = "D:\Eternal Lands\" but it not works. It puts "./" every time backwrds (it means default "C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Eternal Lands". And if we do it in client we see the same picture. I tried all kinds but it didn't work. Can't to recast #data_dir.


And about white screen... so, but problem in the code. And I want to fix it manually. Why I need to reinstall it? I don't want to. - It's not right (correct) decicion of this fix bug imho. It is need to be done that if you install new client all must work fine.

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Man, you think all people so stupid? Yes, they are. But not all and not in every question. Of course I tried necessary one. and what is more both of them. If I didn't done that - for what I'm wrote all that? So of coz I tested it. It does not work really. What's about you? You have correct work and you can change this dir?

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1. Somebody is taking the time to read and analyze your information and trying to help you.

2. You'd be amazed at how many people, and smart ones at that, get all the complicated stuff right and overlook an obvious basic detail because they are focused on the messy stuff.

Just double check what you're being asked and answer without the attitude.


Out of curiosity, what was your old character name? And welcome back. :)

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Man, you think all people so stupid? Yes, they are. But not all and not in every question. Of course I tried necessary one. and what is more both of them. If I didn't done that - for what I'm wrote all that? So of coz I tested it. It does not work really. What's about you? You have correct work and you can change this dir?

In my post #4, i asked a question, you never answered it, don't be surprised it gets asked again.


...and yes, it works fine for me.


Some of what you say seems extremely odd, like:

1) Can't change #data_dir

It's simply do not change. Nor in ini nor in game client. It always put self by default "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\Eternal Lands"

See, if that is truly the case, and the client still works, then that means you have the actual EL data in "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\Eternal Lands", which unless you specifically decided to place it there, it wouldn't be.


Perhaps you are confusing the function of #data_dir?

[03:19:16] The location of the data files in use is /opt/el_linux/

[03:19:16] Your personal settings and logs will be saved in /home/korrode/.elc/main/

#data_dir only affects the "location of the data files", it does not affect the place "Your personal settings and logs will be saved", because by design that location must be an area where the logged in user will definitely have write access, so it uses the logged in user's 'My Documents' and you cannot change it.


You can, however, change the location of your entire My Documents folder by right-clicking My Documents and going to properties.

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Guest Ancient EL Player

Salutations, Aislinn. It is pleasure to meet 'old' faces. How are you?

Yes, it is nice that on forum people still talk with dignity. But, friend, trying to help me? Sorry for maybe rough messages, but I want to be straightforward (straight and honest) to myself and to you. And maybe they are rough more because of my english. Lyrical digression... So, I really don't need help. As a matter of fact I wanted to help you and I wrote it. I'm having vacation from work and have some free time at last, so I don't know why, but I remembered about this wonderful game and thought "how lives this splendid game?"... and I'm here. I thought that I'm the one who is trying to help you to fix some things that don't work correctly by the writing it. How you said "Read and analyze". Yes, read analyze messages about bugs/problems and fix them, yes. It's really good and that's right. And I suspect that this is in your interest (like administrator). If you don't need it too and have no intererest in fixing this and I'm not right and you don't want to know about some problems that people could have with game, so, I'm very sorry for taking away both yours and mine pricelessly time. Honestly, I thought I will type only first message from quick hand just to inform about "topic name" and then will not answer. But it appeared that appeared.

About second you are completely right I think. Often we can't see small things (some details) and having problems because of that.

So checked and it has no repetition? I'm glad that it's so. Then it has some sense and it's not pointless.

At last, I understand probably it means nothing to you and so on what I want to say next... but I will say anyway. It's good that you wrote here and I will know that someone from the old team will read this point of view. It is already is pleasant to me. It's about different games named "Eternal Lands". One that I knew sometime long time ago in far, far galaxy and game with same name now in present. That it's like I see different game in front of me. It looks quite similar, but it's not those game that I knew once upon many years in the past. Those old game was best and better than 'this', so lovely. Or maybe just years goes, we grow, but memory and nostalgia still lives in our hearts. I really don't know, maybe it's so. I hope so. Hope it is not your 'fault' that you drive game in wrong direction how it seems to me. Those wonderful lovely game that I knew had raisin, had singularity, it had even soul. Now it does not have it. Of course it is just my opinion. But I think many of 'ancient EL people' will agree, maybe even you yourselfs (all who take participation in creating and adding something in game)... I thank you that you welcomed me, but how I said I can't see old lovely game to me and I'm in pity and will not play. Maybe will be enter sometimes and see how it's going one or some times per year (or something like this)... I really don't know. Btw now I just virtually copletely don't play games generally =) And because of all that what I wrote over it is not important what my nick was. In that Time 2003-2004 if you remember all were knew each other, roughly speaking. It was like a small village. And it was like perfect marvelously. Of course you can try to look by IP, but in so many years it changes not one time =) And I don't think that so ancient logs are kept so far =) Realy doesn't matter. Just kind kidding. And there is no need, believe me. Let's say just my name was 'nobody' or 'incognito'. It will be fine.


Korrode, I'm sorry good man, but I tried to answer your post #4 question in post #7. I told that I tried both el.ini's. In "My documents" and in "dir with client" and even some more (haha). Maybe I did it bad and not clearly to you, because at one point didn't understand question clearly, and another because of my not perfect english =) But now I think we understand each other?


Perhaps you are confusing the function of #data_dir?




[03:19:16] The location of the data files in use is /opt/el_linux/

[03:19:16] Your personal settings and logs will be saved in /home/korrode/.elc/main/


#data_dir only affects the "location of the data files", it does not affect the place "Your personal settings and logs will be saved", because by design that location must be an area where the logged in user will definitely have write access, so it uses the logged in user's 'My Documents' and you cannot change it.


You can, however, change the location of your entire My Documents folder by right-clicking My Documents and going to properties.

If I undertand you right (I'm not sure really :)) then I think we found a problem. Probably I "confusing the function of #data_dir" in your words. But wait, if "personal settings and logs" are not "data files" then what are these "data files"? For what specifically files this option needs? And what specifically files are these "data files"? And again BUT. This isn't a solution of a problem. I can't change dir so far. It automatically drops in "./" (default).

P.S. And if so, it is need (imho) to make an option for OC administrators and those who have liberties then. Just for me it annoys me that it saves in this default user folder on c:/ in my documents. You think so many people play EL without liberties on different users? I really don't think so. But not sure about that.

P.P.S. I'm again very sorry for my not very good english/for mistakes and misprints! For long time has almost no practice at all. I hope it's clearly what I typing and mean.

I wish you best regards from pure heart, EL developers and players! Even if it some different game to me now, but it is grandchild of the same ancient spirit if we can say so. Success to you and good luck!

With respect, "Ancient EL Player".

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I cant read this whole post, but as far as I understand you are complaining about something that is a windows 'feature', not something unique to EL, so dont expect the people here to fix it.

The data dir contains the game data, like textures, sounds. maps etc. These areas the game just needs to read.

The personal data is in your 'my documents directory', if you dont like that, complain to Bill Gates.

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