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Attack of Oportunity

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i thought about an idea to implement attacks of opportunity (for both monsters and players)...


What is an AoP: Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free.


What actions could provoke AoP:

1.) drinking a potion

2.) casting a spell

3.) changing equipment


How would it work:

If you fight with someone and your enemy makes an action that provokes AoP, a number of attacks of opportunity is computed:

num_of_AoP = your_dexterity / enemy_reaction

Example: if your dexterity is 10 and your opponents reaction is 4 and he provokes AoP, you get 2 attacks of opportunity (maybe it could be adjusted with some random chance)


If num_of_AoP is greater then 0, you can try to score num_of_AoP hits, which will not count your opponents defense level, so basically you have a big chance to score a very good hit.


Of course if you fight with multiple opponents at once and provoke AoP, all your opponents get AoP against you what can be quite deadly for you :whistle:

But this could bring some more strategies to battlefields...


PS: i am not a fighter, so i can't think of ways how to misuse or abuse it. Also the formulas are just for illustration.

PS2: this would also affect monsters :)

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there is already ingame, it's called a citical hit.

Critical hit is definitely not what this suggestion is about.

I think it is basically a critical hit. It sounds like you're suggesting new conditions that would increase the chance of such.


Sounds like a good idea to me, I've always thought that sitting should cause you more damage (etc...) Perhaps back attacks too, as well as the things you suggested... It might also depend on the type of attack against you, a melee attack on a sitting person seems like it'd be more devastating vs. a magic attack (I don't think the magic attack would be much different, eh?)

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there is already ingame, it's called a citical hit.


The way I understand it, critical hits are inflicted by attacker and his critical to hit modifier, while these would have been provoked by the defendant's action, thus making them controllable/predictable for defendant, while critical hits are mere chance of scoring such hit.


All in all, it's an interesting idea.

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I like the idea that you get disadvantage when casting spells,using something or trying to flee,but I think it might be easier to make it that when you do some of these,you skip one your attack (as it already is with flees)


btw:Attack of Opportunity should be AoO shouldn't it?

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there is already ingame, it's called a citical hit.


The way I understand it, critical hits are inflicted by attacker and his critical to hit modifier, while these would have been provoked by the defendant's action, thus making them controllable/predictable for defendant, while critical hits are mere chance of scoring such hit.


All in all, it's an interesting idea.

so the weaker player will be even weaker because the attacker will have high chance to critical + high chance to land an atack of opportunity ? hehe i think it would be too unbalanced

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TK makes a good point, but it would also make ganging more effective (a good thing imo, with EL as it is currently).


My understanding of the original suggestion is that it gives u X amount of additional attack rolls before your opponent gets to next have an attack roll.


It's an interesting idea, but another possibility would be to rather than giving additional attack rolls, your crit-hit and crit-dmg chances when you do AoO could get an increase based on yours VS opponents stats (as described)... which is what people seem to think you meant.


...but back to TK's point being a good one; the times when AoO could happen (in either form) would need to be VERY carefully chosen. Making it say; all spell casts and all item usages, would only serve to give much stronger opponents who dont need to heal themselves as much and use potions as rapidly an even bigger advantage.


With the creature AI in EL as it is atm, these AoO suggestions would only make the creatures harder and never provide a benefit for players, as creatures dont do anything other than simply perform combat rolls, nothing that would provoke AoO against them.

Edited by Korrode

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With the creature AI in EL as it is atm, these AoO suggestions would only make the creatures harder and never provide a benefit for players, as creatures dont do anything other than simply perform combat rolls, nothing that would provoke AoO against them.

What if you're invis and the creature doesn't see you sneaking up behind him for a back attack? Seems like you'd get AoO against them then...

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true; first out-of-invis attack (just like 'sneak attack' in many other games :lipssealed: )... cant really think of any other times tho.

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