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Quest Log Question

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I searched for this question in the forums and I haven't seen any other people asking this.


I was wondering that if you edit your Quest Log to make it more "user-friendly" for yourself - would the Quest Log continue to record text? What I did was that I would ENTER spaces between each of my Quest and then put in CAPITAL LETTERS the Name of each quest(I made up the names). I did this so I can differentiate which quests are which and so I can read them more easily.


My question is that if I did this editing in my quest log, would my Quest Log continue to record text? And lets say I talked to NPCs and did QUEST A, QUEST B, and QUEST C.. and I finished a part of QUEST B and had to do another part.. would the text automatically go BETWEEN QUEST A and QUEST C or would it just be added in the back?



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I suspect it is best to not edit the quest log while EL is running.

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