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Playing EL...then suddenly my computer Shuts down!

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Yeah this happens.


I play EL on two different computers.

1 with 56k ATI Radeon 9200

and another with NVIDA (sp?) GeForce FX 5200 (I think). This is one a broadband connection


BOTH crash the hell out of my computer. They are identical except for graphics cards and internet connection.


The one on 56k ATI... just shuts down my computer without any warning at all. And play is usually very glitchy.


The other one tells me that I have performed an Illegal Operation and before I can quit, it freezes and I have to use the power button on my computer to shut down.


In both cases, as in every case where the game crashes it is very frustrating. At least I can be eaten by Grues on Non PK maps. I would dread to think what would happen if I was a PK map. Even more frustrating when I am talking about football stuff only to be crashed.


I only wanna solve these two problems. I have recently installed the very latest of drivers for the NVIDA graphics card but I have yet to test it out.


Is there anything I should know about EL? Does it crash when used in conjunction with any other programs? If so tell me here.


I will tell you if EL still crashes with those new drivers for my NVIDA ones, but until then there is the problem with the ATI machine :D


Any help will be fantastico!

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To be honest I thought by downloading the latest drivers, that the 'NVIDIA problem' would be sorted but my computer crashed again just now by me obliviously performing an 'Illegal Operation'.


I don't think that downloading older drivers is good for my other games so I don't really want to take that step back into history. I am optimistic that you will be able to solve the problem with EL + NVIDIA so that it can be upto date with respect to the drivers.


With the ATI one I will try downloading the latest drivers for that and try out EL (this happens on the weekend). I am not really too fussed about this one since it is the one with 56k connection. However, I am curious as to whether there are other people with this set up who gets the same problem as I did.


For your information, I am using Windows 2000 on both machines.


Oh well I am off the be eaten by Grues (whatever they are)

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