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Option for Disable Drop All

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Not all of them, its only a few that really cause more problems than they are worth. For example the mix button, if you are mixing a lot of things it tends to get a lot easier on your hands to use the scroll button instead of clicking each time, cast also works nicely for some of the people that don't use the quickbar. This is the only one that really needs to be remove right now, imo.

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Would be nice (and would prevent problems such as this) to remove the ability to activate GUI items using the scroll wheel.
well... I was going to do just that. but I was told some people use the scrolling for stuff like manu

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since roja wants to keep the button:

I like it, please keep it.
I've disabled anything but a left-click on that button (and only that button)

I would've made it only accept left-click for any click action on any widget, but I was told there's reason for scroll to work on others

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I use the button on ocassion, and on these ocassions I have been thankful that there is such a button.

Ocassion a: Muling lots of stuff for an alchemy event. You run dozens of times and just "drop all" into the bag at the mining spot. It comes down to bag trading with all pro's and cons, but it's a lot faster and more convenient, so if noone is around, why not?


Ocassion b: While training at a spawn, the mate next to me dies. I sit his bag with weapon, armor and MM in, and he returns and says he can't get to his bag because he has no MM, armor and weapon, and I can't move it because I can't carry all of his stuff AND mine. Classical deadlock, which I solved by stepping of, dropping all my stuff, getting all his stuff, moving it out, dropping all in front of his feet, get in and get my stuff. Dangerous, but I didn't come up with a smarter solution for this.


I once heard of a programm where you actually had to enter the string "I accept the risk" to enable a certain function. Maybe a small popup would be OK because you need the button really rarely, but I would be strongly against dropping the button completely. Well, taking the scroll event off might already set the prosperous at ease, and I can't see any reason how this could be helpful on the drop all button, so let's just wait and see what happens. ;)




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What about a second button.


You click drop all. Then a new window opens up where you have to click "Accept". Like double confirmation.

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Sometimes I accidently scroll over the drop all button, and if you move off that bag it can suck. I would like an option to disable button, I rarely use it and it is just an inconvience


He said it's an option. How about there is a disable feature (like he said) and if you turn it on you get a second box that says "Are you sure you would like to drop these items" that way everyone is happy :P

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