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Why do we all hate him? If ya do...

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I read a thread earlier, about the Michael Jackson Scandal thing, and for one thing I'd like to say he is probably guilty. Not that I hate him or anything because of that stupid frickin "ghettoized" rumor that he "Just wants to be a white man." Well he might be guilty, dunno, sleeping with children who are not related to you seems suspicious don't you think? But also in conjunction with his latest album to stop his income.


The main reason I started this is to gain some opinion on why nearly half the country hates Bush as well as much of the UK. I think he is doing the right thing by stopping Saddamn here and now. The UK had the chance to do so before and did they? No.

So many times did the US have a chance to stop Saddamn too. After all, have you forgotten the time he captured US SEALS and held other Americans hostage? Desert Storm? I mean he obviously isn't one to seek peaceful diplomacy. He didn't allow UN inspectors to fully seach his bases and bunkers and come on, HE MUST HAVE LIKE A HUNDRED HIDDEN FACILITIES- he is not gonna tell us.

If we let him continue his reign of tyranny over the people of Iraq, he might have finished producing his chemical weapons, he would have still funded Terrorists (He of course hates us Americans and all we stand for), and acquire nuclear weapons. If he did he could easily take over surrounding countries and/or force and threaten larger countries like the US, Russia, UK to surrender to his demands.

There was no other way. If there was we wouldn't have to fight, Saddamn wast he one who bombed a US bunker before the war!

Thank god Gore didn't win, if he did we'd all be living under the fear of being A-Bombed by Saddamn everyday and paying him under the table money to leave us alone.


Think of it like this. Hitler tried to take over and gain power (except with the extra evil and without terrorism), we stopped him in a bloody world war. He tried again, how stupid is that? (WW2 for those of you who don't know.) Saddamn is like Hitler, we stopped him in Desert Storm, now he wants to try again? Then the US must stop him. And if the UK is too damn bent on peaceful solutions which can't be achieved then forget them. That's the problem with people like that, they don't care for any problem unless it affects them. -- Boom, 3000 people die. Did you give a F***? Probably not if you didn't have any relatives there. Bang, robber shoots your brother/sister/mother/father doesn't matter, believe me you're going to tear the country a new one to have justice prevail.


So that's all I have to say, politics gets me tense a bit--



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OMFG, Saddam dared to capture the holly US soldiers, that invaded HIS coutnry, what a big crime! I am sure that USA frees all the attackers, imediately. Especially the 'terrorists'.

I hate Bush, because he is far worse and dangerous than Hittler. If there will be a WW3, it will be Bush (or USA) who will start it.

USA had NO LEGAL RIGHT to attack a SOVEREIGN country. Even a Pentagon high rank official admited that what USA did was illegal. Where are the WMDs? In USA, of course. USA develops biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, and they said they won;t hesitate to deploy them, if needed. USA has the capabilities to deploy those weapons on other continents, with their long range bombers, missiles, submarines and war ships.

USA and Israel are labeled by UN as the biggest terrorist states. Iraq didn't do much bad things, in the last 10 years, while USA and Israel violated lots of UN resolutions, and USA Vetoed many, many good UN resolutions.

That's why people hate Bush that's why everyoen hates USA. Duh!

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I know Ent, the US did make a few bad decisions. But you can't blame Bush for all of it. He's doing his best to pull our failing economy out of the fire. World War is not going to start, and guess what? Who pulled the final length to win the world wars? The US. Always the US. The US keeps the peace because the UN is too busy worrying about domestic violence and wether to outlaw spitting on sidewalks to care what Saddamn is contemplating about his WMDs. (Weapons of Mass Destruction right?) YEs, the US can pretty much destroy almost any enemy weapon placement or bunker. We do have Naval subs and Carriers everywhere. And guess why? If we even let one place out of sight someone is going to shoot us with a missile. And besides what makes you think other countries don't have the same thing we do?

Oh, and why don't we just destroy it whatever enemy emplacment we want to or have to? Because Bush has to go through a lot of bullsh*t paperwork just to let one missile be shot. What? Do you people WANT Saddamn to live all happy dancing with his weapons? Besides you may not have seen it much, but even women, and some children have been seen carrying and supplying Saddamn's regime as well as engaging guerilla warfare. Lemme relate this to the Vietnam War.

---Vietnam War, not enough soldiers, so the US has to send in Green Troops to protect the South Vietnamese and they own ports and areas. Guess what? We end up having a whole bunch of soldiers dying because of children with dynomites strapped to them running into US troops. What are you going to do? Shoot them? Very hard to do if you're human. Women who hold guns and capture soldiers themselves. We can't hurt them. Ya know why? Because of Democratic Hippies who believe peace is always the solution. So let's let all the South Vietnamese die without our help. No, we can't- NVGuerillas dressed as ordinary citizens, can't tell if they are bad or not. You walk right by them and get a knife or several rounds in your back. And we can't even seach them because of masses of paperwork to do so. And they don't have the time in the field. WHO IS TO SAY THE US SOLDIERS ARE BABY KILLERS AND DESTROYERS OF LIFE?! THEY ARE THE ONES SKEWERING BABIES ON BAYONETS AND RAPING AND TORTURING INNOCENT CIVILIANS. IF THAT'S THE WAY YOU APPRECIATE THE US THEN GO THERE. (If I had the choice I would have dumped every hippie democrat who smashed on the US troops on a copter and dropped them into the jungle of North Vietnam during the war, bloody as hell and let them be driven out of their minds seeing babies in pikes and little hands with grenades in their face.)---


I have lost a grandfather I never knew to the Vietnam War, my stepgrandfather who was a verteran there, and my grandmother's friend who was there too. They can tell you how dangerous and harrowing it is to not know your enemy.


I'm sure it's just as bad in Iraq now. There are Guerillas, car bombings and such. If they lack the will to fight fairly, then the US has to do what it has to do. I greatly respect your opinion Ent, and every other person who opposes the war. But you cannot make decisions based on your lack of the knowledge and facts. I've been told that I was saying this because I was a violent person who would screw the rest for the common goal, but guess what? Do you want the rest of the innocent to die rather than soldiers who choose to do so, probably because they know they have to do so. I don't like war, never wanted to be a part of it or want anyone to be a part of it. And to your remark on Desert Storm, the US were investigating Saddamn. We didn't invade.


Hope ya don't hate me for going crazy on this. I'm a silent patriot unless provoked. :wink:


Oh and I know nothing about Isreal.

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I do not want to talk about this subject anymore. Go vote the shrub, and, well, I hope there is a hell out there, where he, and those who suport him go.

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Hay Gate Keeper Osama walks into a psychic's store. He asks her to tell him his future. She tells him he will die on a holiday. Osama then looks at her funny and asks "what holiday?"

Then she replies "any day you will die will be a holiday mothafucka!!!"

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So saddam would magically get trillions of dollars and rule the world right?I'm sorry but there is NO proof any of that shit you said was true, if he was a threat and worked with terrorist he would already have UBER weapons of mass destruction and we would already be his bitches. Your just a dumbass that thinks war is cool and tries to justify it. Did you know That pretty much all the wars america has been in since WWII have had no real reasoning to. Vietnam was pointless we lied about some ship blowinbg up that we later found out didn't happen. I can't beleive the dumbasses in this country. I'm Moving tp Donkey Kong Land!

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:P:D:P *Applauds Ent's post agaisnt Bush for hours on end*


Wish I had a way with words like you do, Ent...I agree with you. Personally...as for these so called weapons of mass destruction...


:? B/S.


Lets just say when they find them, all they'll find is a slingshot, a club, and some pea shooters. Dang Iraqis! Let's kill them all anyway, not like they'll ever live to make a difference in the world!


And Nitrix...the U.S. did invade Iraq. Invasion = Go on in, and get approval from Congress. Investigation = be secretive. Now tell me how secretive is running in blasting everything...what, is Bush supposing that Saddam is just gonna pop out with his white flag a wavin' sayin "I surrender!" FAT CHANCE. He's gonna run to Osama's little french cafe in Paris and become a cross-dresser (political cartoon, long story). I feel sorry for the soldiers. It's like (sorry to use this as an example) when Ent told Pyderz and me to ban nearly everyone from the newbie channel. We didn't want to refuse, because that's...just...like spitting in an ogre's face. You don't refuse god. So we went about our business, I hating it. This is what it must be like for the soldiers...no matter how much courage. I hate war. It's just a twisted :twisted: sense of sorting out matters. VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER. EVERY SINGLE WAR could have been solved without violence. Well...Hitler was pretty wacked...but oh well. I think I covered all the issues, maybe I didn't convey them in the form that I would have preferred, but I'm a bit short on time here and I had to get this out.


:twisted: Hmm...twisted...reminds me of good old Georgie Poo...


...I think I'll join you on that trip to DK Land, Killerlamb :)

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On a lighter note,Nitrix did you say that hitler caused the first and second world wars. Cos' erm.. he didn't cause the first one. :)

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Because you missed the point of this thread, and posted a page full of flames, and indirect personal attacks.

In case you didn't realise, this is not about USA Vs. Romania, this is about George W Bush Junior. If you want to make a nasty post about Romania, post it on the flames forum.

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Oh yea and good point about Saddam holding the "holly" not quite sure what that means but.... marines in "HIS" country.....lol HIS country shouldnt it be the iraq's country i mean when ppl say USA the dont say BUSH's country...i think someone is lining themselves up for dictatorship i can see it now....Romania changed to EL.. Also known as Entropy's country lol ahh gotta love the closed mindedness of it all ;)




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Oh god give me a break half of these are about michael jackson and they' are still here, i was simply making a point.... and trying to help ppl visualize it....lol its funny when your talkin shit about other ppl leaders/country but when someone tries to prove the point back its an "Attack" hmmm anyways GOOOOO BUSH....lol. As to your point of Bush being far more dangerous than Hitler... why dont you ask all the Jewish amercans who they would rather have as thier leader good lord, are you crazy how can you even compare the two, its sad actually.


lol number of post on topic in this thread is about 3 but then again i make whole comparaitve about the thread and it gets deleted nice moderating job anyways more of the same bullshit different day...





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Do you know ANYTHING about Romania? Do you know when was the last time Romania attacked a sovereign country? The name of Romania's president? (without looking on google) Can you even point where Romania is on a physical map? Did you live there?

I am talking shit about Bush because I happen to live in the US, and I know what he does with my tax money. I have an educated oppinion about USA, while you don't, regarding Romania. I said facts, what you said were flames, meant to piss me off.

If you post nasty facts about Romania, fine but this "go to your 3rd world country omfg i will be waiting at the airport lolmao!" shit is not acceptable.

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LOL this is Bush jr thread not For the love of Romania...j/k you take the post to seriously but now you know how it feels....my bad seein as you are a whitehouse aid and know exactly what money gets spent where and you are the one that handles all that i take my former statements back. How long have you lived here anyways i jsut want to see how educated about the US you are...btw without looking what was the last Thing your country did that was considered to be a help...for instance you say we attack soverign countries well what was the last thing your country did good bad or otherwise ive been looking but cant seem to find a war yall helped either be it by aid after the war or during or trying to keep peace talks your right i dont know anything about Romania most of that post was sarcasm and jest...My point was if you are so unhappy with the government why are you here, why do you pay those taxes to help us take over the world why arnt you in your country paying taxes to your own ppl to help them instead of whining about my country that i love and my leader that i happen to like Bush jr. No one seems to remember the billions bush sent to bosnia to help there country in crisis or billions we send to help isreal with its conflicts...NO its all Bush is tyrant trying to take over the world cause of Oil...give me a break its old. Anyways since

this is my homeland i take offence to ppl who just consider this a place to "earn money" rather then a country that cares for its ppl. Like i said if things are so bleak and we are taking so much of your hard earned money and doing for something we voted a man in office to which is "protect our country among other things". why do you stay here. Is it cause you make good money here or what....





P.S. you know why knowone but Romanians no the name of thier president...its cause your country never participates in anything good or bad....Omg i just did a little reading on your history...and now i see why you hate us so much we gave yall a bunch of money in 1970 to help your economic situation and your "Communist Government" wasted it and had your ppl work very hard to pay us back with no gain. Hardly our fault but i can see why you would say "everyone hates the US"

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<sarcasm>I thought that USA was a democratic country, where everyone can freely express their view about the government.</sarcasm>

Do you have any problem with me wanting to change the US government instead of going back?

FYI, Romania constantly sends peace keeping troups in various places, such as Bosnia, Afganistan, etc.

FYI, since I came in the US, I got only about 700 USD, money I could have made in Romania in 2-3 months (of course, in Romania you can do more with 700 USD the you can do in US, since food, rent, etc. is about 3 times cheaper).

Anyway, I am deviating from the subject. Can you please tell me when was the last time USA helped, out of sheer altruism, a country?

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First off you not trying to change anything your bitching about it....you havnt said one thing about trying to change this country for better all your posts are demeanig of the US. I believe the Us sent millions and millions to help in bosnia for there strife.... without sending one offensive unit over there same for Isreal and where you getting all these facts, are you on a different internet then me ilooked all thru the UN for there TOP ten Terrorist countries and i dont see anything about it all they have is a list of the most dangerous organizations and of that there is one in america the very last one. As to you point of only making 700 usd how long have you lived here? i make 700 usd in two weeks easily with no overtime...and i sell old ppl motorized scooters to get around on. Plz dont tell me you 've only live here like a month or im gonna scream cause if you have you have no right to say your making an educated statement about our country thats just as bad as me talking about Romania. By no means is our country the idle for all others to follow but we have a strong since of pride and fellowship or atleast all the americans i know do...but maybe its different where you live. If you wouldve posted saying "I dont like bush cause of this this and this....and i think he couldve done so and so differently i would have no problems at all but you didnt you automatically started talkin shit about him...actually if you look back you didnt even stay on topic with your first post you didnt even mention Bush your whole post is about the USA......SO in your own words "MOVE IT TO THE FLAME SECTION" about how USA sucks!!!! I mean come on there is one line about Bush in the whole thing and you compare him to a person who killed thousands cause they werent like him...And if Bush is doing such a bad thing why are the ppl of Iraq cheering our soldiers....now dont flame me about the Saddam supporters who are getting paid in land and money to fight for him....but i guess all that i see on CNN is prolly made up by ole GB himself to make himself look better. lol as to your sacasm/fredom of speech nonsense when did i ever say that it was illegal to have this conversasion your the one deleting posts about it ;)



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ENTROPY: "I am talking shit about Bush because I happen to live in the US, and I know what he does with my tax money"


lol hmm how much taxes can you possibly take on 700 dollars




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You'd be amazed how many bullets you can buy with ~70 USD.

Anyway, like I said in my second post here, I am not going to continue this conversation. It's totally pointless.

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:) But Entropy, that's what you posted earlier, but you're still responding. I know I offended you through this post and many other people, but I'd just like to say there are many views on this. If you hate Bush, well fine, I can't change your mind. If you do like Bush then, hey good for you- I agree with ya. And about Romania, they do send troops to help the US, so I wouldn't flame them. Plus I also want to say that all of you greedy Americans (greedy Americans used as a group, not as all Americans) can thank useless laws that waste our money. If anything Bush has given more back to the country. To get a jumpstart on the economy, you have to give the people money and they spend it and economy get better- yay. Remember Reagan.

Entropy: Yeah you can get quite a few bullets for an M-16, the M-16A2 itself is only about 586 USD if you look for it. Hell you can buy a tank if you look hard enough for it. And its because Americans, are greedy. Very few of them. And they steal, and manipulate people, and sell guns and crack to teens. Yup. All for the money. Lotta people don't give a shit about America even though they live in it because the Constitution protects them. Hell if I ever walk home and not be screamed by some dickface yelling "FUUUUCKKKK YOOOUUU" from his car, I'll be sure to tell you. I wonder if anyone's seen an Iraqui do that. American's aren't taught pride in their country much unlike others. A lot of Americans spit on their country complaining they're poor and that America screwed them. It's not America (except in a couple very rare cases) it's those people who are too lazy to work and think.

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It's not about peopel who are lazy, it's also about people that can't find a job, because tons of jobs (liek IT, technical support, etc.) were outsourced to India, and other countries, because the work force is cheaper there, and companies are greedy.

America has good things and bad things, I never said it's entirely flawed. However, when a president is questioned ebcause of a blow job, and the enxt president gets away with blatant lies (Where are the WMD?) then there is something very wrong with the politics and government.

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I agree with entropy on his veiws of america. ROC is just an idiot that doesn't understand america is ony the Greatest Country on the planet based on Calorie intake and Military =D (Honestly). If Japan was aloud an army after WWII we would be their little bitches right now. I mean come on everyone know Tokyo Kicks New York City's ass!!! T^his is not an anti-american comment, I'm just saying A country is only is good as its leader. A few more leaders like bush and "Dark Angel" wont just be a television show. (Except for the stupid alien shit)


May wanna move this to flames

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