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Animal skull caps

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Just an idea I had while seeing the wearable fur cloaks in action.. Animal skull caps.. you'll know what I mean if you've seen pictures of the greek hero heracles.. perhaps you could get them enchanted too so they endow some small benefits.. like a enchanted bear-head hat that lowers your opponents damage or raises yours or other stuff like increasing magic capacity or increase the chances of succesfully casting a spell.


Puma skull/hide cap

Bear skull/hide cap

wolf skull/hide cap e.t.c


can anyone think of more appropriate or more needed enhancments?

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Aye, I posted the idea of Animal Skulls a while back when I listed a few new animals to add so I agree with this idea.


I think most of (if not all) the animals (besides Snakes) should leave behind Skulls. After that, players could use those for various reasons. Larger Skulls (From Bears and Boars) can be made into Bone Helms like stated above while Smaller Animal Skulls (Like Rabbits and Foxes) can be made into Charms, Pendants, and other Magical items (admittedly, a little Darker form of Magic).


And then there are Monster Skulls! Goblins, Ors and Trolls have Skulls too but I'm thinking that you should go in a completely new direction here. There is something ominously Dark and Sinister in using Magic drawn upon by Spells and Talismans rooted in evil and while using Animals in Magic is known to be more of a Neutral (Gray) area of magic, there is no using Animal Parts in Good Magic.


And Besides, Goblin Skulls are known to be quite soft and are too small to make Implements of War with.



Also, if you do implement Skulls, I think that you should rework the Alchemy, Potion, and Manufacturing lists. Speaking on a Mystically concerned level; I think that it’s more right (and Mystically Inclined) to draw the Mystical Properties from a Bear's Skull rather then its Fur! I can almost understand Drawing a Wolf's Spirit from its fur but that doesn't quite seam right with Bears though but then again, a wolf's skull is just as potent!

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sounds good but what if we could choose different paths with our skills?

like say get to a certain manu level and you can choose to continue manu or move to 'dark' manu

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