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Everything posted by TheComet

  1. I'd imagine only allowing 3 marks at a time from a single person, and my idea is to have the marks sent 1 at a time to a single person and not to everyone. Sorta like PMing it to them
  2. petition for attributes cap

    voted no with all the other attribs aside from P/C in mind <_<
  3. Voluntary reduction in bot advert rate

    Less bot ads would be great, or an eventual way of seperating both bots and players within a channel (colored names for bots perhaps?) would do wonders. I havn't been able to do a price check in @@3 in over a month now, and I've asked at least 3 PCs on there each session
  4. Snakes in Melinis City

    I say all 3 types of snakes, not just browns. Also would be extremely helpful for summoners, gathering snake skins is a pain since they never sell in bulk on the market.
  5. Attributes cap for the main server

    360 votes is NOT enough to look at yet, I'll say that right now, it's a mere fraction of the player count ingame, hell, there's probably over 400 players ingame right now (high 500's with bots, checked #stats and estimated), and that's only for this particular group of players who can play because it isn't 4AM. Give the poll a week at least, several of you guys are getting all "OMG THEY SAY YES DO IT DO IT" on short-term results.
  6. Attributes cap for the main server

    Want to add one more thing quick, you're only getting votes from the forum members, which excludes a massive chunk of the game's players. Try a more public poll that non-members can vote on also, that'll yield more accurate results.
  7. Attributes cap for the main server

    Not a fan of the idea at all, one of the big things I love about EL is there not being a real end to the game Also, a 48 cap is going to make training extremely difficult on Cyclops or higher, that'll make fighters a bit angry Expirimental chars won't be as fun with a cap, that's for sure you'll have a max EMU limit, hp, and mana limit D: Finally, you'll wind up with a group of "Max Lvl Elite" players who will lose much of their motive to truly lvl their skills, and in many MMORPG games I've seen that this same group tends to get cocky and all "You aren't maxed out therefore you are a N00B." Overall, this seems like a very bad move, I'd avoid it at all costs. If you do add it, I'm not going to quit the game myself, but expect to lose a ton of players on a scale larger than C-Day (Cooldown update)
  8. Something down the lines of augmenting weaponry, cast this spell (rec lvl 30 or so) and for 2 minutes your attacks gain extra damage of a certain type. The effect would be increased by your magic level AND Alchemy level, and the dmg wouldn't be overpowering (leave it up to the staff to figure out the right values) The spell is actually a few spells, one for a different element/damage bonus Heat (FE) Cold (WE) Magic (ME) Radiation (MtE) Regular Damage (AE) Thermal (heat+cold, 2FE+2WE) on top of these, there could be more unique versions of the spell Necromancer spell (2 DE) - adds additional damage for every summon you currently have alive, req magic 30 and summoning 20 Piercing Blow spell (3 ME) - additional damage dealt ignores armor and resistances (IE: always deals X dmg), adds less damage than the normal spells though, req magic 35 Bloodleech spell (10 HE) - recover 25% of the damage you deal to yourself. req magic 40, alchemy 50 Rush spell (5 ME) - You take 2 turns instead of 1 when it's your turn, base damage reduced to 60%, def-10, req magic 35, a/d 50/50 Natural Fury (5 EE, 5 MtE) - You deal Number of flowers in inventory / 10, lasts for 5 hits and all flowers in your inventory are destroyed on cast. req magic 25, harvesting 50 Clairvoyance (5 ME) - (magic lvl/10) added to accuracy and critical to hit during the effect, req magic lvl 30 not sure if we have enough sigils for some of these, but you get the idea ^^
  9. Could we raise food level?

    You *CAN* get up to 55 food via feasting potions and through bones/toadstools, I use that to my advantage all the time And as for the suggestion, after the length of time I've played EL, I think it should stay put. If the food max rises, the economy would go to hell and if you can get it with PP, there would start to become a massive gap between the rich and the poor in a sense
  10. Elemental Rage spells

    Very good idea. I think all of the regular spells would be feasible, though as for the other ones...I hope they are! A few possible changes: 1) Convert the Air Essences in the Regular Damage spell into Earth Essences. We usually attack with metal or wooden weapons, which come from the earth, no? 2) We already have Life Drain, why Bloodleech? 3) A lot of these spells would only be useful in PK, where everyone casts Magic Immunity. Couldn't there be a way to break this spell? Other than that, very good idea! 1) Earth ess seems more like something for an elemental attack, I was thinking air more down the lines of making the blade slashing faster through thinner air 2) Bloodleech is basically regaining health by dealing damage, where life drain is a single attack, big difference. 3) Well the piercing blow spell can get past magic immunity, although it doesn't have the punch of the other spells, and spells like clairvoyance, bloodleech, and rush affect the player and not the opponent and therefore magic immunity does nothing against them
  11. Books to ashes

    It's tempting to go ballistic on every single Saltpeter book I find after having finished the 20,000 research point nightmare, but I think EL can go without this
  12. Plausable idea imo, your charm can affect how much you pay for goods and how much you are paid for goods by NPCs. Not by much, perhaps it can be a percentage increase/decrease. every 4 charm affects the price perhaps, 4 charm would be base pricing, 8 charm would be 99.9% to buy, 100.1% to sell, ect. This would have a major effect on selling items in bulk, but it would require quite a bit of charm to make any seriously large boosts in money
  13. behive

    -Look a beehive! -Dude let's get some honey -yeah *harvest* -ok now we have the honeycombs, now for honey ---EPIC BATTLE--- *two guys lay on the ground dead from bee stings* heheh...fantasy situation. Honey as a weak mana restoration food could be a use I guess, but I can assume the staff have plans for it already
  14. Platinium Coins

    That's a pretty nifty idea Jon, with a big enough risk since it may mean removing your shield or boots and losing some armor for the coin. Personally, if the coins do gain a use, some kind of store that sells non-manufacturable rare items in exchange for plats only could be neat, with a price range of 5 plats -> 200 plats
  15. auto populate manu window

    well, the whole quickbar thing I think would only be logical for summoning (non-stones) This is a nifty idea, sorta like the next "Mix All" feature. I don't see it being any kind of hinderance to the game as long as it only applies to what you have in your inventory already
  16. NDD Invasions

    I love the idea of objective based invasions, especially the idea of city sieges given enough time beforehand for people to get inside and in position. One little idea I'd like to throw out there would be having "Heroes" on the map that can't die but fight normally, but they are restricted to one area. One idea could be a monk holding off monsters in front of his church/monastary, another could be a legion of battlemages taking out monsters trying to rush the stairs of the magic schools, or a few guardsmen near the entrance of the map to keep monsters from killing people off before they even finish loading edit: having a healer hero would be pretty nifty, he/she'd be a bit back from the action but still in the fight and would remote heal people nearby who aren't at max health.
  17. Poison

    And also, you can poison with summons that can poison, IE: skunks and red snakes I used to assassinate ants that way all the time back when they attacked everything they saw XD
  18. New stone

    These stones could work, although they should be difficult to make and buy, and only be useful for armor beyond iron plate as far as cost-effectiveness goes. 15-30k a pop would be a good price, I would pay that to protect my set of MoL, Steel torso, Steel pants, Steel boots, Ti shield, JS, and maybe a CoL. Could be an engineering item, who knows? As for how to make them, I say there should be gypsum involved On a side note, these would really boost some incentive to work on Engineering for players.
  19. Charm effecting NPCs?

    If the effect is small it won't be a large increase in money, not to mention too you would need a larger emu to see the full benefits of this, AND the increase would be something like .01 gold for most ores, and something worth 1k sold to an NPC would only see a 10 gold increase, per 4 charm. As far as buying goes, it would be such a small immeasurable change, maybe all of 2 gc for a few hundred ores from an NPC
  20. Fix or Fail

    Yeah it's one of those things that would make sense and would be a nice addition until you think about it. Unless you've got a nice load of item-specific research and money to spend to become capable of repairing them, I'd suggest to keep it as is.
  21. color tags

    I wouldn't care, I don't see a world of color anyways Agreed though, more color tags and more shades/tints of each would be nice and help differentiate guild tags faster. Notably the shades/tints, that's the only way I can tell apart many guild tags colorwise.
  22. Disengagement Spell

    Well I'll throw my 2 cents in here Personally, this could be great as long as it doesn't work when fighting other players. Summons perhaps, but NOT other players. On the flip side, dis rings would have their value killed a bit. Not neccesarily because tons of people are casting the spell, it's still a lvl 40 spell, but the idea of a dis spell would kill the incentives to buy a dis ring
  23. Day of drops

    Easy solution: work TOGETHER. I do that pretty often, me and another guy take 2 spawns, and heal each other up and share drops.
  24. Minor changes but good.

    whenever I'm harvesting I leave 3 emu free at all times as it's the weight of the heaviest stones you can get
  25. Targeting Computer

    ...I have absolutely no idea what you just said as for the idea, I think just making the size of the area you can click larger would solve most of the problem, but "locking on" and walking up to the enemy wouldn't work out well not only because the current click range is about the size of your line of sight, but also because all of that pathfinding you would have to do to make the character chase them I can imagine would be a pain to put in, AND it would bring spawn serping to a new level