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Everything posted by Ornitorrinco

  1. Is taking death bags considered "dispute'ish"?

    Finally this "deathbags are sacred" taboo has died!
  2. The Greatest EL Player

  3. Swearing in forum and game

    But, but... that would be reasonable....
  4. Swearing in forum and game

    I personally think that people that never swear at all are just as bad as people who swear all the time. It feels unnatural. This reminds me of a seminar I attended to at university, where a Nokia manager was talking about his company and management in general. It was very boring and technical stuff with lots of business words like "proactive" and such. At a certain point, he used a curse word and all of us laughed, and right after this break on the monotony we were more focused on his lecture. It was a very good use of swearing. Even though it was a very dirty Portuguese expression, it didn't feel offending, but humorous instead. Then he realized this positive reaction and started to squeeze a curse in almost every sentence. It completely ruined the speech. It felt like he was struggling to capture our attention. It was embarassing.
  5. funny..

    ROFL! Serp comes from tit serp sword, not "usurp"
  6. Man (player) eating leopard

    Excellent idea!
  7. 5% chance of being poisoned? I don't think so!

    I'm taking a screenshot of this thread.
  8. Newcomers, guilds and such..

    And the conclusion is: there is no issue to be addressed regarding this subject.
  9. PK server

    Full PK and awful costumer service? You just described 99% of Korean MMOs.
  10. Newcomers, guilds and such..

    go back to the kitchen
  11. Newcomers, guilds and such..

    How about let people enjoy the game the way they want to? Geez.
  12. Active Hyperbag "Treasure Hunts"

    Remember that the items aren't real.
  13. If I wasn't banned from the game I'd join
  14. Method of redistributing some attributes and nexuses

    So you think someone that has more money is automatically a better person than someone that has less money? I am surprised, but somehow I think I shouldn't be...
  15. Break rates

    Oh God, please no!
  16. Break rates

    As long as you have levels, the goal of most people will be leveling fast. It's like this in every other MMO, why should it be different in EL?
  17. Break rates

    Would be very cool if u wouldnt compare getting exp at very high risk of dieing( training on yetis) to getting exp at noone risk( harvesting). 120 harvest exp limit is the only thing that makes afk harvesters r not oa 200 by now I dont wanna say harvesting isnt hard skill to make, especially at high lvls, its just very different from a/d skills eMPi Well, the point is exactly disencourage training and people stopped seeing leveling as an objective in itself, but a simple consequence of playing the game. But of course, most MMORPG players enjoy the progression, so it's kinda hopeless.
  18. Break rates

    People will hate you for this suggestion, but it's another thing I'd like in a MMO.
  19. Break rates

    Great idea. I think it would be like Dungeons and Dragons versus a free form RPG system. I don't know how it would be possible to implement a free form RPG on a MMORPG with hundreds of players, but still, a great idea I think that something that mixed Dartmud (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DartMUD), with more randomness, EL/UO pvp looting and graphics of course (because MUDs are exhausting) could maybe work. Anyway, our only hope to see such a game is if it comes from hobbyist developers, like Entropy, becuase it's a bit too bold for a company.
  20. Break rates

    Well yes, grinding is what makes a game repetitive and boring, and removes the role playing and quality social interaction from it. But if you can see numbers and levels, it's natural that most people will want to max them as fast as possible. After playing a few MMORPGs, I'm hoping that some day someone will develop a nice MMORPG with no apparent numbers. With combat and progression, but no predictable experience output, so you can't effectively train, you just do stuff for fun.
  21. Quote of the week submissions

  22. Guys, guys guys....

    ITT, parents that rather raise their children inside a bubble than educate them about the real world.
  23. EL mention on The Linux Link Tech Show.

    Ask MU Online's community.
  24. Vista

    package-manager-install 'wine'.double-click windows executable. (note) for many windows programs and games, that's enough to do it. you may get a few percent slowdown, but that's not really a big problem alternatively, there are a lot of games available for linux, some ported from windows, which may be available from your package manager Note: this assumes you're using kde/gnome and one of the distros that sets up the association... otherwise you'd have to go to console and 'wine program-name.exe' Yea and make sure to pimp the hell out of KDE to make it look like XP, so it feels like you're actually using Windows amirite?
  25. Vista

    Linux isn't a replacement for Windows. Operating Systems aren't religions. Deal with it.