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Posts posted by Aislinn

  1. The reason for this post:

    [14:17:34] [Aislinn @ 145200]: Just a heads up all, per radu just this week, it IS against invance rules to run straight to mb spawn and even more against rules to grab it and leave.

    [14:19:43] [TheCarnageX @ 145200]:  can u make that an offical forums thing before people get in trouble like i nearly just did lol

    [14:20:49] [Aislinn @ 145200]: hardly the first time it's come up but sure, I'll post the conversation later. Should be kind of obvious.

    [14:21:26] [TheCarnageX @ 145200]:  not really its a known thing that people do serping it form someone already on it sure but ive never even heard the notion of going for it being a problem
    [14:21:46] [TheCarnageX @ 145200]:  taking it and leaving sure as rules state unless you really haft to you shouldnt leave invance until end

    [14:22:37] [Aislinn @ 145200]: here's the thing: you max capped people who don't get exp yet still run for it completely eliminate everyone else's chances to get it

    [14:23:53] [TheCarnageX @ 145200]:  fair enough just please make a forums post or smth as i know buddies that do it and are in no way knowing they are violating a rule same as i just nearly did
    [14:24:03] [Aislinn @ 145200]: this is a team event, not a run and grab the best you can before everyone else is able
    [14:24:19] [Aislinn @ 145200]: if you actually played for your levels, you'd kjnow., Funny the rest of us do.
    [14:24:40] [TheCarnageX @ 145200]:  Not as if ur own guildies dont do the same thing tho is it
    [14:25:26] [Aislinn @ 145200]: I am trying to do my part to contribute to this invance, not argue with you. Take your gripes privately after invance, please.



    Invances are team events.  The entire point is to clear the map within a time limit.  Everyone who shows up is part of this invance team.  Everyone who shows up is expected to stay on the map to help the team win from start to finish.  It is not a place to farm the bosses, serp your other teammates,  train a/d experience, go AFK because you're at work, or stand around at the gate while others do the hard work.  If you bring more than one character, all characters need to be actively fighting.  If you are at work, don't come unless you can still actively fight. If you're only here for the MB, just don't come.


    The problem:

    Common sense.  It seems that some people think anything goes if it's not explicitly laid out for their precise situation.  The current invance rule set does cover participation requirements but later only specifies undercappers who don't receive the end experience.   Now we have a max a/d (and to some extent max attribs) issue unique to this range - these characters also receive no experience at the end but can pretty much walk around unscathed as they are the equivalent of overcappers elsewhere and have no higher range to jump to but are still allowed to enter. 


    As anyone who does the 145-200 knows, it's been an ongoing problem that some (I am not saying every one does it) very high level and high attribs characters have been joining and running straight to the mb spawn(s) before the invance even starts - waiting to grab them before anyone else can get there and either soloing them or calling their buddies over.  Even more obnoxiously, some often leave after mbs are gone since they won't get the end exp anyway.  Apparently some have missed the memo that this is a big no-no, even if it should be obvious.  That is not team invancing.  That is abusing the situation to boss farm.


    [As a little side note here, it's also rude and obnoxious to do the same thing in invasions - show up when it starts and is packed full, find the bosses (like mbs and casties), and kill the bosses immediately while nobody else can do it yet, then leave as soon as the bosses are gone and go instance.  You know who you are.]


    Solution for now:
    So here is the conversation I had with radu (permission granted to post) earlier this week after listening to quite a few invance goers' complaints.


    [13:20:44] [PM to mercator: tell radu What do you think of the idea of removing the mb from the 145200 invance?]

    [18:07:01] [PM from radu: why?]

    [18:16:53] [PM to radu: so people who are maxed and don't get any more a/d exp don't show up, run over to grab it, and then leave :p]
    [18:16:53] [PM from radu: Automessage: I am currently away from my computer]
    [18:20:52] [PM to radu: the invance has a nice reward without it, and people get pissed off when some people enter, go straight to the mb spawn area and wait for it.]
    [18:23:15] [PM from radu: but that's a bit against the rules, no?]
    [18:23:44] [PM to radu: I think you'd find people would rather the trouble be removed than have to play reporter :p]
    [18:23:56] [PM from radu: no]
    [18:24:12] [PM from radu: they should report those doing it]

    [18:24:40] [PM to radu: then it causes a ton of fighting and drama and pisses everybody off]
    [18:38:53] [PM from radu: why? rules are rules]

    [18:40:02] [PM to radu: it just ruins the fun of it for everyone else]

    [19:19:34] [PM from radu: well, again, we can ban them from invances]



    I'm sure most people who participate in invances know this, but for those of you who borrowed your max a/d character and don't know what players who actually play know, there is a mod command to ban players from invances.  I'm not a fan of this solution. I'd rather just remove the problem.  So don't expect leniency from me if I have to handle it further.  I go to have a good time and work hard to do my part.  If that gets interrupted by selfish, greedy twits who should know better, and I have to spend that time instead dealing with you and listening to your angry pm spam because of it, it won't go well with you.  You are warned.  Spread the word.




  2. 29 minutes ago, Guest Help? said:

    Hello ...

    For there unknown reason I've been disconnected from the server as soon as I launch the game...with an error message saying; "Error: Disconnected from server!" Can't even register altho I saw myself online while viewing forum for the very first time but it wont recognize it while trying to login :/ it seems to be all blocked for me, cannot even  click done when creating a character nor I can hoover over password field while trying to log-in. What is going on??? This was the very first time that I tried to play this game. What is causing this? Can someone please shine some light on this issue? Would be much appreciated. 



    Your IP isn't banned here so that's not the problem.  Is it possible your ISP is blocking port 2000?  I see nothing from the IP you are posting here from.  It might help if you tell me what character name you are trying to create.


    Forums and the actual game are separate entities.  Being online in forums has nothing to do with game access. 




    22 minutes ago, Guest pending reg. said:

    I'm also waiting approval of my email for days now... but I see myself online on here ??


    There is a thread for requesting account approvals.  It also would help if you happened to mention the account name here, as well.

  3. I have both thermy and fire serps.  In instances, invances, and invasions, I use thermy as my default.  It seems to work really nice for me on swarms of yeti, FT, trice, Lorcs/Ltrolls, giants, acw, rd, and black dragons.  I switch out to fire/fa for nasps, mb, and milf (also often I use thermy/fa for nasps).  Fire and shield for icy, big blue, ldb, and ldp.  Casty either hally or fire.  I love that they each are 2 emu.  I have both insured and well worth it imo.  I've never tried magic or ice serps.  (Anything lower I'll use hally). 


    Regarding phantom warriors, the radioactive titanium long sword melts them like butter.

  4. The two eye candy effects I've observed are:

    1. The particle columns that happen after I kill a mob occasionally are bigger and brighter than they usually are.
    2. The mana drain spell effect is occasionally bigger and brighter than it usually is.

    Both can happen if I cast the spell or kill the mob, or if others do also.  Doesn't seem to be a distinction there.  The entire screen doesn't change, just the specific eye candy event does.  It may happen on other things that I just haven't paid attention to, or it may not.  No idea.  I have no idea when this started other than it's been happening for quite some time and I just thought it was supposed to.  I did speculate once in a while on various reasons somebody might have coded it this way, like the mob was special in some way or something.  As far as I can tell, nothing "bad" happens (for me) like client crashing, or going blank or bright or black.  I just pegged it as one of those EL quirks that nobody ever explained.  Then one day during a recent invasion somebody casually mentioned it and others (including me) said "Yeah, that happens to me too!" so I posted.


    My details:

    Max Effects Framerate: 45.00

    Min Effects Framerate: 12.00

    Light columns threshold: 2

    Max Idle Cycles Per Second: 32

    FPS: Limited to 45

    Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
    Vendor ID: NVIDIA Corporation
    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 470.63.01

    Client Version: Latest Git

    OS: Linux arch 5.13.9-arch1-1


    I guess I should add I have no idea what most of these settings do or what they should be set at (other than FPS).  I don't know what default is, or remember if I've tinkered with them or not.

  5. Me again, sorry :P


    So for a while now, I've noticed that every once in a while a spell effect (for example mana drain) would show up that looks like 3 times the intensity of how it normally looks. It also seems to me that the particle effects when a mob dies has the same issue - every once in a while, one would be much more powerful and intense.  Today in the invasion somebody else made a comment about it and it turns out others see the same thing happen - but only once in a while.  The general consensus is it started happening with #ver 1.9.5p9 but I personally have no clue when it started.


    Any ideas on this?

  6. 13 hours ago, bluap said:

    Is the "Relocatable Window" option enabled?  If you turn that off the window position will be kept exactly in place.


    Yes, that was the problem, although in my ctrl O options there are two separate ones: "Relocate Quickbar" and "Relocate Quick Spells" in the HUD tab. I had been using the right-click options on the bars themselves.  Solved, tyvm!

  7. One thing I've noticed on the client is when I'm making my client window smaller by dragging the edges in,  when I go to resize it to the default size I've set in options, the quickbar and spell bars do not go back to their original positions on the side hud.  They should start right below the EL icon at the top right but after resizing, they are at least a good inch lower and I have to enable moving them again to reset them back to normal.

  8. Your bot is locked because of non-payment of its annual fee.  (It was locked in a mass locking along with a lot of other bots.)


    To get it unlocked, you'll need to contact radu and pay the $10 unlock fee and the $20 annual fee (so $30 altogether).

  9. Law of unintended consequences leads me to want to keep this list to the first three.  If this is accepted and then goes well, we can revisit the other items.


    1. Remove KF cap limit.

    2. Leave KF as no-drop.

    3. A safe area for spectators be added as described above with no magic and no summoning, maybe with a little tweaking to be discussed with Burn.


    I will direct radu to this post and he may or may not read up through the whole thing.
