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Everything posted by Aislinn

  1. Odd El Website. Anyone Know What This Is?

    Stats from the old server? Or stats from before the crash? Or rollback? Which stats do you mean? I would love a way to see what my old char's stats were from the old server!
  2. The Eaf Championship

    Loooool :lol:
  3. Thoughts On Handcraft Skills

    Very good point indeed, is this even possible to do?
  4. Harry Potter, El Style!

    w00t rebooted, thats great :lol: Definitely keep it coming!
  5. I would like to see some nordcarn tp rings added please And yes I know its being worked on to add nordcarn to the portal room, but rings would be great too!
  6. Thoughts On Handcraft Skills

    I don't think its too complicated, it sounds like its one of those things that sounds it on paper but actually is pretty simple and straightforward in practice. There definitely should be no level cap and the level requirements as freeone said should be higher. What's nice about this is it sounds like it would be fairly simple to add on to it...such as when players reach the highest level/title...more could be added to progress even higher, we would just have to be careful to not make them finite. I would like to see each level reached (not numerically, but title wise)have some symbol of achievement so other players can see this and have something tangible to work for and there is pride in accomplishment for the player.
  7. Editing

    I would use it for sure, its a great idea! (and yes I have "mastered" my keyboard )
  8. Oh I like that idea (Not for death bags though) The higher your perception, the better goodies you can see...just like monster drops or something...but better
  9. Problem With Exp

    Click on the bar graph icon at the bottom of your screen. It should bring up the table that shows all your stats on it. Right now one of those stats should be highlighted in pink. Thats the stat that is showing on your green bar. Most likely right now you have a stat highlighted that you aren't working on. If you are harvesting, click on the word "harvest" and it will show that exp. If you are hunting, click on either "attack" or "defense" and that exp will show. The same for any other skill you are working on, also if you click on "overall" that will show any exp you get for any skill.
  10. You can't prevent it. Oh, and the worst thing you can get tp'd around is a goblin in naralik. Not so bad...
  11. Monster Invasions

    Check out this thread, there is loads of info here and Lyanna had lots of great suggestions too... http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8548 And yes!!!! Bring back the Portland gobbie, we miss him!!!
  12. What Mobile Phone?

    I said other...I have both a HP Ipaq and a little basic siemens something or other (don't remember what model) for when i need just a tiny phone to stick in my pocket...and don't want to lug the ipaq around...like both a lot.
  13. The Interface

    I liked the sitlock how it was before...set it in el.ini and forget it...it always stayed on, even when i logged off then back on. Now even though I set it in el.ini, I have to go into tools every time I log on to set it also. Drives me nuts. Edit: Ok turns out in my el.ini the # wasn't in front of sitlock = 1...but I didn't ever change that, if anybody else is having this problem, your # might be missing too....
  14. Hmm What About This....

    Kicking=being kicked from your guild so you don't have a guild tag anymore so you can train with a guildmate. (We don't have them just quit the guild because then you have to wait 2 days to rejoin and nobody wants that...I feel rather naked without my EG tag) I can't see why it would matter if you trained with a guildie or not...and this would make it a lot nicer
  15. Quake In Asia

    Its on the news right now and they are saying 50k+ for the death toll now
  16. Guild's Color

    Guess not Roja, this reminds me though, are you still going to offer the clothing line you mentioned once? And if so, when? I would really love that!
  17. Do Not Click Here.

    Lol listen to all the voices of experience
  18. Hmm What About This....

    Yes!!! I have to do that too and I hate not seeing the gm's....and I can't count how many times somebody says "Omg, you aren't in EG anymore???!!!" (Its soooo annoying )
  19. Christmas Story

    very cute
  20. Too Much "chance"!

    Ok you have level 37 alch...before the system change, you needed 25 levels over recommended level to ensure no fails...the easiest bar to make, iron bar, is recommended level 22....add 25 to that and you get level 47 needed for no fails. Nope, you don't have that yet. Now with the new system, if Tigger is right, you need 35 levels higher for no fails...that would be alch 57...nope you don't have that either. Note: I'm not so sure though that tigger is right because I have alch 64 and i now fail health essences and their recommended level is 18... but even so, kami, you are missing the point here- there was wayyyyyyyy too much easy mass production before and this gets rid of that. None of us alchers or manuers who were able to mass produce before were so thrilled with this new development but we do see why it is necessary for the good of the game even though it changed our method of playing. If you just can't live with this, then find a different skill to work on.
  21. Text On The Map

    Not sure what you mean by the yellow x, i only get red or blue x's...blue being where I am, red being where i clicked that I want to go. Also, I only see text when i'm in game view, not when i'm in the map view...although i can type it but not see it in map view. As for the text, once you hit enter, there is no deleting it. If you want to delete something you typed but haven't sent yet, either use backspace or esc.
  22. Special Rings :d

    Thats a good idea
  23. Players Online

    Is there supposed to be a .exe file somewhere to open the program? I can't find anything that opens it
  24. Too Much "chance"!

    Errr I would be curious to know your ingame name and see your stats...so far all I've seen is you have alch 37, Daxon has alch 62 (mine is alch 64 so I do know what I'm talking about too here )...and you are saying you work harder than he does? That he couldn't understand where you are coming from???? You are hardly the only hard worker here <_< The point is and was that it was way too easy for average level players (you) to mass produce with virtually no fails...Maybe its YOU who doesn't get it...
  25. The Interface

    That would make things quite a bit harder... No, not at all, I liked the old compass, this one is pretty but rather useless...