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Everything posted by Dark_Nightmare

  1. Selling EFE!

    Selling Enriched Fire Essence, PM me ingame!
  2. Selling EFE!

    Post here to buy!
  3. EL court

    Oh, and the way to transport them to lucky punch is by the cops, MODs.
  4. Papasmerf.

    Thanks WarMaster, over-reacted a little,but bag-jumpers ARE a serious problem. We need to deal with them.
  5. Monsters & Weapons & Armor!

    I think we should have dragons, and more undead creatures. Also, a new type of damage, dark/evil damage and light/good damage.
  6. What other p2p races would you like in game?

    I'd suggest wraiths, I'd be like a Nazgul from Lord of the Rings.
  7. What other p2p races would you like in game?

    Werewolves, Vampires, Faries and/or angels, cat people (please not thunder cats, O please not thunder cats), and bird people (think valkeries or the Eagles from the Lord of the Rings) are the races most likely to be chosen.
  8. vampiric goddess portrait

    Cool, um, I'm asking for either a black draegoni or a black wraith-like guy except the face, wraith's new face is ugly Anyways, please?
  9. EL court

    It could be done at the "lucky punch" and if they are found guilty, they get executed. And there will be full-armored guards at the sides to make sure he can't escape.
  10. Selling EFE!

    Ahem, also selling 2 tit. longs, the EFE is 5.7k, and a bunch of books, like tit. short construction, tit. axe construction, steel axe construction (2), combat tactics, book of potion of physique, book of potion of manufacturing, VOTD ring building, IP ring building, Book of potion of Summoning, book of tit. smelting, WSC ring building, unicorn medallion building, DP ring building, Sun medallion building (2), and steel sheild construction.
  11. Harm bug need to be a feature!

    For once, Shivar, you have a smart idea, I agree.
  12. What other p2p races would you like in game?

    Hey! That's my wraith/spectre! Red eyes, all black, black robes, black translucent skin, yeah, thats me.
  13. What other p2p races would you like in game?

    Oooo, spectre! I can be "Shade", teh ebul one! No, I drift in the shadows, and steal from the rich to give to the Draegoni
  14. Happy Holidays

    Are you allowed to design it and/or have harvestable items?
  15. Happy Holidays

    How much for a secret house for one person? A special cape? A special cape with perk?
  16. The Eternal Race

    Me, I think... I'll try
  17. Magic, combined suggestions

    We could use the the new furs to make new clothes just for style, like panda fur for tuxedos and etc.
  18. Battle Of The Titans

    The crowd roars... It is a brisk, cold day in a areana deep in the heart of the icy LNX island... The crowd of LNX are roaring " Lan_Mandoragan! Lan_Mandoragan!". Lan_Mandoragan enetered the field, and a chorus of cheers. Then, Sir_Launcelot poofed in on the areana, and the crowd of friends on the other side cheered for Launcelot.
  19. The Unicorn

    "Ballad of the Unicorn", I can see it now
  20. Submitting stories?

    Excuse me, let me not interupt the oaths, but how do I send in stories?
  21. i like to own peoplein 1vs1

    This is sooooo cool, but hard to believe considering DonPedro is the strongest player in EL, in attack, overall, defense, and magic, making him a invincable fighting machine
  22. A game of Chance

    Um, can someone find me an avatar too?
  23. werewolves

    LadyWolf, I had you in mind when I posted :lol: Not that I'm in love with you or anything, for one thing, you've already got a in-game Mister, and I'm only ten :lol:
  24. Beam me up scotty

    Read a book called "How to Make a Time Machine". It's a cool book, concerning time travel, gravity, centrificul force, etc. It also tells how to make a time-traveling worm-hole.
  25. werewolves

    Lycans would be cool, or even half-wolf people.