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Everything posted by Zaphod

  1. Zaphod - one dead head!

    Hi, I am Zaphod's creator and I am guilty of multi-playing. I've been rightfully banned. I have been in E-L for a long while. I am unsure if 'simple' (ie not with bots or code - just manually flicking between several screens) multi-playing was illegal in those days, but certainly ignorance of newer rules is no excuse. I am a mature (aged) player that should know better. Given my demographic I was well suited to the guild Lord (in those days) that since merged into Just. Guild masters / seniors (eg bep, Ice...) from either will tell you that Zaphod has always been a young character, overly keen to help not only Lord/JusT members, but other guild members and the general E-L community. In the early days when dark forces invaded White Stone, Zaphod was at the IP dock handing out vegetables (or whatever he could collect) to returning fighters - anyone at all - (too weak himself to fight such beasts). Later he collected wolf skins (forgot who that was for - bep?) or made steel bars (CelticLady) for people, accepting whatever reward people wanted to give - only happy to help. He was collecting iron ore for no known purpose or reward for Dragon...someone (in JusT guild) when he got banned ... ... all I want is Zaphod back... I'M SORRRY (sob!) ... I'll do community service on IP or channel 1 ... Zaphod's still 'young' (in the E-L world) ... he's just a boy... please don't let him dieeeeeee.... Please, sir, can I have Zaphod, back? Happy (of course) to kill all other characters in whatever way you wish me to. Yours humbly, Zaphod's creator
  2. Zaphod - one dead head!

    Aislinn/Entropy, I will not ask for Zaphod to be unlocked under those conditions as: 1) I now can't exactly recall Zaphod's stats, but seem to recall they weren't incredibly high (I was out of E-L for a year or so); and 2) have been given (to Ewok2) lots of stuff by fellow guild members in support, which I would feel very guilty about ditching; and 3) Entropy has decided that resources collected since my banning (in Ewok2, by harvest or gift, as above) would not be allowed to be transferred back to Z if unlocked. So I'll keep the resources and the experience gained in the 'limbo days' and keep E..2, notwithstanding that I have an application to change my name with Learner to Dohpaz - a name that will serve as a beacon to those that remember this 'Zaphod banning' into the future; both the "D'OH" start to the name and the other obvious inclusion of the Zaphod name ... Over & out - hopefully forever with respect to this particular (ban) forum. Zaphod->Ewok2->Dohpaz PS Feel free to create any future / next mineral in the game as "Topaz" in my honour ... ;-)
  3. Zaphod - one dead head!

    Aislinn, No victim-playing - apologies if this came across. I was simply giving an honest analysis of my actions from my own perspective to Scratch ie I'm new to on-line character games --> didn't read rules properly / didn't understand purpose of rules (and didn't enquire!) --> no warnings from anyone (officials or co-players) --> got banned! I guess something like someone learning to drive on a farm, on open roads, coming to the city, seeing numbers in red circles and not thinking that they might be a speed limit sign (that's what they look like here), even though it's in the rule book and then immediately getting a suspended licence for travelling a fair bit over the speed limit. Your assumption that a warning would immediately lead to actions to avoid the mod's advice or spirit of E-L is somewhat hurtful. If you guys can detect the multi-playing and trades as you say in other ban discussions, then why not monitor the inventories / characters of people under warning ... no need to assume the worst of people. Some of us are well-intentioned, you know... stupid, maybe - but well-intentioned. Back to reality: I thought my last para above (not quoted by you) clearly re-iterated that the blame still rests with me and I encourage people to read, understand and ask about the rules. The only thing that I ask is to obtain some knowledge about the process going forward - I'd rather be discussing all this in-game, even if I'm 'breaking rocks' on IP for the mods. Good luck in your deliberations - please take me out of limbo soon. Z clarification - meaning the purpose of the specific rule on multi-playing
  4. Zaphod - one dead head!

    Scratch, I can only say from my point of view that as an inexperienced gamer (E-L being my first and only multi-user game - not including shoot-em-ups) I was not fully aware that, as I put it, 'simple' multi-character playing, ie I move around each character - nothing high-tech, bot-like or automatic - was illegal. I was not given any warning before banning. I had even alluded to 'my slaves' etc and I helping other people in E-L and no one had said 'hey, that's naughty...' etc None of this is meant to say I don't accept full blame, but, as you seem to seek a warning on pitfalls from others, I would now say first (of course) read the rules, but as people often don't read these things (at their peril) I'd also say, if you're doing anything that seems 'easy' or 'unusual', even if it's 'low tech', best to ask a game mod first. Zaphod ... in exile
  5. Zaphod - one dead head!

    Chance (and other mods), I recognise multiple appeals (by ban forum rules) only diminishes my chances of unbanning - this is not a further appeal. But, might I be so bold as to ask what the process is from here on in? Is there a time after which I assume I will never be re-instated or are you still waiting on any more 'arguments' from the defence? Again, my intention below is to plead guilty and only offer good character and history (both E-L and guild - Lord/Just) in the sentencing. I am appealing to you on sentencing to say I am happy to clock up certain hours in 'community service' if you can devise a way or method of achieving that. Happy also to receive a certain ban time, but at this stage I do not understand my future - whether I should wait for Zaphod, start again or walk away from E-L altogether. Apologies if this has only angered you - I simply seek a procedural way forward. Please don't make me another David Hicks... Thanks Zaphod
  6. Started PMing someone, used "// blah blah". Server correctly translated to "/player_name" but said this was a syntax error?
  7. Ok, so I shouldn't have fought the Grizzly on level 13. I'm in the Underworld, but what have I lost? Most of my inventory is still there (I know later my stored items weren't touched), but I have lost that helmet I found and was wearing. What else? What are the exact rules for what you lose? I tried to look it up in the usual places - no luck. Thanks
  8. What happens to you when you die?

    Hmmm ... notes to self: a) Don't walk past Puma's even in the WSC marketplace. They attack you! If saving for your first 'big thing', keep storing bits of money and then carry the lot straight to the seller otherwise THEY MAKE IT 100% AND TAKE ALL YOUR &*#&@! MONEY. Zaphod, when two heads are just a pain in the neck(s)...
  9. Taverns not buying?

    Is this a known problem? Taverns on IP and WS are not buying rab meat or fur although they ask for it. The NPCs sell anything and I've managed to sell veggies, but with the others, they give a price, then ask how much you want to sell and then when you click on a choice, the NPC goes blank. Help?
  10. Taverns not buying?

    Sorry, noob - what's CVS? Do I have to download something now/soon?