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Posts posted by TirunCollimdus

  1. No option in the poll really reflects my answer, so i haven't voted, i'll just post:


    I personally dont enjoy quests, but if others do, then cool; add more...


    ...but, the outcome of these quests, the reward for them, should not offer something that isn't obtainable through non-quest play style.


    Gotta make sure to not alienate the players (like myself) that dont enjoy questing.


    So i guess i'd vote "i dont care", so long as the added quests wont be something i feel i have to do to remain on par with others.



    The barn door has closed and the horse has already left. The quests already in game give advantages that can be obtained in no other way. Cheap wine and leather, god quests, and the skills quests that give rewards of free stuff. You cannot get these benefits by yourself in any other way. The point of quests in this game are specifically to give advantages that are not had by players who do not do them. The chance this will change is near nonexistent considering all of the quests they already approved under the same system.


    I love quests. I love getting benefits that other players who don't want to take the time and effort don't have. I love the stories and interactivity of quests. I started D&D when it first came out in the Blue Box a very long time ago. I have been RPGing ever since. :cry: Teach me how to code the quests and I will code every single one of them for you. :icon4: I will do it quickly too. :ninja smiley: lol



    GM of PATH

  2. I always do my best at everything I do. I will do my best to try to please everyone all of the time. Perfection is unfortunately not a mortal concept so I can't promise I will succeed. Hope that is good enough. ;)



  3. Yes I understand that only TirunCollimdus will be returned to me. The people who don't like me can put me on ignore. If someone does not like me and decides to let me know that they don't then I will put them on ignore. What I say to my friends is my own business however and I won't censor myself in conversations with them. The #ignore command is our friend. :) I will spend a lot less time arguing and a lot more time playing that way and that suits me just fine. Trying not to irritate anyone is not possible. You can't please all the people all the time. You agree with that don't you Entropy? I will just avoid any and all direct confrontations. That is enough isn't it?



  4. If unbanned I fully intend to deal with the problems myself. I would not have it any other way. Some people need to be educated and I am ready to start classes. I don't let lies and slander stand and I never quit. No one is going to get away with harassing me or mine especially when it is done unjustly. I don't need the mods to help me deal with attacks against me as I have proven more than once in the past. This just might be the last time I need to prove that attacking my character is not worth the results after all is said and done. I blew the RICH guild out on the forum. I blew Ateh and his entire bunch of buddies out on the unofficial forums. I will not have any troubles dealing with this new problem. The truth will out. It shall set you free. The people who have chosen to side against me are the ones who have a problem. They wanted it to get ugly so it will. That is not my doing. I didn't start this fight but I will finish it and I will do that without the help of any mods or anyone else for that matter. I don't want help and I don't need it, so you don't have to worry about me asking for it.



  5. Abuse of power is the most abominable of all human failings. Having the ability to help others and instead hurting them is the lowest form of behavior.

    Whether that power comes from authority granted or trust given makes no difference; betraying the trust implied by either relationship makes you nothing more than scum. When Lanora was trying to get things ready to move here to be with me I could have told her to get online to help me move the stuff in game. She would have done it because I told her too and had to deal with anyone who was asking why Icy's original owner was not running the character. She would also have taken time out of what little she had before the move to get ready.


    If I had done this we would not be having this discussion right now as no rules would have been broken. The exact same results would have come to pass without a rule being broken of any kind. You are right Aislinn about this not being about intentions. I did give the character to Lanora and she is the only one who played it after the name and color change were put in place. This is about what actually happened. Nothing was gained that could not have been gained more easily by following the rules. I simply chose to place more importance on Lanora's feelings and convenience as I knew what I was doing did not gain me anything that I did not already have without breaking the rules. The trade in question would have been easier not harder if I had let Lanora help me.


    How is it that you are locking up both characters when all I got from the trade in question was more of my own time used than was necessary since Lanora could have and would have helped me. The rule against multiplay is to prevent abuse and unfair advantage. Why are you locking my character for multiplay when I did not get this? I could have had Lanora help me do exactly the same thing you are banning me for and saved myself some time and trouble. Yet here you are punishing me and Lanora when in fact Lanora did have control of the character when you banned it? This is not about intentions. It is about realities. The fact is that I could have done this with Lanora's help and no rule would be broken. The fact is that doing it the way I did inconvenienced me more than asking Lanora would have done. The only thing I got out of breaking this rule was some peace of mind for Lanora and extra time on her hands to get ready for the move. This was not an in game benefit. The 'peace of mind' you claim I got as a benefit was not an in game benefit either.


    You are going to bring real life into the game and say my state of mind in real life is what I am getting banned for Aislinn? The fact is that in game I got nothing out of this trade other than less time to actually play the game. No benefit and no intention of breaking any rule. I do apologize for breaking the rule. I cared more about Lanora than the game and if that makes me a bad guy then don't unban me. I have contributed to this game in a positive way both in game and monetarily as well. If you choose to keep both characters locked I won't bother to ask again for them to be unlocked. I want to play the game with Lanora because she has lots of friends here and so do I. There are some very nasty and abusive players in game who are in fact currently harassing us while I am locked. We can ignore them if their actions are not allowed to stand. I should be able to do something if I am unlocked but I can't do anything if I am not. Please let me know as soon as you can what your decision will be on this ban.




    PS As for my acceptance and appreciation of the rules I happen to be one up on a lot of your mods. The EVTR cave was used by a lot of them while the coal was still there. I talked to a mod who hadn't been there and figured out that the coal should not be there and helped bring it to Radu's attention. This won't help me make any friends but it shows that I put the game before my own personal gain. When I was GM of RICH we made a great deal of use of the cave until I found out it was not supposed to have the coal there. When I did find out I did something about it instead of continuing to use it to my and RICH's advantage.

  6. I am posting this to let you all know that there will be a slight modification in how the moderating team will be handling locks and bans. Entropy (Radu) and I together have worked out what we both believe to be a very good working model for consistent and effective moderation.

    Locks and IP bans will now be an automatic 1 month. No negotiations, no running to Ent to get around big bad Aisy/Asgnny/Ghrae/Thyralax. Also the standard inventory wipe/stats reductions will be kept if appropriate for the crime. It will be on the locked/banned player's head to come back 1 month later to be reinstated. If they do something else normally lock worthy, another 1 month ban will be given. If they violate the ban or start complaining/whining during this period, their clock starts over. If a player has a lock on his main character and creates more trouble on an alt, the original locked main character will have an extended lock, in addition to a potential lock of the alt depending on the crime. (Obviously if you earned an IP ban, you better not have any alts) If this keeps repeating, they will get a more serious punishment, some examples could be a 2 month ban, or possibly on a case by case basis, a perma-ban. This will apply to ALL players, no exceptions.

    This does not replace our kicks, warnings, mod pm's, boots, mutes, etc. Those as always will be on an as needed case-by-case basis.

    Note: Illegal multiplay cases will not be allowed to have the illegal mules/alts unlocked and back ingame, ONLY the main character.


    If you have any questions please feel free to forum pm me. It is much easier to concentrate on you via forum communication rather than ingame, where there are too many distractions and people pulling me in multiple directions.

    Please note the highlighted part in bold red.



    1. You did benefit by the trade. You got the "satisfaction" of knowing that even if Icy managed to get her character back (which you did seem to think was a possibility, at least according to your story), she would still come away empty handed. At least partial revenge for you. How do you see that you are not trying to gain advantage over Icy with these actions?


    2. From the rule 5 section about legitimate multiple people on one IP: "Abusing same IP trading and/or lying will result in severe consequences." I would absolutely call this abuse of same IP trading.


    3. Once you log onto a character and use it for any purpose, it is considered your alt from that point on and ANY trading between those characters by any means is illegal, along with the other forms of illegal multiplay laid out quite clearly in rule 5.


    4. I have no personal grudge against you. I don't even know Icy other than a hello or two. People are saying I am mean because I have already told her she cannot get her character back. You can't have it both ways. I am for the rules and what is right. I am for the spirit of the rules. I am against breaking them, especially when it is blatantly and intentionally done, and when it is depending on loopholes.


    1. I was trying to keep Icy from getting an advantage over me. Once I changed the character's password it was mine. My intent was to give it to LaNora which I did. I was trying to protect what had become my character to give to LaNora. The advantage over Icy was done perfectly legally because she let me know her password. Satisfaction is not an in game advantage which is what I understand the rules are meant to prevent. I was not aware my feelings were covered by the rules. I apologize for the oversight. I had never heard of anyone getting in trouble for how they felt about something.


    2. It was not abuse of same IP trading because I could have just told LaNora to log onto the character as it was meant to be hers and have done exactly the same thing without breaking the rules just as Entropy posted. Yes it did break the rules because I did without getting LaNora to log on to her character but my life and LaNora's lives were drastically changing. I am sorry I let my personal troubles make me get impatient but as I and Radu pointed out the abuse would not have been one if I had just let LaNora log in instead of doing it myself.


    3. If a character is your alt forever than no one can sell accounts or give them to other persons. This has not seemed to be the case in the past. I have seen lots of people sell and give away characters. I had not heard they could not then interact with those characters if someone else was running them. It isn't against the rules to give away characters or sell them to my knowledge. There isn't a rule section I have seen that states you cannot interact with a character that you have sold or given away if someone else can be proven to be playing them. I could have as easily told LaNora to log on to the character and change the password so that I would never have logged on to it. I would have done so if I had known giving the character to her was going to be problem. If there is a rule that says you cannot interact with characters run by other person when you have logged onto it in the past I am not aware of it. I apologize for not reading the rules well enough to understand this if there is such a rule. I thought as long as there were different persons running characters it was okay.


    4. I did not break the rules to get any advantages. I could have inconvenienced LaNora by having her log on to the Icy character and made the trade then as Radu said without breaking the rules. LaNora was in the middle of trying to get ready to move down here to be with me. I am sorry I put her convenience and our real life futures ahead of the game rules. That was not my intent. I was just trying to take care of the game and my real life at the same time. It took longer to do the way I did it then it would have taken to do it without breaking the rules.


    TirunCollimdus is my main character and Isiltari is LaNora's main character. I would appreciate it if we could have them unlocked after the month wait. I am very sorry I made this mess. I don't feel I violated the intent of the rules because I made it harder on myself to do what I did than it would have been if I had LaNora log onto the character and do it without breaking them. I was just trying to take care of LaNora and give her as much time as we could to get organized for her move. That is the only reason I did it the way that I did.


    I apologize for letting my impatience keep me from doing what I did in a way that would not have broken the rules. I could as Radu has pointed out done the trade without breaking the rules. I didn't get any advantages that I could not have gotten by taking time from LaNora to have her help instead of letting her get ready for the move. If you feel that my putting what I felt were her needs before the game rules requires treating us as cheaters then please let the characters be locked for a month. We will not be causing any trouble for anyone going forward. We just want to be able to play EL together with our main characters.


    I am hoping that the real life circumstances involved will mitigate my mistake and allow us to simply be put on probation since I didn't do anything that I could not have done legally in the first place. Taking the character from Icy should not in any way be considered here as I did that without breaking any rules. The character was meant for LaNora and she has been playing it as her main. We just want to play as a family like everyone else.



  7. Aislinn you used the labels given to make a personal attack against me. That is a fact. You passed judgment against me for something that has nothing to do with this ban. Yes I took the character but as I pointed out in the post you once again deleted I gained nothing by breaking the rule in question. Things are exactly the same as they would be if I had waited and given the character to LaNora before any of the stuff was traded between the characters. I find it just another bit of standard practice here in EL. Doesn't matter if someone benefited from what they did because you have a chance to settle a personal score. Did I get anything I could not have had by taking the storage out of the character? NO. Not one thing. Did I benefit from breaking the rule. No not at all. The fact of the matter is that I broke a rule and gained nothing by doing so.


    My intent was not to gain any advantage over any other player illegally. That is what the rule is there for in the first place isn't it? To keep people from getting unfair advantage? How does it apply to me since I didn't get any advantage? As I have stated in both deleted posts 'I gained nothing I would not already have had legally from what I did.'. I fail to see the point of keeping characters locked when the end result of unlocking them would be exactly the same as if I had simply waited and given the character storage and all to LaNora before we traded any items. Radu's post here backs up the fact I should be getting attacked for taking the character. All that should be looked at here is if I gained an advantage by breaking the rule. I didn't. The storage was available to me in full as soon as LaNora took over the character just as mine is to her. We play the game together. There is no rule breaking involved.


    You are using my unintentional breaking of rule 5 to punish me to serve your personal beliefs. That is what is going on here. You told me to name one positive effect on the game I have had and you would unlock the character. I did just that and you left the character locked. When I reply to defend myself against your baseless accusations you delete my posts. When I show that I did not gain anything I wouldn't have anyway by breaking the rule and no unfair advantage was had, you delete my post. Tell me how can I have provided you with what you requested to unlock the characters and still be here defending myself for taking the character in the first place instead of for taking the storage before LaNora could get here to give it to me if I wanted it anyway?



  8. Actually no. I was not intending to break a rule at all. I have already told you that I was intending to give the character to LaNora intact. To do that I needed to make sure all of the stuff on the character was there when I gave it to her. If I had not been afraid that the character password could be hacked I would not have taken anything off of it in the first place. It was a freaking pain in the a$$ to do and then I had to go giving back the stuff once LaNora had possession of it. Everyone knows I would rather work smart than hard.


    I wanted to follow the rules and just give the character as it was to LaNora. No rule broken at all. No trading needed except what we could do together when she moved in. No rules broken and having someone there in control of the other character. Legal and easy. That was my intent and it was what I would have much preferred to do. LaNora shares with me just as I share with her so taking the stuff off of the character was the last thing I wanted to do. The fact is that even if I had not taken it the end result would be exactly the same. LaNora would have had the character and we would have traded items to fit our styles of play and I would have helped her and she would have helped me. All perfectly legal.


    I did not feel I could break a rule. There was no need to break a rule except for my paranoia about being hacked. I didn't even think about it as breaking a rule because the character was already promised to LaNora. I was just waiting until I had the money for the color and name change and for her to get here. Why should I face consequences for something I could have done legally and more easily after I gave the character to LaNora? The only thing I did wrong was think that if I could do it legally then it was okay. LaNora getting the character means we are helping each other which is legal. That I moved the equipment prematurely and had to give it back in mass quantities should not be held against me.


    The spirit and meaning of the rule are not broken. They both remain completely intact. It was not intended to be mulitplay by one person. The goal was two people playing together. That is what we would have if the characters were unlocked. LaNora has everything she wants and needs and so do I. I help her get things and she helps me get things. I don't see why timing should be an issue. If the act can be completely legal and wasn't do to a simple matter of timing then why is there a problem? There is nothing I got or that LaNora got that we would not have if I had waited till she got here and given her the character with the storage intact. Nothing was accomplished by the 'multiplay' that was not going to be accomplished completely legally if I had waited, Learner. How can I be so callously breaking a rule when my intention was to speed up something that was legal in the first place?


    How can it be breaking a rule badly when I could have just waited and done exactly the same thing that I did completely legally? I could have given her the character early and let her run around with Icy's name and look but I didn't want to confuse anyone or get anything started with other players. I had the character it was mine to give but I was trying to avoid LaNora having to deal with any pressure from other players. Is that so terrible? I didn't do anything that I was not legally able to do if I had just given the character to LaNora and let her run it right away. That is badly breaking a rule?



  9. No. The fact that any of my ideas have been used for map making proves I have had positive input for the game. The amount of use on my help section doesn't imply how much I think my opinion is worth. It directly states how many EL players thought my opinion was useful and helpful. That had a positive impact on the game or it would not have been used so much right up until the attribute cap. Unless every idea of mine that Acelon used has been removed then I have in point of fact actually do have an ongoing positive impact on the game. That is not an opinion because there has been more than enough time for any useless ideas to be removed. I have made purchases from the shop so I have supported the game financially. Another fact. You did not say I had to give you give you a 'fact' that I offered something to the game that was essential to the existence of EL. You said I had to give you ONE fact that I had made a positive contribution to EL and I already have provided more than one.



  10. I meant facts, not opinions.

    You broke the rules, badly.

    End of story.



    When I have the money to pay to get my website fixed I can send you the hits on the help section. It is a fact not an opinion. You can check the post in the outlaw section between Pookies and Antio. Fact not opinion. I have not backed down in threads when I thought Entropy was wrong (RoT being no cooldown) and I have backed him up all the way when I thought he was right even against the odds(cooldown). Facts that are verifiable by my posts. Not opinions. I am not a coder so I cannot give you things I have literally added to the game. If you want to ask Acelon how many of my ideas he has used in his map making you can get some extra facts for your list though. There I have literally and directly helped this game. I can't tell you which of my ideas he has used because he never tells me which ones he used and I don't keep a list. Yes I do contribute directly to the game in a positive way. Not sure how much my ideas have helped but at least a couple of them have been used. I have been on the test server to help find bugs and posted them.


    You said one Aislinn and I have given you more than one.



  11. Aislinn all you can see is what you want to see. When I had my forum up before the attribute cap a lot of people went to it for help on character building information. I helped take RICH from a guild with one of the worst reputations to one of the best until Amorzka ripped it apart. The RICH guild parties got some of the other guilds to start trying harder to do the same. I worked my but off to get cooldown put into the game and before I started trying it was loosing in the poll. Cooldown is positive. It has brought a lot more strategy and interesting things and items into game. I may have returned flames against people who flamed me but I also always apologized when I was wrong. I helped warn other guilds about semgilman/benhe and I posted one of my returning guild members in the outlaw section because she bagjumped.


    You may not like me Aislinn but I have not done anything against the rules intentionally and I did not pick fights with other players. I finished them but I didn't start them. I may have been nasty when I flamed back at people but I always fought for what I believed in and have been straight forward with everyone. I offer this game a view that puts game development first. I had a NMT and no chance of getting another and I fought hard to make them breakable. I have always put the game first on the forum and no one else can say I haven't. There are quite a few people who actually know me in game outside of the forum who are aware that my forum persona is not the real me. The only part of the forum that is the real me is the part that shows I care more about the game than I do about my character. I could have taken the easy way out on the forum a LOT of times but I stayed in the fight trying to make the game better.


    As for the signature it is because of real life stuff and it is accurate. You may not like that I let my real life CRAP invade the game but I have also helped out when others let their real life crap get into the game. I took Pookies side when Antio was threatening real life stuff even though I barely knew Pookies at the time. Probably spelled his character name wrong but I don't have time to look it up. He asked me for help and I gave it to him. The simple fact is that whenever anyone asks me for my help I give it to them. That is one positive thing I bring to this game too. I am a good friend to those who can be trusted and I apologize when I make a mistake. I may not go out of my way as far as mods do to help but I offer help even when unsolicited. I think there are a lot of positive things I bring to this game. I know some people who agree.




    PS I would like to apologize for loosing my temper as I did not understand the reason for the ban at first. When it was clearly pointed out what was specifically the reason I hope I started to calmly make my case immediately. If I didn't then I apologize for that too. I made a large mistake when I assumed that the ban was for the play that has been ongoing between LaNora and myself with her new character. The 'no drama' part of my signature is something I will personally have to work on. Hopefully my friends will help in that department. I know LaNora will. :D

  12. Nice siggy btw...


    You did not illegally multiplay, you simply removed the stuff from the character you stole and put it on your acount?


    I'm sorry but last I looked that fits the description of rule 5 precisely. What you do with the stuff afterwards is neither here nor there.


    As to LaNora, she can post on her current forum account. Although why she would want somebody's stolen account is beyond me.


    As to rule 4, you are correct. The real Icy won't be getting the character back. She has learned several very hard lessons here.

    Rule 4 does not protect you against rule 5 though.


    So you are telling me that if I had left the stuff on the account and given the character to LaNora after which she gave me some of the stuff off it then it wouldn't have been illegal multiplay. The fact that the outcome is exactly the same means nothing. Right? You are locking my account for doing exactly what I could have done completely 'legally' because I did it in the wrong order? Somehow getting locked for doing something I could have done legally seems a bit less than reasonable. Why LaNora would want a 'stolen' account is all about real life stuff which does not belong here.



  13. I would appreciate it if you would not presume to moderate these forums.

    When we would like your input and advice and modding help, we will ask for it.

    Thank you.

    As to your point, Kaddy was right on target.

    You however were not, your real life issues are not part of this, and it breaks rules to post about somebody else's real life as well, here and ingame.

    Logging on to Icy's account and removing her storage onto your TirunCollimdus account (after changing her password), IS illegal and breaks rule 5.



    Right was he? I already talked to Radu about Icy's account. I told him flat out that I took it. I took the character and gave it to someone else with the stuff included. The person it was given to told me to keep some of that stuff. I did not multiplay. I simply removed the stuff just in case the character was hacked so that the storage was not taken with the character. As I already stated the character is now being used by someone else. Who has been playing EL for over 2 years. Giving the character away and living in the same house and sharing items is not illegal multiplay.


    The person in question has not been able to post on the forum in the ban thread and that is what we are waiting for right now. She will be posting as soon as possible. Giving a character to someone else is not illegal the last time I checked. I give her plenty of stuff and she gives me stuff. If giving her the account was illegal multiplay I apologize. I was not aware that it was illegal. I thought you could give characters away, sell them, and other wise transfer characters to other people. Is this wrong?




    PS When I PMed Radu about taking it he did not tell me there was anything wrong. How was I supposed to know? I was just taking the character to give to someone else. Taking someone's account is not illegal to my knowledge which is why you are not supposed to give out your password. Right?

  14. It seems that Kaddy can break the rules and get away with it but when I reply I get my post deleted. Time for a PM to Radu about how his mods are massively biased. Thanks for your time.





    Get your facts straight. One of the "mods" did not delete your post. The forum is not the place to air your real life issues, for ANY reason. You have some specific facts (relevant information/proof) to present about your ban (which deal with EL and nothing else) please do so. Anything else will be removed.


    My FACTS are already in place. The post which was written by the forum moderator which states anything that is not relevant to the ban will be deleted. Kaddy's post is not relevant to the ban and it remains. That is why I replied to it. Don't tell me I am breaking the rules when you are allowing someone else to get away with it please. Either delete Kaddy's post or reinstate mine. I don't like it when mods play favorites and I don't let it slide. Thanks for your reply though. :pickaxe:

  15. It seems that Kaddy can break the rules and get away with it but when I reply I get my post deleted. Time for a PM to Radu about how his mods are massively biased. Thanks for your time.




    Edit: Just waiting for a reply from Radu so I know my next post won't get deleted. No point really in posting if you know the mods are going to delete your post due to bias now is there?

    PS If you want to know what got deleted here PM me in game. The character name is Instagone.

  16. TirunCollimdus cannot be logged in but I can create a new character. Can this be explained to me? I have done nothing against the rules. I didn't see a message in the ban forum about me so I would like to know what is going on please.



  17. Buy 1K feasting potions and you get ~45K food. Buy 5K bones and you get 50K food. You cannot use just feasting potions and nothing else and say that bones are more expensive at the moment. They aren't. Bones at 3 each then yes they probably will even out at best. Unless you are planning on making no small food cost items then asking for a higher cost with feasting potions.


    Getting bones by fighting phantom warriors is VERY lucrative. Fighting the right critters for meat and bones works well too. If you combine the two you can get a lot of bones and money to buy more bones. :) I like mixing cooked meat and bones so I don't have to spend extra bones making up for the cooldown on fruit. IEDP is the best way to make things IMO. Definitely the cheapest though if you do it right. If you can make your own potions of antidote then you can ignore the above and stick with toadstools though I hate how much the weight. 2 emu per 10 food is a lot and especially if you are sitting at storage.



  18. I don't see any real solution to the economy problem other than patience. The fact that player built cities are on the way no matter how far off really does make this thread almost entirely moot. The change with player built cities will so radically alter game economy that scrabbling over what makes money and what doesn't is almost pointless. I do agree that something besides leather helms(when you make your own thread) should make money for manufacturers. S2Es can do that it seems to a small degree. I think we just need to live with what we have even if it is less fair to manuers than to anyone else until the player build cities arrive. Perhaps something somewhere in the thread will bring a small tweak to manuing for money. :)



  19. Actually, the people who took the perks did not believe they would remove them without resetting when they took them and did not plan on that changing. No one ever expected pek removal stones which further underscores my statement about not being able to see how the game will change. The players who took the negative points have already dealt with the negative effects while playing. Yes the points helped them but they had to deal with the negative effects of the perks while they leveled. Removing the perks without resetting should not have additional negative effects.


    A lot of players did not expect to reset or remove their perks at all. The new addition to the game gives them a new opportunity to change how they play. They should be able to explore that new addition to the game without having to do more than get the stones. The stones being rare and expensive make you have to work for them in the first place. If someone does the work needed to get the removal stone then they deserve to benefit from it. There is no point in taking anything from them especially pick points on top of the money and or time it took to get the removal stones in the first place.



  20. Entopy already provided the answer to the sun medallion question. There was a bug that gave the +4 accuracy to moon medallion which has never been fixed. It is on the to do list. If this bug does ever get fixed the moon medallion will only give +4 armor and the sun medallion will have an actual use in game. To have a medallion that helps with range accuracy you need to have an entirely new item or the sun medallion has to have a dual purpose once the bug is fixed.


    I would suggest suggesting a new item for ranging since that is more likely to be accepted than a dual purpose sun medallion. No idea when they are going to get around to fixing the bug though.



  21. You don't just have the attribute cap to look at either for game changes. When all of the gods finally get added in it will be another reason to want to remove godless. It does need to be in game no matter how rare. I think having stones to remove every perk positive or negative is the right way to go. Skeptic is the obvious exception. People should not be punished for not being able to tell what the future of the game has in store.



  22. I know exactly when I started. It was a holiday weekend. I started September 5th of 2005 so I am very close to three years now. :) Had a couple of short breaks but I was the major reason cooldown was winning the poll before someone hacked it. :) Taking 30 seconds to make a bar only to have it fail really sucked. :D Now we have cooldown and ways around it and it takes only 3 seconds at most to make anything. Much better. :)



  23. Entropy has specifically stated on numerous occasions that vials are meant to be a trade of gold coin for experience. A very good trade. If you are a high enough potioner then you can make vials profitable by selling the potions in the vials you made. It would be great if vials made a profit but it would unbalance the game as it would be too easy just like when vials didn't disappear.




    PS If you are lucky enough you can make a profit. :happy:

  24. Entropy removing DPA is not the core of the suggestion. Switch out DPA for the White Stone Arena and possibly Nordcarn too since you have two arenas in Desert Pines now. Just KF, TD and the two DPAs. The only addition I have is making TD the combat level limit area or leave it and change Nordcarn PK cave to combat level limited. It still removes all of the places but 4 for PK in Seridia and the NC cave would add a 5th but there would still be a lot fewer places to PK.


    There would not only be fewer places to PK but you would have 5 different styles of PK available in the game. That is a lot more strategic and tactical than what we have now. Regular PK in KF, old school in TD, 40s in one DPA and 60s in the other DPA, and add to that the combat level limited Nordcarn PK cave and you have a huge number of ways to PK and ways for players to climb up the PK ladder with and without level limited arenas if they choose.

    Please consider this idea with DPA in place. I think it would really be awesome. I would love to start PKing in the Nordcarn cave while I harvest iron. I already wander into TD whenever I am in Seridia and eventually I will be able to walk into KF without getting pawned instantly too. This will happen much faster if there are more options available to me.


    What applies to me applies to everyone. Give PK a chance by giving players choices. What can it hurt to try it with DPAs in place?


