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About Peach

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/17/1996

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  1. DPA Battles

    lul st_arcane still playin, hello there wynand
  2. very old players

  3. Please unban

    Please unban my good friend Mango, he is in Madrid with me right now and we want to play EL LAN ! So please promptly unban my good friend. Have a good day sir. PS : Greetings to all my eternal land friends out there. <3 pss : he is really sorry for what he did
  4. Selling some

    NMT full steel ~2k SRs Col Rosto PEACHSTER CHARACTER TO PM ( although i never log on so just post here )
  5. Fourth Annual - ryddler's Diabetes Raffle

    i made a donation too for a ticket, do let me know if you have recieved it =) hugs Peachster
  6. Info about perk "ONE"

    as i was a One perk user i can maybe share my experience on the perk : For me it was really 6 free pickpoints, many people knew i had the perk but i never got bombed, not even once, the only time i died by a mine in a non pk area was when i bombed myself by accident. And also having the one perk helped me bomb people who had it too, i remember getting several CoLs doing that and tricking people who had the one perk it was really fun and added much to the game. If i have one thing to say : get the one perk =D
  7. new players

    Not when you first started.... noop :< shhh =P @wizzy : i started playing before TK ^^ @makuyi : i did get why you posted, i was just bored =(
  8. Players u missed

  9. new players

    in 4 weeks i had 1 mill gc, 40 a/d and 70 oa without spending a single $ =D but still nice =)
  10. Korrode's Combat Guides

    i laughed at feros : minimum def 105, 95 is more than enough
  11. Alfred

    logger, firefox is lame, use chrome instead
  12. CA$H

    ye, iirc, kajjak or matess were ^^
  13. Guess the player name!

    that's like the fucking easiest one i've ever seen
  14. Mages

    when i was level 40 i once beat the shit out of a 85a/d fully geared and i got his steel set and col but it is true that i'm unique and mages are easy to pwn =(
  15. Signatures

    i forgot to add that my signatures on the unof forums are way better so go have a look