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Posts posted by Lorck

  1. I believe the people complaining are the pkers. They probably don't even consider anything else than the pk aspects of things or don't think the other things are important, so they don't care and just wish to convince people to make things better for them.
    Do you know that there are MAGES PKERS? I am tired of fighters asking the mixers to shut up in fighter related issues, and the mixers saying that if the fighters want something, is because they want it to their own advantage...


    Maybe some fighters want the better of the game, instead? Read some of my suggestions above.


    EDIT: Maybe we can appreciate the opinions of others independently of if they are fighter or manuer or mage or summoner or w/e.

    It seems some of these people are even confusing mages and summoners. Not all summoners are mages and not all mages are summoners.
    LOL. PKers mages and pkers summoners (tico, lightlan, tigerclaw, etc) are not rare at all in pk maps. If there is a group of players who know some stuff about summoning or magic, specially in pk maps, are pkers.
    I am surprised this thread is even going on since nobody cares enough about the truth of the topic to take me up on my offer to demonstrate what is and what is not true about newb mages. I was offering to use ticklemonster to demonstrate the truth of things.
    Its the truth for you, you know people can disagree. And if some people disagrees, it can be because they want advantages, OR because they disagree with you in a genuine way. Claiming that you know the "truth" and the others only want "easier stuff", shows only arrogance, nothing more.

  2. These characters have monetary value.


    You do keep surprising me... Personally if I thought this way I could probably be rich selling my game characters all over the place, perhaps I'm not rich because I rather find they have an emotional value...

    I think its much faster/better to just work in rl than to make characters for sell in EL.
    I'm not allowed to make a post that's just flaming Gohan am i?
    I would like to do it too.

  3. I just get the feeling that changing these weaps and armors u will have dead pk quick enough
    You may note that the people who stand in kf all day use bronze swords too, in case of need (they have tons of gc to spare...). Also, its just make the pk more expensive for *everyone*. Also it makes it more boring for *everyone*. What is the best weapon against character X? 100% of times is bronze sword. :P Its not an equalizer between levels, the strong people use the bronze too.
    most of the times the fighters (invisble runs made me see this) in kf just stand at entrance "all day" already..
    Yes, its this way for long time. Those are the so called "hardcore" pkers, players who only play the game for that. Most fighters (and even pkers) don't do this.

  4. Yes Korrode, i was talking about 1vs1. And yes, its a MMO, one aspect of the game should depend on the others, like one thing should not be uberimbalanced for pk, else everyone will use that same thing, and this aspect of the game gets monotone and tedious.


    And yes, the weaker guy can use rings, for instance, or summons, or can team up to pwn the strong guy, etc.

  5. lol so after he's poofed 150kgc worth of saving stones to make a 60kgc CoL... :P


    I am not sure how much he would poof to make the CoL, probably much less than that. But so would the 110 a/d fighter that wants to kill the 150 fighter.

    Years ago I remember some with 30 crafting + god blessing making a col with zero critical fails 3 fails.. So anything is possible ^^

    Only with lots of luck... And you cannot extrapolate one case and apply to all. I still think its very very hard for someone with low 30's crafting to make a COL. The chances are all against that guy.


    Anyway, i made that analogy to try to make a point: that is, masterzen was claiming that the changes would benefit only the "strong pk'ers" and would harm the chances of someone with 110 a/d defeat someone with 150 a/d.


    I think the 110 a/d guy should not have decent chance, because someone worked to get to 150 a/d, and its not fair that their levels does not matter in fighting... in the same way its not fair that suddenly characters with low level in a mixing skill start to make items that requires high levels.


    And the change that entropy suggested in the multiplier thread would make pk cheaper, and hopefully, more people can pk, without great imbalance of the system as a role. I really like it.

  6. Let me clarify that i never stated that pk is good as it is now..


    I'm just saying (not defending nor attacking either), that changes that are being made is not really helping the lower a/d people in the world of pk.


    Korrode is telling me differently..


    I never used a bronze sword in pk, i only used 1 item in pk ever, which is a SOM (another greatly appreciated weapon by u guys *sarcasm*)..

    I probably will never be good in pk (too far behindin a/d), cause i never liked a/d training all day long, still don't, but im making longer hours in a/d training lately and i don't wanna have the feeling, that when i finally reach a certain goal (let's say 100/110) that my shots at even competing a LITTLE bit in pk is still at it's minimum..


    It already is at it's minimum now, so why would i train as much as i do now, when eventually when im at a point (which i feel is decent competitive) i discover that with all the changes that are made, i still am useless when it comes to giving a decent fight..


    Well i made clear my point, and already stated that i also think the bronze sword is a weapon that should be decreased a lot..

    If you do a decent build, you should be able to fight people with similar levels. And who do you think that uses bronze swords very often? The guys who have already a great storage and probably good a/d (and probably bought their chars, and probably bought their gold too).


    And still, the summoning/mixing analogy is still valid. Why someone on low 30's of crafting can't have a decent chance of making a COL, but a guy with 110 of a/d should have a decent chance of pk someone with 150/150?


    EDIT: If the pk was cheaper, then more people at your levels could afford to pk, then you would be competitive against them. With skyrocketed prices of armor and weapons, the "small" guy have to stay on silver cave an eternity to even have a small chance of remaining alive on pk.

  7. Being a mixer or not being a mixer, it still is a fact that if ya keep on changing stats on a certain item, it will make the gap between a 100 a/d pk'er and a 120 a/d pk'er bigger.
    I don't think it makes the gap bigger, since being all stats equal, a more experienced fighter would usually have more gold in his/her storage. The pool has something to do with pk being more or less expensive, and you know, characters with low levels usually don't make as much money as a more experienced one. And i think it should be this way, btw, you know, someone worked on that stats.
    All the pk'ers i see talkin on this topic are those that are 120 a/d or above and when someone of a lower a/d lvl, het get bitched about cause he won the fight with a bronze sword
    My attack and defense is above 120, and while i respect the opinion of "mixers", i see no point in bashing a fighter's opinion just because its from a fighter, more or less in the same way i see no point bashing a harvester opinion just because he is a harvester.
    so yes, bronze sword has too big of stats and makes fights unfair, but it does give lower a/d the chance to win a fight how unfair it may be..
    It makes it highly luck dependent, more dependent on luck, less on strategy, and its not only in low vs high levels, its also in low vs low and high vs high.
    If u think, changing stats on the drag armour and the bronze sword doesn't change a thing and lower a/d will still have a decent shot at winning a pk fight then tell me, so i can shut up..


    As long as i don't read about advantages that lower a/d fighters will have, i will keep on messing with these topics..

    Again, someone worked on those stats, it may not even be the person which is holding the char right now, btw. A top level summoner can summon a dragon much easier than me. If you tell me that i should have a "decent shot" at summoning a dragon at my levels, you must be joking.

  8. I am afraid you don't understand. How much are you going to use the bronze sword? What do you get after it breaks?
    I am not going to use it much because i am planing to use summons to do the dirty work. And of course, after it breaks people would just equip another bronze sword, if they have the gc to spare, else they would have to resort to other weapons.

  9. My argument would usually be that training combat should give the best combat advantages, but fair enough.


    Well, it does. Think of a bronze sword as a booster. It's expensive, and can't use it a lot. At the end of the day, the one who spent 12 hours training combat will still be a better fighter.

    After some time training 12 hours per day, you end up being a lot more effective using the bronze sword. Its like the other thread about Artic chims, you can use your chims, AND bronze sword, AND whatever pleases you, its your choice. Training will make you have a better char for the purpose of pk in the end of the day.


    And finally, coming back to the original topic, i recently did tests with bronze sword, and i agree its too much overpowered, it should get a bit lowered.


    EDIT:Oh, and bronze is a way to get gc out of economy. "But omfg and the ebul gc buyers from black market?" The gc came from inside game? Of course the mixer should have a say about this, they play the game too, and whatever affects the economy, affect them too. And i am getting tired of "rofl, mixers should not say stuff about pk".

  10. But this is probably also the reason why "we" won't get more spawns, i remember radu saying at a topic of same sort as this..

    If ya cant find a fight try another aspect of the game and go with that till u find a fight again.. (not quoting)

    I doubt Radu ever said that... please find the post and quote it.

    He said something MUCH MORE funny, when Infamous asked what to do in a peace day, and someone told him he could harvest or mix... And then...
    and what if we don't want to do that?
    Get a girlfriend?
    Full thread:http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...54&hl=peace

    Its from more than 3 years BUT that thing remains true. You are not forced to do anything, you can always log out and enjoy your real life or other games.


    Btw, I never miss an opportunity to ask for more spawns, so great thread. :(

  11. Welcome back to Eternal Lands Lorck
    Thanks. ;)
    Now I am not sure how long you have been back, but the game has kinda changed since you used to be able to pvp in KF all day. It has been a long time since I see people pvping on a pk map (other then a guild map) Sure, I am sure it happens, but I dont see it often anymore, For a very long time now.
    Well, some people are chicken, and did not gone to pk maps even when there were no big harms. And i only gone pvp in kf if asking for trouble... now it seems some folks go chat there...
    Even before naked ebul mages roamed el, there where always a lot of free spawns in pk maps. Double fluff/ogre pk maps where a bit of an excpetion, some people did use them. Mostly when they coudn't find another spawn.
    Ye, again, some people dont gone there, but i think i made 75%+ of my exp in pk maps, and it was one of the most fun parts of the game.
    Radu has already made mage robes, and there is a book avaible for them, though they are not manuable yet, So lets be patient.
    If you have low rationality anyhow, what would be the difference at restoring at 160 hp if trainning in pk map? Most people cant fully restore their hitpoints anyhow.
    Well, my magic level is not really good (74 atm), 4 reasoning, 4 will, and i do restores on 90's...

  12. or indeed any pk map Of course kf is no drop, but last time I looked TD wasn't. If I were to go to TD of course I would use MI and cast TS.

    Dugur I also believe that if you read my post correctly you will see that I was asking questions and asking for your views about levels required etc. not making personal comments. I have heard so much chat regarding this matter but nothing open for discussion in the forum. I admire anyone in any skill that has done the hard work to level.

    Do you think there is anyone in any other PK map nowadays than in KF?

    As i mentioned in other threads/channel 6, one of the most fun aspects of the game was to train (or kill monsters) in pk maps. This aspect of the game kinda of stopped after the arrival of the low level "mages" who do big harms (except maybe in hulda), without much training at all. You can't really do MI, or restoring at 160 hp because that would be way too expensive.


    If you die, you lose rosto... if they die, they lose a few essences, because they run around naked anyways.


    A few suggestions:

    (1)Make magic protection more effective against harms, so you could theoretically kill monster in pk maps (and then the spawns on those maps would not go unsed);


    (2)Make some "wizard robes" or something using the tailoring skill that increase the harms, like only those who wear the robes can do big harms/mana drains, not all noobs with maxed reas/will that run around naked


    (3)reduce the time you can cast spells while engaged in combat (or increase the time you can cast spells outside combat)... because when the guy stalks you fighting, you can cast only each 2 seconds they can cast in 1 second, so if you are engaged in combat and a wiz get you while your MI temporarily run off, you get owned.


    I fully agree that the guys who go to kf without MI should be pwned. Get real, if you wanna be part of an in game social network, make a channel or something.

  13. Cathuga,


    I have 2500 HE's, 800 SR's, and 500 DE's you could have free. Maybe you and Paulb can split the amount and go hunting goblins togethers.

    Ye, they should go hunting goblins together... btw, i heard that they were serping each other feros spawn...oh t3h drama...

  14. Well I was using white tigers for instance to keep them cooldowned so they could not dis from me or use pots. I'm not talking about luck being the tactic I am speaking of. To beat some of them 130s and 140s I had to use my brain not just luck. Especially when I was ganged by two 120s and one 130 and killed them all. I needed way more than the bronzie for that.



    EDIT: But it did help level the playing field a bit.

    He had to be really good pker if he didnt use MI not to get cooldowned. :)

    LOL... :)


    EDIT:About the topic, voted yes, with damage reduction.

  15. People would train like mad, just to try to win the war


    to catch up to todays top pkers, I have to train ~2-3 years AT LEAST. you think I ever gonna do that?

    How long do you think i trained to catch asgnny's power back then? I think players do not have motivation enough anymore to do something like that.
    edit: that is if they do not train during this time as well.
    Mufossa got a char #1 in a/d, trained 18 hours per day in high exp monsters/players (he trained "pvp" with swords to get *all* the xp to himself), with supplies bought for $. Nienora still managed to catch him in power. I was reading the "greatest EL player" thread, and people somehow forgot that she made what appeared to be totally impossible.

  16. Having more emu isn't reason enough, we have mules for that.

    As I said, the availability of mules is not a valid reason why I should not be allowed to increase my base EMU. What if I want to carry more without becoming a mule?

    The mule thing is based on your current EMU right? Then even the mules can benefit of this.
    What or how will this help attract or help retain Players ?

    It wont. In fact it helps drive a wedge deeper between the Ol' Schooler's and Best-Buyers, and newer players who see the gap widening right before their very-eyes, as they train their fingers to numbness in vain attempts to even keep-up.

    It would make less steep the curve of monster training ... like if i could move to fluffy with 85/85 a/d, after i could move with 80/80 (just making this number up, not really accurate). And really, i can't really understand why a player not "best-buyer" could not spend their pps getting more attributes, just like the best-buyer. And i also don't think the change would be big enough to attract or not new players.

  17. I was not blaming LION or any other guild in particular, just to make it clear... It just seems to me that the biggest reason of the healthy pk in the past was the great rivalry between the guilds. Just look at the DiE! vs PkG war... or the \A/ vs HIM war...


    People would train like mad, just to try to win the war, people would not care about rostogol prices as long that it would be necessary to win the war. As far as i can see, this does not happen anymore.


    And 2 big PK sides are not that bad, there is always a "chicken" side who always will accept new allies, so the small fighter guilds can have a place before they grow up.

  18. tbh I do not think you read each post here before posting. There were quite a few valid/understandable reasons why to NOT increase caps. Having more emu isn't reason enough, we have mules for that.
    You see there are reasons and good reasons, they are not the same thing.Most of the reasons against boil down to "the system is perfect and there is no room for improvement". I think there is reason for improvement.
    OP mages already in game, make em stronger would be horrible.
    Thats a problem that should be dealt regardless of cap increase or not.
    I have yet to actually hear any really good reasons why to increase caps other than higher emu and easier killing of creatures. But that would have an adverse effect on many people who already having hard time finding spawns when with a cap increase people would stay on longer, kill easier and carry more.
    Well, that would help to fight the "untrainable" monsters. I think cockatrices, for instance, are fine, but many people say "omfg the crits" and few people train on them.EDIT: and weaker fighters could fight monsters a bit stronger... like it would make easier to move to a stronger monster.

  19. Adding a modifier or penalty on weapons/armor in PK will only serve to help top PKers get faster kills which I'm assuming is the whole point behind this thread.
    The whole point behind this thread is that there are a weapon which TONS of damage, its expensive and break fast, making only people who can buy gc or can spend many hours miliking high level monsters for gc can get competitive in pk. Also there are a kind of armor that absorb all damage from ice and fire, making thermal weapons behave like normal weapons in PvP, therefore rendering them useless in this environment.
    It doesn't give less requirements for PK. On the contrary, it increases the requirements because it means a weaker PKer will need better weapons/armor than he/she otherwise would think he/she needs.
    As far as i can understand, today either you wear the very top gear or you get pked fast, so i don't really see your point.