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About Lorck

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  • Birthday 01/05/1982

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  1. As the picture above shows, I killed the invisible rat on the invance but we did not get extra xp. Dunno what happened.
  2. Annoyance

    Ah come on, he spams utterly irrelevant stuff (when there is acid rain that maybe his bullshit is relevant, he doesn't report where it is raining) which is often wrong as well. It is a subtle troll, and even me fell for that. And yeah, gratz to him for successful trollz. And yeah, Guinness did stuff.. how this is relevant to the present discussion? If you want to talk about that open a dispute thread or something?
  3. Sandman trying to serp me

    Agree with senzon. Also you should have been serped for not carrying rosto.
  4. New scammer or new name

    Want to buy?
  5. Newhope - Invance

    He keeps his word. He may bagjump at any time, including invances, tho.
  6. We need Mammoths!

    Ye, its a ch6 favorite!
  7. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    Double spawn, right?
  8. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    Yes, but we were talking about invance, right? And sure 140-150 its not bad, thats why i said the gaps are in 120-130 and 150+.
  9. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    (1)And you forgot fcw, pw, hawk, white tiger ... Add to the fact people can pot themselves up and fight a lot of other things; (2)Rangers are overpowered, for some time now. Pure fighters without tank builds can't do much. Its not news; (3)Cockas is nightmare to get spawn since there are only one good spawn of it. Same for yetis, tho there are 3 good spawns. ACW is untrainable, just like giants. Lorc sure still gives good exp for me; (4) Sure they can. Specially when SINGLE feros gives more exp than SINGLE lorc often, yes you read that right. And you can't claim a double spawn of it, if someone comes you must give the spawn, no other monster have such restriction. And thats without any special drops.
  10. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    Not true. 3 rangers, and flee. Not true for giant, thats untrainable, you can farm them sure. Not much difference since i hit/block them almost always anyway. And its not insane exp, people from feros or in the start of yetis get lots more exp than me.
  11. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    My issue with this comment is that there really shouldn't be so many at this range. It isn't a natural progression and I personally have no sympathies for people who acquire characters in this range by artificial means then complain they are bored. Nor should others be passed over to appease them. Using the argument "but there are so many people in this range" really holds no water for preferential treatment issues. That said, there still should be more options at all the higher level ranges. We have so many unpopular creatures ingame, it should be easy enough to tweak their stats to give everyone at all levels options. Also I don't like mountain chim being used as a yardstick, for reasons many have already explained. There definitely is a lack between forest chim and yeti and mountain chim just doesn't cut it. There are "chars acquired by artificial means" in all ranges, its not privilege of the 150+. The biggest problem on that range is that you can't "pvp until reach next good exp monster" since there are no other exp monster past lorc, and people arguing that giant or red dragon are options simply don't have a clue. I also agree that there is a problem after fchim/dchim and until yeti, but those people can pvp a bit and then take HS to do yetis earlier (and then remove it when they can do yeti nicely). All that said, i would like if both ranges (120's and 150's) could get tweaked monsters so everyone could train.
  12. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    Nah, try to train giant and talk again.EDIT: And i meant: its ridiculous to put farm monsters who do lots of crits in the same wagon of yetis and mcws and lorcs.
  13. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    But we aren't asking for that. I would like to gain similar exp per hour relative to someone training on feros (at 40 levels lower!), it would still be hard to level since the required exp is logarithimic. EDIT: As we gain levels we should be able to get more exp, right?
  14. Any 100+ a/d gap?

    Dunno if we can have both, but a pr0er legionnaire cyc for 150-160 people and icy troll for 120's would be nice.