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Posts posted by LightKeeper

  1. Yes, Hannibal. That changed because no one was bidding.


    Your offer is no longer valid due to the price change. I wasn't aware how severely underpriced the original number was...I'm not going to sell you a set for 70k less than it is worth. I'm sorry for the confusion and any disappointment I caused you. It is embarrassing to have to change the price mid way through, but, hey, that's what I have to do.


    You have permission to either leave this thread alone or make another bid. I'm fairly certain that it is still very reasonably priced.


    The previous bidder bought a set ingame, so the auction is once again starting at 310k...buy now 360.

  2. Bidding starts at 310k. Increments of 5k, please.


    Buy it now - 360k.



    Set includes:

    Red Dragon Torso

    Red Dragon Cuisses

    Red Dragon Greaves

    Red Dragon Helmet


    To bid anonymously either pm me in game (LightKeeper) or on the boards. (You will be more likely to reach me on the boards.)


    Bidding ends when I say.


    Thank you.

  3. Hi, testing the 1.60.a from 0ctane on Powerbook (PPC G4 1.5Ghz, OSX 10.5.2 with all updates).




    After a while in the last configuration (reflection on, non mapped shadows off) the whole image gets almost black, shading everything in very dark colours (ok, it's raining, but it's too much...).


    Previous results were made with the water-shader quality set to 2. But this is frame-rate expensive...


    Setting water shader to 0 restores the normal colours (for a rainy day; I can also see the sky lightning reflected in the water now, so color range is probably normal). However, at this point testing again the reflection / shadow combination gives different results:


    you have to keep shadows on, or the characters are all black; and shadow mapping disabled, same problem


    reflections now work more, but when enabled they tend to produce a very dark color blend over the water (the rest of the picture is unaffected); moving the camera, this can be made disappear in a good part of the triangles : probable bug in determining the light intensity over the reflecting surfaces from the angle of the surface? also possible the lighter triangles are not reflecting (only the sky is visible there).


    Cloud shadows seem to work properly, I did not test their interaction with all previously discussed settings.


    Client complains about not finding the sound configuration file


    That's all for now, thanks to you all for all the work so far






    I have had this same problem. Having water shader set to 1 and clouds turned off, my screen would either black out or have a blue/green tint, depending on the camera angle.


    I set water shader to zero and turned the shadows back on, and the problem is gone. Shadows, however, give my mac a rough time.

  4. Illegal multiplay.


    Illegal guild storages, shared mules/alts, using each others chars as mules/alts, using hyperspace bags for illegal multi.


    Can you please clarify this, Aislinn? Does this mean that several people cannot harvest and store in one hyperspace bag? This is what I understood their purpose to be. :D




  5. Aislinn,


    I am a member of Vero and have known both Doc, Gizz, and Killy for several years now. I can assure you that they are solid players who would never willingly/knowingly break the rules.


    I won't argue the exact issue, since I am not entirely aware what the case is, but I can certainly bear witness of their character.


    I hope you will consider their previous record and the words of their friends. If the matter can be justified by paying back all that has been wrongfully traded I would be happy to oblige. Please consider this case carefully, as their absence would be a great blow to this game.




  6. It depends on how you want the cities to be constructed. The second option seems like it would provide for many more cities due to the small groups that create them, whereas the first sounds like the cities would be more like real cities than exclusive guilds.


    However the guild system has certainly worked well, so I might have to side with the second. In my understanding, it seems like a space and memory issue...then again, I'm no programmer.


    Are you still planning on making these cities on another "sci-fi-ish planet" or will they be in conjunction with the two continents? Also, how accesible will they be to non-residents?



    My two cents...hope it helps. :(



  7. Hello, all! I started up a new guild and am trying to get it off the ground.


    Guild Name - The Eastern Trade Company

    Short Name - ETC

    Guild Info - We are a peaceful guild focused primarily on manufacturing, alchemy, and crafting.


    I hope to eventually have weekly guild projects to help our members level in the above mentioned skills.



    • Pk'ing - We are mainly a peaceful guild, however a little pk'ing will not be punished. Excessive and ruthless pk'ing, however, will not be accepted.

    • No bagjumpers or scammers, as always.

    • You must be at least 17 to join.

    • Must have at least two levels over 30.

    • Have a good, helpful attitude.

    Hopefully it'll work out well. :D Make a post here or PM me in game if you are interested.

  8. Yes, this is a no good guy. I was selling an expensive item on the market channel, and he pm'd me with his alt, ayreus2. After talking to me like he was going to buy it, he said he didn't have the money, but he would find me someone to sell it to and go 50/50 with me.


    He then began to start to advertise for my item on the market channel . . . :)


    Yes, ayreus...50/50 for something you never owned...this guy is obviously a genius and quite the entreprenuer. :cry:


    Scammer alert. :cry:

  9. For the

    :P Book of Fire Sword :fire: , let the bidding start at 45k. I'll give it two days.




    And then to clear out my books . . . give me a PM in game. (same name)


    Book of Cyclops Fighting


    Two Edged Steel Sword Construction


    VOTD Ring Building (2)


    Book of Crafting Potion (3)


    Titanium Chainmail Torso Construction (2)


    Titanium Long Construction


    Book of Steel Axe Construction


    Portland Ring Building


    Narkalik Ring Building


    Thankyou - LK ;)

  10. "Joule studied the nature of heat, and discovered its relationship to mechanical work."


    I think that sentence has to be the key. Heat being fire essences, and mechanical work being manufacturing.


    So, my guess would be that on this day either no fire essence are required, or significantly less at least . . .


    This has been said before, but I agree. :hehe:

  11. This is an idea expansion of the thread "equipment designing".


    One of the funnest aspects of any game is the custumization of your character. Sadly, this is often limited by the lack of variety in armor and weapons.


    The blacksmith shops are mainly empty (except for the ability to purchase a few items). I propose that a program, similiar to the character creation program, be made that lets you make your own custom armor. This could be placed in the smithy shops. You could choose different options for the different parts of the armor. The different parts would have different stats (such as Def +25 etc.). As the stats go up so does the cost.


    This could add a great deal of variety to the game. It does however pose a problem to manufacturing armor.


    Just an idea I thought I'd throw out.
