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Everything posted by squiz

  1. I am still running 1.3.3 Beta. Sorry if this has already been reported. I did a very rudimentary search. I just mined 29 Hydro ore. My counters show 36 hydro ore having been mined this session. I mined without a harv cape, so they were mined one at a time. I have only made one other hydro trip before, when I mined about 27 ore. My total counters however show 293. Hmmm. A third problem, which probably deserves another thread is that if you kill the client without saving, you lose your session counters. Entering "#save" regularly is a workaround though. I also have a more generic question. Why are the counters saved on the client in the first place? It would make much more sense to save such info on the server. Is this info also available on the server? If so it would be great to be able to refresh it occasionally. I just checked again and now my counters show 147 hydro ore this session and 404 total. I haven't mined any hydro since of course.
  2. hydro ore counter - 2 errors

    Thanks for the answer. It is good to hear that the counters bug is fixed in the next version. I am just curious as to how much space it would really take up, keeping such info on the server. My counters file is only 4kB. If there are 10k people registered, then that is 40MB, which is not huge. Maybe it is a lot percentage-wise though, I don't know. Although an asthetic feature, it adds to the fun of the game. After all, isn't accumulating points a big part of such games?
  3. My websites

    None of these links seem to be working.
  4. List of 'rare' books that you can't sell

    I dont agree on that point to reread books...there are books that takes lots of time, even in fast read area, and i know how much time i spent waiting for the serridium mining, smelting,molding to finish it! I agree that an npc would be fine, and is needed too! I think that it is a great idea to make certain books rereadable - not all books though, that would be overkill. If the time taken is too much, you could make the "refresher course" either instantaneous or at least at library speed.
  5. Do tools break on no break day?

    Scheiße! Oh well bad luck Cordor. I guess I'll use my vial mold without waiting for no break day now.
  6. Defense Description wrong?

    Under Encyclopedia-Attributes-Defense it says: Am I alone in thinking that this is wrong? I was under the impression that defense reduce your chance of being hit. Could a server developer (Entropy?) please confirm this?
  7. Defense Description wrong?

    Attack is also wrong.
  8. Lag

    I have terrible lag at the moment, and I can't work out what is causing it. When in-game, the command "#ping" gives a Server Latency of 3-4 seconds. This is also the case on the test server. When I ping the server, or use traceroute on port 2000 (or 2001), I get about 40ms. I also tried running the cvs client, but it made no difference. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  9. Lag

    The bug is that I get 3000ms when I use the command "#ping" from in game. It does not happen all the time though, but it is happening again right now. And how many of the PCs are downloading stuff? Lag on my network happens mainly whenever all my bandwidth is used up downloading stuff such as linux DVDs etc, or if *torrent* or some other type of filesharing software is running somewhere. There is nothing downloading anything. Now there is only one pc running and I have the same problem. I can ping the server from a shell and get only 60ms.
  10. Linux issue: EL and updating system time

    Look into running ntpd instead. ntpd runs all the time and synchs to a time server. It incrementally adjusts the clock speed so that you never get a sudden step in time. ntpdate can still be used on system startup. This is now standard with many distributions, for example gentoo.
  11. Lag

    I just tried it from another pc on my network and got the same result.
  12. Do Fluf Still Drop NMT?

    I think panzerfaust got an NMT fairly recently. I think it was before the most recent update though.
  13. Server

    I wonder if I can sue Above.net for the loss of an NMT and CoL.
  14. Monsters a/d

    Surely the attributes derived from Phys/Coord are important too? Maybe my understanding is flawed, but the higher a monster's phys, the more damage he does when he hits you. (Sort of like carrying a bigger sword). Couldn't this be calculated too, by observing how much damage monsters do? Coord cross attributes might be harder to estimate, though.
  15. EL Network Protocol Documentation

    Here is another problem I found. When my client receives a PM, it looks like this: message type= 0 message length= 25 data= '\x01\x80[PM from squiz: hello]' The first byte implies channel 1 (pm). What is the second byte?
  16. EL Network Protocol Documentation

    Here are a few errors/suggestions: Rewrite Message_Length description as follows: MESSAGE_LENGTH=(length of PROTOCOL TYPE)+(length of DATA) = 1+(length of DATA) The structure for sending to local chat is wrong. The correct structure (from wireshark) is: [RAW_TEXT (0)][LENGTH (X*)]MESSAGE Basically you only have to send the message with Protocol_type=0 and the length. The channel seems to be only for messages from the server. Otherwise, great job!
  17. Armor vs Defense vs Damage vs etc.

    But if you armor absords damage enough that you would get 0 damage (like it often does), you will get defense exp like it was dodge Not really... i tried it with my alt and borrowed a steel set. Although it absorbed all the damage, i got 0 def xp events (gargs at 4/4 a/d) so if the armor absorbs the damage, you don't get def events (atleast that's what i noticed) Nook1e Finally someone designing an experiment instead of just regurgitating what they heard somewhere. Great experiment. That clears things up a lot. Well done.
  18. Production Cost Calculations

    The macro is the start of a functio to clear all the qty across the entire ingredient sheet - not yet functional and only clears one field presently. It isn't link to anything may remove it or add it to a button - can't decide I would recommend removing it if you are going to distribute it over the internet.
  19. Production Cost Calculations

    It seems to contain a macro. What does this do?
  20. Item Usage Statistics

    Personally, I think it would simply be pretty cool to be able to view overall statistics on such things as total amount of gc and items in the game. Supplying such information could add another dimension to the game, rather than just blindly trying to guess which way the market is going.
  21. What is your political compass score?

    I did this test a year or so ago. I will have to look up that other forum, so that I can do it again and compare. It is good to see that people realise that political attitudes have more than one dimension / degree-of-freedom. Sometimes I think that even more dimensions might be appropriate though.
  22. summoning

    Sorry if I did this, I can't remember the incident, nor find it in my chat logs. If I did, I apologise.
  23. ATI problems linux.

    Great, it finally works. Will this be included in the main release?
  24. Production Cost Calculations

    This link seems to be dead. Whoops - now I notice that the link is only up some of the time. I will check again later.
  25. Lord of the flies day

    While still waiting for an answer to my question, here is another proposal: Only those with A+D>X can be attacked, but anyone can attack them. That way mulitple lower players could gang up on higher players.