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Everything posted by Tico

  1. making things for money

    Im not that sure... im making the stones... its ways less profitable that any other skill... NPC buy it for a very low price and to get till the necessary level to start at stones u will lose a lot of money
  2. Artwork Updates

    Are those feros something like Werefoxes? they look great, ill love to kill some of them
  3. making things for money

    1st tip to get rich... Dont start summoning... ever!!! 2nd tip to get rich Steel Bars have the major demand in the whole game... 3rd tip to get rich Dont have fun... work,work and work. 4th tip to get rich Get yourself a Trade BOT folowing all this tips u may be rich pretty soon... (u should know before starts folowing my Tips that i never did that... im a summoner, i barely make steel bars, i always try to have fun instead of work, and i have no money to get a trade Bot.)
  4. Fitness/Bodybuilding

    It would depend on what muscles we're talking about ... But most likely, chicks with large arms and legs, are kinda weird!!! The girls starts too look like a male... she loses her charm and i think its not good! Theres a line a girl should never cross in this muscle stuff...
  5. guild list

    I think it can be listed by the amount of members in guild, even being with not active players. but, like we have in top players, more then only top 30 guilds... lika a top 50, top 100, top 200... i dont think that more then 200 guilds will be necessary
  6. Since we can only serve 3 gods, we only need to acomplish 3 god quests, and we can do any other untill decide to change the god to worship. Thinking in that and the God enemessis, like Mortos X Aluwen ive got an interesting idea, maybe stupid maybe briliant, its up to u to decide, anyway here it goes: Thinking that im an Mortos worshiper.... RPG: Me: Im now a mortos servant, ill kill anything alive in my sight !! Mauahauhauhauh Mortos: This is what i expect from u, living is senceless in this lands, and for that u will become stronger in the killing art of attack! Aluwen: Hey u meaningless creature, what ure thinking... u think u can kill everything ive raised and created and nothing will happen to u? For if u think u will kill everithing and get unpunished ure wrong! *Sudeenly i started to feel weaker against Aluwens creatures, it looks like my protection is falling down* Me: Aluwen, i dont whant to hurt your feelings is there something i can do for u so your anger wont fall at me like this?? Aluwen: Gods are never easy to please, but we can manage something English: since the guy started to worship Mportos, all God entitys that are enemys to Mortos turn that fellow a God Betrayal and for that his experience in their skill has been reduced. (something like 10% - 5 % reduced). So he need to make some Aluwen God quest to back his skills experience back to normal. Pros: People will be able to make more quests. Wont require to a huge implementation since all quest are already implemented... Con: I think a lot of ppl will get mad to need to make more quests.
  7. Signature Art

    GIMP is very good! !lots of resources!!! see if u liked it
  8. Map Bug

    At coords 684,206, after climb the rope to id. mines ive seen a bug between the montain and the ground... it looks like a empty space, i dont know a better way to describe it and imn sorry for that... but u will be able to find that if u get to coords and look trough south to southeast

    Yeah i dont agree with u. ----edit and if gods dont talk with mortals... why does Mortos always say something at invasions???
  10. Worst Guild Concepts

    #guild_info PKER Anyone with a/d above 20 are invited, this way u will stop to kill us

    They are motheyst, so for them realy are senceless pay tribute to a GOD entity that doesnt exist. For this religions are only one GOD, but EL is a politheyst relicion, like greece... In greeck mythology Gods do have a war between then... and as far as i know they used the mortals as toys in those wars... so if Atena was mad against Hermes (just an e.g.) she could use a mortal (lets name him Alfred) against Hermes someway she likes. Them Alfred would obey Atena, cause she is a God and mortals cant go against Gods... So hermes got pissed with Atena and called Alfred for a conversation and told Alfred to do something else (or he would be punished). This way Alfred had to do something in favor of Hermes will. And why the hack would Alfred do such a thing since he is a Atena's worshiper????? Because he is just a mortal... as i sayd before mortals cant go against Gods The enemessy is about Mortos and Aluwen, not a mortal and Aluwen or a mortal and Mortos. If u dont like the idea ist realy ok for me, but dont come tell me again that its lack of logic, EL is a politheist religion not monotheist... keep that in mind
  12. Signature Art

    ok ill make a try on them! tnx knight
  13. Summoning Stone Idea :)

    The idea is pretty good and i think that would increase market share for summoners. but maybe instead of randon it could be used Xmana pots, and enriched stones! idk wich is better for the economy if random or with other ingreds... but its a point of view to be analysed
  14. Signature Art

    Tnx Aislinn, but what i need to know most is what software have u use to draw the signature... yours for example is very good... but i dont know with what software i can create something with this quality
  15. New weapons and Armours

    Ghrae i love your web-site gratz for your work and to spread information to EL comunity! Gratz to u and CEL guild
  16. Looking For A Guild

    Duckyo ... i usually play at 18:30 till 21:30 GMT time .... so if u dont see me talk with Dain or Sepultura or Narla or Leoeak... tnx
  17. About plans for the future (blog post)

    Sorry if it looks like i was complaining.. it wasnt my intention... i know that we wont need to move from EL to other planet... even tough its impossible to dont mix it cause u will have 2 diferent planes where people go and get back... it will cause a social change in Eternal-lands... people talk to each other. I hope that it works fine and the game become more fun then it is now... i just cant imagine how ppl from a medievil place go to a sci-phy planet... but it isnt up to me to imagine... its all up to u programmers Good luck on this project
  18. Its up to GMs to manage theyr allyes and enemys... use the colors and be happy!!! i dont see any need to polute the screen with more visual information then we already have...
  19. Issues with PK

    I only agree to take the rost away from the game..... or make it even more rare... People that dont want to pk and need to go trought pk maps have another choices as inv pots... if u go out ask to pkers if they would like to get drops from their PK i think that would be a unanimous YES.
  20. Guess the player name!

    I told it was easy... your turn bleed
  21. SR unstack

    Interesting point of view.... i liked it!
  22. SR unstack

    Cause its the only way programmers get payd... and we dont expect them to work free for our fun. 10 EMU SRs is a good idea, newbs dont use SRs... they use the 1st mana pot that weights 1 emu, and this pot probably will become better to train since its vial wont disapear and 10 EMU of this pots gives (10X5 = 50 mana points) against 20 from SRs... Weird mana pots better then SRs... amazing
  23. Guess the player name!

    ok here i go its easy if u know the guy...
  24. About plans for the future (blog post)

    Seriously i dont see how this 2 completely different areas would fir... Scy-Fi and EL (the way it is) are like water and oil!!! The idea is a diferent concept of game that its on EL.... i hope im wrong but i fear that im not!