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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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About Zamolxes

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/23/1990

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Somewhere near Kogaion
  • Interests
  1. Me Deceneu

    Sure options, you should talk Options you scammed me with my account so who's the big scammer now? But that doesn't mean that i just called my moma and told her that i got scammed and then posted on the el forum? It's to bad that i stopped playing EL but that just happend because of some lamers like Options.. If i knew i was gonna get scammed i would have deleted my account instead of giving it to a so called "i'm not a scammer". Get a life people..
  2. Ultimate Fighting Champions!

    Heh, i will but it would be kweler to make it a overall guild... for all ppl .
  3. Version 1.1.2 is ready

    Cool version.... i never saw an unicorn in the game but i'll have to search for one
  4. Error message

    I seem to have the same problem... Dev-C++ error.. ugh.. Well I DO HAVE the Dev-C++ on my comp.. anyway i updated the game so it seems that there isn't any problem anymore. Thanks for the attention.
  5. Română

    Eh, Romania asta e, toti viseaza la strainatate ca un "Rai" dar defapt nu e asa. Ce vrei daca saraci oameni nu au avut parte de o disciplina. Peste tot poti gasi oameni de genul acesta numai ca depinde si de situatie.
  6. Română

    LOL... moama cate am pierdut cu scoala vietzii.. ca era aproape sa ma las de Eternal lands:( da acuma sper sa intru mai des decat odata pe luna...