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Posts posted by Vanyel

  1. Invasion rules (I can't be bothered to post in channel - too much effort):


    1. 3000 monsters will be spawned. All capped at 6 or below.

    2. After starting the invasion first wave of 600 monsters will be released. Every 15 minutes I will let another wave go at you. Each wave will be a bit tougher than prior one.

    3. If you do not want to be smothered, you will need to kill them fast enough.

    4. If after 75 minutes less than 50 monsters remain you will get a wave of bosses. Some will be capped at 140 for the less hardcore fighters.


    That's all.

  2. I tend to agree with people claiming that an absurd price makes the item pretty much un-useable (not useless, it still will function). Considering that, I would welcome any change that will turn this situation around.


    The suggestion I liked the most was a slight change to the recipe outcome, ie. increasing number of created items.


    The second best was to make Enhanced EEs have more use. Though, this solution might be short-lived, due to infation caused by increased usage of thereof.

  3. Cheers,


    Today's invasion is on special rules:


    1. It will be capped at 120 mixed with uncapped.

    2. A limited number of monsters will be spawned in Trassian.

    3. If the invasion is cleared within 60 minutes I will give you a variety of bosses of your choice (with limitation of up 2 castellans or brickers).

    4. You are allowed to heal all other participants of this invasion (regardless of caps).

    5. You are allowed to use summoned monsters.

    6. I've omitted before. Magic used against monsters is allowed regardless of the cap.



    Please, be advised that rules 4 through 6 are in power only during this single invasion unless announced otherwise.



  4. Let's try a team event. The theme is Defend the Fort.


    Short version:

    1. There are forts in KF. There will be 2 characters (low level) in each of them.

    2. There will be 2 teams defending the mentioned characters.

    3. There will be monsters invading KF. With different caps (varying between 80 to uncapped, with step of 30).

    4. The team who will manage whose "flag" dies first (by any means) loses. The flag needs to survive till the end of the event. Each round will last for 30 minutes.

    5. The team who manages to kill the other "flag" wins.

    6. The number of people in each team should be not higher than 12. The teams must be declared before the event.

    7. Should there be more than 2 teams, we will make it a tournament with 1 team being winners.

    8. I will provide awards. However, should there be any people willing to donate - contact me in forums or in game.


    Long version:

    maybe later


    Question: are you willing to try it?

    Note: basing on your responses we will run the event or scratch it.

  5. As we've discussed yesterday. I agree that it would be nice to add some twist(s) to invasions. However, your idea is impractical. The reason for such are requirements for it, namely gathering the team, getting moderators to either supervise it or run it. These make it impossible to run ad-hoc. Each time it would require heavy preparations on all sides.


    Making it automatic with NPCs is not a solution due to limitations of NPCs themselves. They can't move. They can't react in any form to their surrounding other than being clicked. They can't be attacked (though I suppose it could be implemented) by monsters. Question is, whether the changes to code that would be require will be a good investment. Personally, I find it very questionable.

  6. 30th Day of Viasia, Year 47, Age of the Eternals


    Everything was ready. The mages casting the grand spell of clairvoyance were waiting for the missing reagents were waiting at the places of power in Willovine Forest, North Redmoon Island, Zirakinbar and Desert Pines. The Archmage of Tarsengaard started gathering heroes ready to support their effort.


    Alas, the unknown enemy would not just watch...




    1. Time, Sunday, Europe late afternoon*

    2. Maps, caps and character names:

    • Desert Pines, 70, WhiteWitch
    • Zirakinbar, 100, Conjurer
    • North Redmoon Island, 130, Sangoma
    • Willovine Forest, uncap, Theurgist

    3. Success condition: find the mages and deliver the required items within a candle mark between first and last - you will have to guess correctly (though, I think it will be pretty obvious) which item goes to which character

    4. Success reward: invasion will last for a bit longer, players to deliver required items will receive 10k gc

    5. Failure reward: invasion will be interrupted within a candle mark from the failure, next stage of this event will be significantly more difficult


    * - should there be peace day, day of brave or any other that might interfere with the event I will postpone it till Monday or next weekend

  7. 26th Day of Viasia, Year 47, Age of the Eternals


    A few days passed.


    A man entered a dark room, his shoulders hunched. With a single word he made all candles to light. Feeble illumination revealed his features. His long silver hair was disheveled, obviously needing a good wash and brush. Grave distress caused his forehead and brow to furrow overshadowing his worried eyes.


    The room was rather spartan, with a narrow bed, a simple table next to a window and a single chair. Nothing identified it as belonging to the Archmage and Seer of the Magic School in Tarsengaard. He sat on the chair with a deep sigh, none would mistake it for a sign of relief. It took him long days to investigate the areas, as well as components, required to cast the grand spell of clairvoyance. Even though this part of the spell was clear and fairly simple, he knew that the success was as much a matter of right components as timing. The latter seemed crucial.


    The spell structure was obvious. Four sorcerrers, he sent on their quest for knowledge weeks before, had already found places of power dominated by one of the elements of nature, earth, fire, wood and metal. To cast the spell they needed to be counterbalanced with embodiments of opposing elements, wood, water, metal and fire. They could be enchanted in mediums of the highest quality, cleansed to remove any impuritities that could blemish them. Wood could be contained in an emerald, water in a sapphire and fire in a ruby. The best medium to hold the force of metal was iron.


    Even though the components were fairly easy to gather, the Archmage was worried. The grand spell required coordination between all four mages casting it and the time margin was much less than narrow. The places of power, where the elements were the strongest, would drain enchanted containers instantly, forcing the casters to start the ritual without delay. Moreover, all rituals just had to be started within a single mark on a candle or the results of the spell would be diminished.


    What remained unknown was the invisible enemy. Would it continue to be distanced? Or...




    General Information:

    1. Invasion in 4 maps and 4 ranges. In each of the map there will be an obvious place related to one of the elements.

    2. Time: To be announced

    Conditions of success:

    1. Deliver defined items to 4 hidden mages according to the area they are hidden in.

    2. Other conditions: Time between first item delivery and the last one delivery needs to be shorter than a single mark on a candle.

    Hint 1:


    Hint 2:

    Candles actually were used to measure time. You can google it :)

  8. 18th Day of Viasia, Year 47, Age of the Eternals


    The Archmage and Seer of the School of Magic in Tarsengaard has managed to establish contact with the missing researchers. In their journey, they wandered to four different realms where they will attempt a complex spell to reveal the cause of the current events in Draia. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that they will need help to cast the grand spell of clairvoyance.


    The Archmage, together with the wisest of his colleagues, are working together in order to organise a party of willing adventurers that will deliver the spell's components. Beware, though, the entity behind the unrolling crisis cannot be expected to remain passive.


    It is expected that wisemen of Tarsengaard will be ready to help their missing sorcerers within days.




    General Information:

    1. Invasion in 4 maps and 4 ranges.

    2. Time: To be announced


    Conditions of success:

    1. Deliver defined items (to be announced) to 4 hidden researchers.

    2. Other conditions: to be announced.

  9. Introduction:

    Archmages of Draia in their research have realised that a dark clouds are gathering. Pursuing answers of what might cause this ominous events and what could they led to four of them decided to start a journey. Unfortunately, any contact with them has been lost.


    The Heads of Magic Schools of Seridia and Irilion are doing their best to localise their colleagues. Unfortunately, all attempts have failed so far.


    Rules & Misc:

    1. This will be a series of four invasion-based events with the first of them taking place next weekend (28-29 May). Following events will be run (most probably) during weekends, too.

    2. Each of the events will have different set-up and different conditions of success and announced before each of them. However, you will need to coordinate your activities between different a/d ranges (caps).

    3. There will be rewards, of course. They will be getting better and better with each successful event. The final reward will be a private invasion which will last for one hour.

    4. Should you fail any of the events, the final reward might be impossible to achieve.

    5. I will make sure to announce subsequent events in forums at least 2-3 before them.


    In case of questions, etc., please, post below.





  10. Dear Vanyel,


    first off: thanks for all your efforts and time to make this a fun and exciting experience for everyone! I really apprciate it :icon13: !!


    I like best:

    Generally: Themed invasions ("birds" in Theli for example was a blast, even though I've never seen a Yeti with wings... but who knows, maybe he's a rocket on skis in his homeland...), or multi-stage invasions with a story (different caps in the same map, so everyone can participate... "evil mage XY sends in his cannon fodder first..." "... enslaved an entire forest and forces all animals to lay siege on some city..."... then the tougher troups come in when the fodder is wasted)



    Invaded dungeons or not-so-common regions, particularily if containing multiple rooms, sub-caves etc.: AA fortress, connected caves in Trassian, Hurquin deep caves etc.

    Thanks for input. I will try to take it into more than just consideration and use some of your hints.


    What I don't like find difficult or sometimes frustrating:

    Cocalars in 110 capped invasions (they've even been put in 100 or 105 cap before)

    Reason: especially with the chance for a really small drop, they may not be worth fighting (in that range) in either melee or with the help of archers. Thre are methods and occasions which work - and pay off especially with a medium+ drop, but still. And in the early stages of an invasion (crowded map with many lower critters alive) they are really frustrating to have around for their disruption of the ongoing massive brawl, potentially causing ppl to not join the forces of fighters for the fear of being caught by one of the Cocalars.


    Please don't misunderstand me: I'm NOT saying "nooo, we don't want any challenge in an invasion". I also by no meas disapprove of boss monsters requiring team work. I'm just saying: In 110 capped range they can be a frustrating challenge for most of the players, even in small teams - AND in the company of smaller bosses can really make the initial or mid-way stages of an invasion very dangerous.


    (need to leave computer for a while now - may add more comments later)

    That's a tough issue you tackle there. It is related to principles. I consider invasion as a source of fun. Experience and profit are secondary issue, in my opinion.


    As for bosses mixed with waves or spawned with the last one. I tend to go with either of these methods, depending on my mood and idea for the invasion. Personally, I am always in awe when I see people cooperating. For me it's the best outcome there could be. I see nothing wrong in either method of spawning bosses, either.


    Small creatures (brownies, skunks, etc. but also japitas) are nice dis catchers. Hence I tend to mix them in every now and then.


    As for challenges, e.g. cluster of bosses with small stuff swarming around, I find challenges the thing that gives me the most satisfaction. That's probably my reason for making invasions challenging. Though, I do not mind making leasure ones every now and then, too.




  11. Most invasions are capped by A+D/2. My main character has A+D/2 of over 120, but it can't participate in any current invasions capped that high, because its human nexus is only 4 (with the armor/weapon restrictions that implies), and its P+C/2 is less than 40. This makes its surviving 120-capped invasions highly unlikely. If you would like to see participation by more characters (including those not built as fighters), my suggestion is that you have some invasions also be initially human-nexus capped, and others be P+C/2-capped, or maybe some combination of these. It might also be interesting to have "bare-knuckle" invasions, where participants are not allowed to wear armor or wield weapons.

    Thanks for your input sgik. Unfortunately there are no mechanisms allowing us to cap on any other basis than (a+d)/2. I will think about adjusting invasions using a rule of thumb. I will not always measure it correctly, though. I am not that advanced in game lore. If anybody could post some suggestions on it, I would appreciate.


    Also, based on (an) invasion(s) in which I have (inadvertently) participated, I would like to see some "sparse" invasions, where one has a chance to #beam out after killing a mob or two or three and collecting its/their bag(s). (In a portals room invasion my main character was caught in, it was doing OK against some lower-level mobs, but as soon as it killed one, another would engage it. It couldn't collect any bags, and, eventually, a wave of higher-level monsters appeared, and it was toast.)


    (Edit: portal rooms -> portals room)

    A very good point. The overly crowded maps are partially due to my lazyness. I simply prefer pack maps and then re-invade with time. However, there is also a valid reason for it if I run invasion in several areas at once. If I wanted to make the invasions sparse I am more than sure I would get lost in it at come point and spawn some monsters on Isla Prima or other area that was not on schedule. Anyway, for this reason I run invasions in single combat area every now and then. It helps the participants with escaping. Maybe in future, I will run an invasion in a single, big map, which will allow me to make it "rare". However in such case I will most probably have to go for time-plan of changing caps. I will give it a thought and come back with a proposal in a few days.


    Once again, thanks for your input. I appreciate you decided to use some of your time to share your opinion with me.




  12. Cheers,


    Today we are going for capped invasions in different areas.



    I. Starters

    • Goblins, orcs and ogres with a taste of troll's loincloth served with a variety of animals by our masterchef of Melinish. Delivered inside the city for all those who are below 81 a/d --> 101.

    II. Main Course

    • Skinned fluffy rabbits for all those with Wolfish apetite, flavoured with desert and forest spices . Served with a decent variety of carnivorous animals. Delivered in Melinis, although you will have to leave the city. Targeted at seasoned warriors with a/d below 121.
    • Yeti rib-eye soup with cockatrice meat. However, to eat this speciality an experienced warrior might have to go through all kind of wolves. We serve it in South Redmoon Island. We do hope that all warriors below 151 a/d will enjoy this meal.

    III. Dessert

    • Dragon-egg based cake with a portion of ice-cream. We serve this very special dessert in North Moon Island. Our staff has been recruited from between all variety of creates roaming Draia. Suggested for all of those who did not find anything for them in our Menu so far.


    The degustation will start at 5:00 Game Time and will last till the end of the day. We expect some special guests to arrive then. All meals will be delivered continously in this period, so nobody should be surprised when one of our waiters appears just in front, back, side of them.
