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Everything posted by Vanyel

  1. Sponsoring Instances

    Gonna love this thread, soaking with hypocrisy. I refuse to waste my time on post which are simply insulting to everybody not agreeing with the poster's point of view. Especially, when these people present the same attitude in majority of their posts throughout whole forums. They aren't ones I would like to talk to or be a part of a community with. I don't detest Lexi's idea. It might work as long as it is 100% voluntarily and none of the people taking part in this project insults ones not doing it. I like Raz's idea, too. Of course, under the very same condition. Good luck with both projects. I respect your initiative. I expect you respect my decision of not taking part in it. [digression] This whole discussion reminds me the never-ending "community rules" one. I never could understand who decided that everybody should belong to the very same community or what rules the mentioned community should follow. I have the very same concern in this thread. Why the heck should I be part of the community of people rising this fund? I never wanted to join it or nobody invited me. It isn't obligatory, is it? Here I learn that not joining this project means I am an antisocial jerk who is a "whiner/moaner/loves to bitch/etc.". For freaking sake, pish off. In the first place I would never want to be a part of any community who does similar generalisations and claims. I have my own way of playing. I have a community I belong to (probably the same with groomsh and some other people thinking in a similar way), but that's 100% correct, isn't it? [\digression]
  2. Polska - Poland

    Fakt. Reklamy oglądam tylko, kiedy jestem u kogoś z wizytą
  3. Sponsoring Instances

    As a mixer I think fighters should support themselves. Simple as it is.
  4. Polska - Poland

    Co prawda to prawda. Reklamy Netii sięgnęły dna, następnie wydobyły z zasobów kretynizmów świdry i łopaty, po czym zaczęły się w to dno wkopywać... głęboko.
  5. Polska - Poland

  6. Legit BJer

    When I read this thread I still have in memory the one related to Vallath. Sadly, I have to say that there is only one word that came up to my mind: hypocrisy.
  7. Concerning bagjumping

    All what is said is: Same goes for a/d training: Simple like that. Additionally, if it is a group project there always should be a person able to react soon enough not to let others 'jump' on your goods, right? If you miss a person like this you've planned something wrong. Yes, I've been in a guild a few times. I took part in some projects, a few times, too. We never got bagjumped. We knew the risk and took measures to avoid any mishaps.
  8. Concerning bagjumping

    It's getting silly. I love seeing "bags were never meant to be safe" and "there should be some stuff to protect against being bagjumped" and the like posted by one person, frequently in a single sentence. The lack of logic is just stunning. Bags were never meant to be a solution for hauling goods to a storage. Period. They were never meant to be safe. Period. They were never meant to be used for mixing. Period. The possibility of losing your gear when you die is a penalty for being careless. Period. Most of the people agree with it, yet, some of them demands there is a 'but' instead of 'period' in each of these sentences. Bags were never meant to be a solution for hauling goods to a storage, but let's make an item that would teleport them to the range. Bags were never meant to be safe, but let's make an item that will protect them against bagjumper or even let's provide a password allowing only people knowing it to open them. Bags were never meant as a termporal storages while mining, but let's make an item that would prevent us from moving from them. We know there should be a penalty if we die, but let's make our deathbags protected against others if we forget rostogol stone or mess up while we take a risk of eating shrooms. Well... let's just make bags safe!!11~ Hah. There was this awesome game that played itself for you. It required just one click to start it. PS. Why the anger? Everybody's allowed to express their opinion, right?
  9. Polska - Poland

  10. Concerning bagjumping

    Old and teary story. No risk, no gain. Simple solution. Stop using bags in the way they never were meant to. This game has its charm, because it isn't self-playing. That's how I like it. Groomsh's idea isn't bad. Though, I'd want to see 'mishaps', when the mine blows straight in the face of a person setting it. :shrugs: Just my twisted sense of humour, perhaps.
  11. WTF instance with WTF drop :D

    Greater than 0 obviously
  12. My astro

    As far as I understand your reasons I don't think it's a good idea. A possibility of adjusting or even full changing of one's astro seems contradictory with its purpose. This way 'rich' players will have always positive astro and 'poor' ones will feel even more left behind. Moreover, boosting one's astro with the use of items which creation probability is influenced by the very same astro sounds like an attempt of perpetuum mobile. Whilst it is impossible in real life with the proposed changes it could be easily done in game. All in all, I'd rather see astro as it is. A mostly random factor we have to live with. If you don't like your astro's influence, take the perk to get rid of it.
  13. FYI

    Who cares about Americans?
  14. Bad performance

    Press ctrl+o while in game. There are several graphic options you might want to try turning off/on to improve the game performance. I guess you will have to play around with the options to find the one causing your problems out. Good luck and see you in game
  15. Legit BJer

    Just curious. Could one of the poeople involved post a short summary of the posted logs? My mouse wheel died while I was trying to scroll through it:(
  16. There was a time I was a member of my guild under 3 or 4 different nicks. So what? It was funny Sure it would be nice to have it solved, but the solution you have proposed it slightly weird. You insist I leave my guild (I was a guild master of) for each of my name changes. C'mon, it makes little sense.
  17. The Great Split

    If you ban everybody you will be sure you didn't miss anybody who should be banned, right?
  18. The Great Split

    I always wanted to be a member of an honourable guild. Never succeeded, though Guess, I don't fit any guild of such high merits. Going to cut myself now.
  19. Day of Rare Drops

    Once you suggested it, I have an excellent idea (or two). First one would be: Day of Rain of Gold (or Golden Rain) On each map there is a rain a bag full of gold coins (1-1000, randomly) spawn (at least 5 per square meter). and the secound would be: Day of Rare No More This day would be a must be after 2-3 days of Increased Rare drops .
  20. overkill scammer

    You, sir, might want to read both my and groomsh's posts. Then, try understanding them. The log as it is posted says not even a single word about not returning it. Unless you read between lines, which I cannot.
  21. overkill scammer

    To be honest, I don't understand how this log should prove anything. >.<
  22. =hc=

    I've love to PM you in game, 'cos u so cool, but you never on!
  23. Posting Tags / Nothing to hide.

    Pink tagged! I demand Total War. Pink is the worst offence against our taste of aesthetic!!!
  24. special day showing

    I like this idea very much. I know there is the message on logging, but I tend to miss it as it quickly runs out of my window (yes, I am aware I can press F1 to read back and #day ). I'd love to see something like Koddy suggested in the game.
  25. Posting Tags / Nothing to hide.

    it would be a bother, so no, thanks, but not.