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About Cindy

  • Rank
    White Rabbit

Profile Information

  • Location
    a bleak dungeon in So Calif
  1. bot spam

    No Learner, I have entered their names exactly as they appear in the market channel, and also additional variations of lower and upper case (when the first method produced no positive result)
  2. bot spam

    please note the date of this post - the game version this post applies to is 1.12 I am currently unable to shut the bot spam off; my local ignores file shoes 9 different entries for MadameYes, EternalBroker and some of the other frequent bot spammers. As a player I believe I have the right to determine what I find offensive and to block it. I personally find bot spam very offensive - and a repetetive affront. I would like to know why executing "#Ignore 'botname'" isn't working.
  3. Febble Scam Attempt: maximusthegr8

    I was approached by the same player name, during the approximate time frame of the above post. I observed Shivar warn the guy he was violating the rules and was being reported, and the guy just went on to what he hoped was his next victim - me. Then he came back about 5 minutes later with a different character named "maxisback" and when I said who are you he replied, this is the character I do the duping with. If you have any questions, contact "Eladil" in-game.
  4. The random mother nature events are a new element that was not in the prior version of the game I played. It is an interesting addition. Theoretically in RPG's random negative events occur to add a flavor of chance misfortune, which occurs in real life. The net positive result is to make to game experience more realistic. Thats the intention anyway. Here are some observations. I have seen the same player get 'hit' by sequential events (multiple occurences) within a 5 to 10 minute period. This is not a rare phenomenon. The good events (random gold or harvesting experience) are out numbered by the negative events 3 or 4 to one, (and I might add I have never EVER seen multiple good events occur to the same person within 5 to 10 minutes). My objections : Random events are supposed to be a realism enhancing factor, by providing an appropriate inconvenience factor, not a fatal encounter. These events are primarily associated/triggered by harvesting activity. All characters harvest from the moment they are created. The implication is that a character with exceptionally low, "newbie" hit points can literally be injured close to death, and that I object to. I find getting 3 teleports within 5 minutes is a bit much ; and potentially someone with as much as 50 hit points could die from 3 sequential 19 point damage events. Its pretty stupid (in my opinion) to have 30-35 hit points and be down to 10 hit points from 2 sequential bee stings. If this back-to-back negative event sequence is intended I would like to hear a justification. Being stung to death by bee's in real life only happens in case of severe allergies or science fiction such as "Attack of the Killer Bee's" (no pun intended). I find nothing realistic about high frequency negative event occurences with a ten to fifteen minute time span. I have noticed multiple occurences of sequential events in area's heavily populated with harvesters where possibly multiple calls on the random function within a compact, densly populated area cause an unintended frequency incidence. Events should be appropriately timed, not left up to the eccentricites of an erratic random number function. My concept of 'appropriate' timing is as follows: new characters - who very likely do not have the pick points to get the "Regeneration" perk, cannot heal or recover their hit points quickly enough to suffer sequential 5 point losses to their hit points, (nor I might add, possibly 19 point losses). I would suggest an event separation of at least 15 ticks for characters under level 15, and preferrably once per hour. The implementation of event separation , or event control would require a "timer" function. Each character definition in the system would need a 2-4 byte field which would record the time of the last event. When the random event function rolls an event for any character, "assertion" of the event has to pass a time check ; last event time (minus) current system time must equal xx units (of time) or more, before the new event can be allowed to occur. I would suggest a poll, if possible with something like this range of choices: (this set failed as a list of choices in the poll input, as written - so you figure it out) Toss out random events , and the experience bonus event Keep events; limit them to once per hour Keep events; limit them to once per 15 ticks Keep events as they are, get stung to death
  5. afk flag

    AFK function needs to do these things: 1-appear above the users name so it can be seen locally - preferrably in red text 2-it needs to auto-respond to messages sent to the afk party : [pm from Cindy: I am afk] 3-if the message sent is from Learner or Jevik: [pm from Cindy: I am afk, bite me !]
  6. New storage: WHERE?

    I think the two most useful sites, which would reduce skill leveling traffic on the existing two sites, would be WSC and Crystal Cave. If i had to choose one over the other i select WSC, its central to most of the raw materials i use at this time in the game.
  7. It has been suggested to implement higher health/manna regen when sitting. It has also been pointed out that such a benefit would be tied to metabolism - i.e. to recover 2 manna/health points per tick while sitting - your food count would be debited 2 points as well. It was suggested that there be an option to "uncheck" the double rate while sitting - since a player mining ore , at full health and manna would be receiving no benefit from the food rate rate consumption, and a 'hit' of -5 food per tick will really annoy such a player. That way players who are pursuing activitie such as hunting might enable their higher regen rate, while players pursuing activities such as mining would disable it during that activity.
  8. eep ! well this is embarassing - your right. I just logged in to chat and there are brackets around the channel people. This is one of those posts you look at, and say "where IS the delete thread button !"
  9. When i am logged to chat channel, i cannot distinguish who is speaking to me locally - requiring a local reply, and who said something over chat - requiring a channel reply. If the purpose of text based speech is to enable people to socialize as part of a positive gaming experience, doesn't it make sense to display chat text in a separate color , so that people know when to communicate locally v.s. over the channel ? I would prefer to see chat text in white since it has the highest volume (its a muted color) and local speech in the game "default green" color.
  10. 30 is most useful because due to weight restrictions the max load you can work is usually an 80 or a 160 of something, most often its an 80 of two things, for a total of 160 units of whatever weight they amount to
  11. What you can do is the same thing done with body potions: you carry 30 wine, 60 lupine, 30 blue quartz in your inventory - fill the rest of the space up with Spirit restore potions. When the spirit restore potions are empty - now you have empty vials to manufacture new spirit potions from the ingredients you carry. If its too much weight with the animal components you are carrying then cut it down to 20 wine/20 blue quartz/40 lupine. 20 non stackable potions in your inventory is fairly doable if you do it correctly.
  12. One possible corollary is to integrate it with the long term intention of encouraging a player based economy. I think there are a myriad of options available to mid - to - hi level players for producing an income. What i am thinking of is something that gives beginners an income when they are unsure about the game, possibly discouraged etc., something that would give them a sense of success -at least financially. Consider removing the hi yield food - cooked meat - from the npc's: make producing it a zero experience task - like bone powder; require a harvest level of 4 or a mfg level of 2 to combine a raw meat, and either a "leaf" of some kind for seasoning or a bone (as kindling) to produce cooked meat. It could then be sold to other players who have better uses for their time, and who want to maximize their load capacity. In order to encourage mid lev players to pay fair market value - set the npc's to buy it at the same price as cactus - 50 gp. That means in order to get it out of the makers hands your going to have to meet or beat the store price. The income is (probably ?) reasonable since it isnt a stationary resource like cactus, and additionally requires the 'job-cost' of collection of separate components. Also it would give beginners a much needed financial means to pay for most of their train-ups of the four base attributes, at least to get their attributes to level 12 or so. Since food can't be stored - you could be assured of frequent, small qty sales (10-20 cooked meats per buyer). If necessary, the other high yield food - fruit - could be eliminated and players would make choices between vegeatables @15 food / unit vs cooked meat @ 25/unit. Or fruit could also be player made/zero experience - the combination of 2 leaf items and a berry item, making 'travel fruit' with the same food value as the current product , 20 food/unit. When mid level players are mining silver ore at an average 'payload' of 130 units of ore, being able to carry 3-4 game hours worth of food in a single slot, for 10 units of weight or less, is very worth buying.
  13. When you are harvesting 'whatever' - your inclination is to carry as little other items as possible - in order to yield a maximum payload. Frequently I skip on carrying rations to get a few more pieces of ore. And many times when my mind is wandering as i click away, I consider that in real life, if I was that hungry, I'd be dizzy and light headed and have difficulty focusing on my task. The game should have a reasonable level of difficulty, and i would suggest having a modest , scaled 'penalty' for working hungry. You lose 10 percent effectiveness (success probability) for every ten points of a negative food state : - so if you were at minus 30, you would suffer a 30 percent less chance of success. Or make it less severe and make it a 10 percent loss for the first ten minus points and five percent for each additional ten negative points - for a total impact of minus 20 percent to success at negative 30 on food. This would only apply to a negative food state. Food levels between zero and positive 30 would have no impact. We could possibly even give a ten percent success bonus for a food state greater than positive 20. It would force people to balance the 'cost of operating' a character , along with the "for profit" activities of that character.
  14. The game currently has auto-grab and auto-open: when a monster dies and you hover the mouse over their 'bag' , the cursor automatically changes to a grabbing hand. When you open the bag, your inventory automatically pops open. I like it and I don't. I find it convenient when looting, but shortly thereafter i wish controls would reset to either their defaults (inventory closed, mouse control on walk) or to their prior 'state' My reasons are sound: In a multiple spawn area, i percieve auto-open as dangerous. If i wanted my inventory window open, blocking the rest of the screen - it should be my option to open it at will - rather than having it forced on me as a result of prior looting. When it stays open and you get jumped right away by another mob, targetting movement is difficult at best if not impossible. It can get you killed - fast. I assert the same objection to auto-grab. Even though you can force your character to walk by double clicking, the mouse control stays forced on "grab-mode" - which can also get you killed fast when you are trying to negotiate your way through multiple spawns and around abandoned loot bags. Personally, as a gamer - if you give me mode controls, i prefer to operate them myself. In presenting a balanced suggestion, i would like to close with the following comment. When i was very new - the auto open inventory function was very convenient. Because i was new i wasnt familiar with the full range of user controls yet. An argument could be made to leave it in, for the benefit of beginers. If so, could it please turn itself off, when the loot bag that generated/asserted it - is closed or walked away from ? Or could an option/check box titled "Auto-open" be provided so that those gamers wishing to disable it for their own personal gaming style would have the option to ?
  15. I would like to suggest a daytime spawn at the evil castle - Golems restrict pathing of the mob to the castle area set stats Atk 60, Def 35 , combat ? Hit points ? it would give the begnning to mid 30's crowd something to work on in the daytime cycle of E.L. and possibly a source for a drop only game artifact