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Everything posted by Esper_Darkwater

  1. Locked!

    I had to search for a guide on google. I couldn't seem to click on the area to get the metal bar, so I didn't get the video player to even open. Well, it was either cheat or just quit because it was getting old.. Very reminiscent of adventure games like Myst, Zork, LSL and Hugo series. Speaking of which, www.homestarrunner.com has a fun lil adventure game in that genre.
  2. New rule about bagsitting/mules

    I like that idea. It does seem like it might work out better that way.
  3. New rule about bagsitting/mules

    First of all Roja, I don't cheat. Second of all, I was talking about The_Pale_Elf who is using a guild bot to help people in our guild gain levels, etc. It seems like this would heavily affect our guild projects. I apologize for not clarifying this earlier.
  4. New rule about bagsitting/mules

    Like I said, just a thought. The new rule is going to make things suck for a lot of people.
  5. New rule about bagsitting/mules

    Maybe if it were easier to gain pick points people wouldn't need things like "mule characters." Once you hit a certain level, gaining points becomes painfully slow and most people don't want to bother struggling to gain them on one character. I'm not saying you should give points out like candy, but maybe make it so you gain 2 pick points at a time instead of one? Just a thought.
  6. Resyncs and disconnected from server

    There was one time where I was kicked off and had to try 4-5 times to reconnect. It hasn't happened again so far.
  7. Problems With Enriched Essences

    So does this mean the Artificer Perk doesn't work at all?
  8. Cheating allowed? Or, no trading from same IP?

    I agree wholeheartedly, the programmers have better things to do than worry about who is using multiple characters. There are also multiple degrees of using a second character. <_< - Characters don't interact. This is fine right now, and doesn't make people whine about cheating. But why do you need to have two chars unless you plan on doing something that you couldn't with one character? Isn't that the very spirit of cheating? - Characters interact, but only for hauling. Apparently not allowed right now, including bag trades, (according to Crannog). This doesn't help the player gain any skill, only with hauling to storage. In my case, the haul character was a guild storage character, and I wasn't using it to gain skill, just to pile up resources for the guild. Who am I hurting by doing this? - Characters interact and gain skill from one another. This seems bad to me. Having your characters train fighting off one another lets you just build skill up without really fighting anything. But then again, so does fighting another player in a quiet PK spot. Maybe the amount of exp gained from fighting players should be curbed, rather than disrupting people who play on networks? Truly, despite the misleading and biased use of the term "cheating" by the poster of this thread, I think the concept of banning or PKing all people who trade on the same network is not conducive to the spirit of the game, and isn't that what we're here to improve?