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Everything posted by Ghrae

  1. Expiring bots

    Bot: Beaver PayPal ID: 47360879LB364871V
  2. I understand that many of you are just trying to show your approval of the suggestion, but please, no more "+9" type posts. Only post if you have something constructive to say (for or against).
  3. Magic Day Stone Usage

    I did some checking and strangely enough this thread was titled "Magic Day Stone Usage". The posts that seem to be a private war have been removed. Please keep the drama to PMs and keep this thread on topic.
  4. Gem sander

    And yet how many quests in the game give rewards that are not A/D related? Not nearly enough. I'm aware of 47 different quests. Quick count showed 8 quests that were only A/D rewards and another 5 that had A/D rewards + other skill rewards. It was a quick count, so I could be off, but I think the game has done a decent job in spreading the love. Mind you, I wouldn't mind a cheaper sander quest.
  5. Gem sander

    And yet how many quests in the game give rewards that are not A/D related?
  6. Valentine’s Hyerpbag Hunt!

    Picture 16 - Isla Prima Insides 26,28 2x White Asiatic Lillies, 2x Red Rose, 2x Impatiens, 2x Tulips, 1x Tiger Lily
  7. what do i use my pickpoints on?

    The necessity for potting up for good exp is beyond belief. Also, I'd trust Korrode's guide over this one simply because I've used his guide and korrode has done this himself. His guide maximizes exp and minimalizes armor breaks. It's great. Use it. With all due respect to Korrode... isn't this a Jack of All Trades thread? Not a A/D thread? I don't think his guide would work for an all rounder as much as it works for the fighting crowd
  8. Books dependencies

    CEL site did not create that diagram. It came from... well, I don't even remember anymore. It could have been something Entropy/Roja put together or another fan site that has long since gone away. I wish I had the vertex program too so I could update it for all the new items. A lot of the current information is gathered by the community. Thus Encyclopedia, CEL, EL-Wiki and other fan sites have to piece together the info. I can understand that it would be nice to have that info handy... but at the same time, it's nice that the community can work together to solve little mysteries like this as well. And the in game encyclopedia has come a LONG way. They have done a lot with a very limited function window. I don't know about the WIKI, but I know that the CEL site has "lost" a lot of traffic because of their effort. Another fine example of how the community has come together to make the game better.
  9. Encyclopedia Errata

    RDHOLM requires 4 (verified this morning). Does anyone have a standard R.Dragon Helm to test?
  10. Death bags!

    And does belong in General Chat or does it belong in Drama Central... uh... I mean, Disputes?
  11. special day showing

    That wouldn't be any different than just typing #day. I believe the issue is someone may be AFK (i.e. dinner) and come back and not know there is a new #day (while most happen at the change of day, some are created by Radu and wouldn't necessarily be near change of day)
  12. idea for a new spell

    Ok, now some Puma has 0 food level. How does this help? And why do you want to starve critters?
  13. Chat SYstem

    There are some better examples here: http://www.el-cel.com/info/command.php?Set=Text%20Commands#Text_Commands_-_Alias, but based on your example above, the proper way to do it would be: #alias 8 @@8888 $0 #8 "test test" results in: [Ghrae @ 88888]: test test Quotes aren't needed if it's just one word used as a parameter
  14. El 1.9.1 for Windows and Linux released

    The "X" was removed. Those same windows should have a "Close" option
  15. Awards system

    I understand what you're TRYING to say. But how would you stop someone from creating an alt who knows how to play the game and getting the by hour rank? I also have heard the oldbies have it easy speech before... and have seen new players come up the ranks and beat them over and over again. Let the top dogs be targets to surpass. Even now I look at some players as a goal to try to get to those levels or achievements and I've been playing for years.
  16. Mixing crowns w/o hydro molding knowledge

    I'm assuming the issue is/was the same for Crown of Mana too
  17. v1.9.0

    Stand at 148,205. Map walk to 148,218. You end up walking through the edges of the house
  18. Minerals Achievement

    I can't comment if Iron ore counts or not... but are you wearing a harvest cloak? It' s not a matter of how many you harvest... but how many times you harvested. If you're wearing a cloak... you'll have to double the numbers
  19. Problem with Gossip and email.

    I believe the owner of gossip has been away from the game for quite some time. At this time we're just going to have to appreciate the working features until such time as he reviews the forum thread or returns to the game.
  20. You don't mind using the right tools from time to time (GPS when driving), but get stubborn at other times (Tutorial_NPC in game). If the gist of your argument is "I'm stubborn, make the game fit me" then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. May the GPS help you find the game that fits your game play
  21. Then how can you reply to this thread?
  22. When you are out driving to a new place, do you not read the street signs unless it has pretty pictures? When you get an email, do not ignore text and hope for some HTML by a decent graphic artists?
  23. Well, crafters need more items to make And this is a game (which means it's meant to be fun) so... The Ring of WTF?! When you use it (once use per ring) one of 20 or 30 random effects would happen. Effects like: All colors invert Teleported to underworld (teleport, not die - no loss of items) For next hour, you lose xp when performing skills not gain Storage NPCs refuse to talk with you Text you type gets reversed (1 hour) Every map change takes you to IP (1 hour) You appear on Roanof Island (very rare) One piece of armor in storage crumbles to dust (random which piece) You spin in a circles for next 5 minutes You become PKable (1 hour) Well you get the idea. FOr the most part, just nutty things that you can't do any other way other than "The Ring of WTF?!"
  24. Mod abuse

    I mute people too... quite often, after they show they've calmed down or at least show they understand the rules, I unmute them. It's an attention grabber... not a ban.
  25. Mod abuse

    Your upset b/c you were muted after you admit the thing you said wasn't appropriate? Muted, not banned? Hmm.... the problem again?