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Everything posted by cho-yun

  1. Update Info

    test it if you can't
  2. Update

    something is telling me it not coming out this month... (tell the `something` is wrong)
  3. civilians

    we could have NPC that steal from us each time we talk to them(thieves) attack us after we talk to them(drunk people) some which begs for items (homeless)/(alcoholics) the children could be playing (if in rich clothes) working (if in the mediem clothes) begging stealing (if in rags (homeless))
  4. Update

    Think about it, The less you ask the more is done. If your wait you'll get more The more you help the quicker its done and much more other saying but i can't be bothered to put them all in
  5. Eragon

    I read Eragon, Loved it but my mum couldn't belive i read it in a few days. Tried and tried to get Eldest. Always out of stock
  6. Whats your favorite race?

    Elves - I like them Draegoni - I like dragon
  7. Race secpific Items

    like a person is drunk
  8. mac version?

    my friend who has a mac PC siad someone gave him a copy of it but it didn't work on his.
  9. Summons attacking outside pk area

    i had 2Hp and i was killed by a someone that summoned a rabbit I had no armour on just a pickaxe.
  10. b.king

    lol but I think they might be sued for that
  11. How do I get armour?

    you could ask a very nice person to amke you some for a nice price or for free or you could do the newbie quest by talking to the NPC by the wairth (ghost). some contest Gives aways some armour sometimes. Also you need human nexus to wear better armour. to get nexus you need PP (pickpoints) which you get my leveling you OA(overall) go to the wairth and pay your PP for the nexus
  12. Race secpific Items

    how about a item which boost the wearer str made by only human i think there should be more orchan items only 2 atm
  13. Race secpific Items

    i was thinking dwarfs = miners =quick miners
  14. Race secpific Items

    Orc posion Mace: able to posion with a chance wooden handle, steel & iron bars, FEs, Red snake skin Dwarf pickaxe: harvest 1-4 Items at a time pickaxe + magic ess
  15. Illarion vs. EL

    I voted EL cuz i can download Illarion
  16. New computer, but can't access the game

    might be something missing A texture maybe
  17. New computer, but can't access the game

    showing your error log would be helpful in your EL dictoray
  18. Race secpific Items

    Draconi Armor:for this this should be albe to protect you from cold and heat damage Items: 1chain mail, few scales(dragon has it already lose a few HP to make it maybe)/rabbbit fur, few steel & iron bars a few FEs --------------------------- Orc armour: this protects form posion Item: chain mail, few FEs and a Few death ess --------------------------- elven sword: regenerate faster a tit short sword FEs LEs and HEs
  19. Race secpific Items

    Orc dagger: tit short sword + 5 death ess Able to destory oppent sword 1/50 chance
  20. Race secpific Items

    Dragon wing active spell: 3 air ess, teleports you to any map `#dragon_wind WS`
  21. Race secpific Items

    feather: maybe use a sort of flower or if the game had chickens...
  22. PKable Tankel?

    I don't really care, but he is PKable Would he drop like the item you asked him to fixed. What if he like the items and just says he broke it as a esscue (or how you spell it)
  23. Race secpific Items

    Elf = archers Dwarf = miner = Str Human = warrior Draconi = cold area not sure Gomes= small= say a slight disavatge in fight but a bigger adavantge in something else Orchan= Life hater (from what i heard(don't like trees flowers)) Poison specialist
  24. help

    If you can tit mine there a shop which buys each ore for 2.5gc and tit ore=1emu
  25. Race secpific Items

    now i forgot my idea lol i wish i was a dwarf but i don't think my parents would pay to change me oh well Elf stones are cool