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About Nintenduh

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/07/1981

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  • Location
    MB, Canada
  1. I'm raising funds for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. I'll be taking part in a night walk on Sept 6th. Please contribute if you can. I don't have a problem giving away in-game goodies to those who do. http://my.e2rm.com/p...ationID=2058367
  2. I think it would be nice if Esc brought you back to the previous page, if your mouse-focus was above the (Help)encyclopedia window. Backspace would do too.
  3. Encyclopedia:Back to index key

    I think is would be nice if Esc brougnt you back to the previous page, if your mouse was above the (Help)encyclopedia window. Backspace would do too.
  4. #command syntax

    I would like to see auto-completion as well. That is, when you start a #command, TAB doesn't activate the map. Try to keep #IG stuffage related to command syntax please.
  5. #command syntax

    I do like the idea of tail/head and grep. #sto|grep red
  6. #command syntax

    I would like to see #commands have more functional switches. $ #stats --help Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -h, --help this screen. ~ -a, --all detailed long-form statistics -b, --bots detailed list of bots -p, --players detailed list of human players $ #research --help Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -h, --help this screen. ~ -a, --all detailed long-form statistics -r, --read show read books -u, --unread show unread books -t, --time show total time spent reading books *approximated* $ #inv -h Beats me.. Any thoughts?
  7. New achivements.

    All I can say in regards to this is to add more. Many many more. It adds a whole new element to the game IMHO. Look at Quake Live. There, it gives you something to strive towards. Here. the same but not as much. There is alot to be desired. Side note... Make CTRL-click required by default in the options if it works. 500th post. o/
  8. Book of books bug

    Sorry if this has been reported before.
  9. Zarariel

    Hey I know you. I hope you are taking care.
  10. Kubuntu 11.10

  11. #Stats command.

    *bump* Right now it shows "Logged players: 395,". I would like to know the "real" number of people I am playing with.
  12. #storage pipe

    Nope. Easier... Yet. That's kinda cool Still insufficient.
  13. #storage pipe

    I miss the old storage command. How it used to pipe to the chat log. I would like the ability to output my stored inventory to a plain-text file. Something like "#sto log", "#sto pipe" or "#sto > whatever.txt". I am sick of using spreadsheets to log my inventory. Any suggestions?
  14. #Stats command.

    It would be neat if the #stats command returned results for Total Players/Bots/Human Players. Kinda like how the players online page separates them.
  15. I think it would be nice to have some info included in the cvs root directory about different OS's, compile options, dependencies, CPUs, ect. Some OS version or distro specific info would be nice as well. Other's ideas on this please?