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Everything posted by _iNvoKeD

  1. thank you to momr58

    I thought that rotten apple woulda taken it!!1~ Lucky you got it back
  2. my day shopping

  3. cyclops help please

    28/36/12/4/16/16 is about recommended for cyclops, with 80-85 defence.
  4. MAD

  5. Auction: 200K coal

    I dont think anyone will pay 2.7ea for bulk coal, you're asking a bit much. I guess people are just posting offers if you ever decide to drop the price.
  6. click response time

    have to agree with this, I hate clicking in one place, then having to wait 3-4 secs for me to run back, gets you killed a few times aswell :S
  7. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    LOL Dubro are you mentally handicapped like Cali? Go back to TO.
  8. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    First off you didnt 'suffer' anything. This particular casty dropped extraordinary well. Even if you substract the 57k for a rosto from your share you still made a HUGE profit I dont see the point of this dispute. I asked you who spawned the Giants on your head, you said you arent sure. Now you blame Riky for it? From what i have heard from other teammembers it might as well have been your own arrow that spawned the giants. This rule was never meant to allow you rosto poofing at no cost. It was made to sensitize everyone in the team to be more careful around the casty when it is about to spawn giants. It still is your own responsibility to keep a safe distance. I can see why Sonic didnt know that. He was new in the team and we should have explained it better. You however have been with us several times and knew exactly what this is about. We can't penalize the whole team for one or two people's inadvertence. Paying rosto losses from the team's share was never even considered. And nobody ever demanded that before. We all take a high risk. That's what the wtf instances are about. It's a dangerous instance, we all know that we can die for one reason or another, but it usually pays off well enough to be worth the risk. The instance requires teamwork. Everyone depends on the others and since we all are only humans we all make mistakes. You as well as everyone else. That is part of the risk you take when you do a team activity. Have you ever seen our two tanks demand to be paid for their deathes out of the drops? They could blame you as well since they have to take armor off to tank for you. Maybe they would not have died if they were geared properly. But instead of wasting their time crucifying teammembers for mistakes that are only human they go on and do their best. The only person in the team always concerned with other peoples mistakes are you. I dont see anyone else seeking fault in others whenever something bad happens. Its always only you. Maybe you would not die that much if you focused more on your own doings than on what others do/should do/could do better... Pot calling the kettle black. I remember you doing the exact same thing when i was meant to make it spawn. You as well as everyone else came and shot the casty too. I agree though. It should be only one person spawning giants and all the others stay away. But we have always had all/most rangers shoot to speed it up. You were part of it. And again instead of suggesting that tactic in the instance or in any of the previous ones you choose to be part of it and then blame others afterwards. Im so sick of your constant whining and bickering. Every instance it's a new drama. QQ I've had it with you. Nobody else causes as much trouble. I wont be part of any instance with you anymore and im sure others feel the same after this crap, good job. Ok. Point #2; - What members? From what YOU heard is probably different to what actually happened. Point #5; - Good; replace me.
  9. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    Lol Cali, are you fucking retarded? Sonic did this as a joke.
  10. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    Lol, you werent there tbh - Just as I went to shoot, someone else shot and i got a (too close) message, as i ran it says "You cant move, you're under attack" hmm, so, again, not my fault. :S
  11. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    BOO M8, 3 people trying to shoot the fkin Casty, instead of just me, and they summon on my head... when it was meant to be just me.
  12. Calsonic - BEWARE!

    LOOOOL You actually done it Ahh, you give me soo much jokes<3 :') BUT: Serious dispute: If you're on the WTF Team with Riky, make sure you aren't the one summoning giants, because if Riky decides he wants to come and shoot the Casty, and spawn giants on your head, he will swear blind he doesnt know who shot the arrow to make em spawn. EVEN THOUGH: The rule which was stated 2 weeks~ ? ago; NEW RULE IN OUR TEAM !!If you spawn giants on someons head you will pay lost rosto's prices! But clearly; some only want to respect the rule when it's their fault, and yes you can argue I always have a problem. But i'm not suffering 57k a rosto because more than one person tries to shoot a casty. GG
  13. Daredevil

    +1 Indeed, +1. That actually would be a negative perk with some nasty effect. I like it. Imo 3 pp isn't enough to consider a perk like this. Only takes 2-3 really unlucky deaths to lose the same amount of gc as it would have cost to buy 3 pp. Maybe change drop chance to 10% per item with brick, 100% without? This perk is more for KF/DPA Campers... a true PK Neg... (and harvesters who are nude). I like that idea tho. 100% Drop chance without brick, with a brick 10-25%/item to drop. Cost is 500k for 3 PP's... (but the rosto also poofs+if you're in an inStance you stay in it). I'd make the removal (if there was one) about the same chance to drop a nexus from Bula and put it on probs MB or Casty (Or some shit and giggle like Shy Rats).
  14. Geoffrey singalong!

    Agree with most of that sentence, but kinda ironic.
  15. New Spell Ideas

    The will would be pretty pointless.
  16. Main languaje

    speka ulu 2 so put othr ((heh)
  17. The Death of a Ranger

    This is against the rules, do not accuse nameless people without proof. Arenas are checked, not just on ranging days. Sorry, we don't have a dramaqueen section. I fired around 65k Arrows from 38-52 Range in Arena without Robin Tell's. It took me around a week, playing 4-6 hours a day in Arena, Mods would check on me twice/day probably in that time, and ofcourse, I didnt go AFK. The Autoclicker just saved me from getting RSI in my finger clicking 65k Times on a target.
  18. Game not running as smoothly as before...

    Wow, I just put it down to having a shit PC, but that new selection thing works just the same for me, wow. Thanks Deckara + sonic for having the original issue XD
  19. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    20k White Asiatic Lily 20k White Asiatic Lily 20k White Asiatic Lily 10k Silver Ore 10k Silver ore 80kgc. CalsoniC in-game.
  20. New scammer or new name

    @Nova; if it took 20 minutes for him to get anyone to go through middle door @ TD, to earn between 150-1.5mgc depending on drop, ofcourse he would be dedicated, I know you cant earn 1mgc in 20 minutes on and ore/mix/whatever lol It's just his style of play. Atleast he taught the majority a lesson in how to not get lured.
  21. Privacy

    read your first post, you're discussing moderation (anything to do with rules, obv)...
  22. Privacy

    IF they thought they were still newbs, and actually read the rules; they would #Abuse <player> for luring newbies. IF the mods had any problems with people luring (Such as mine frien Geoffrey) do you not think he would have been banned/warned by now?