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Everything posted by OliviaM

  1. Boys Vs Girls!

    Sign me up *sighs* Name: Olivia Gender : Female
  2. Just for fun......

    *sharpens sword*
  3. 'Noob'

    I was thinking about this... Why is 'noob' an insult? I mean, do you see people in coloquial conversations calling each other 'noobs'? Too me, it just sounds like a dorky thing to say... What is everyone else's take? *I'm bored...*
  4. 'Noob'

    Thanks to ya'll for clarifying...and Henry- You like, made my day, lol.
  5. This is a fun game!

    Jen, this game was so fun! Tal and I keep playing it over and over again!
  6. Onesharpmarine

    This guy ROCKS! He is so sweet and funny. Please, he did a service for our country to keep us safe, the least we can do is do this for him
  7. Just curious

    1. Yes 2. Someone told me- (They found out by clicking around) 3. No one ever.