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About Sviten

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  1. Low FPS with new update

    Good because you tried to scam me! (referring to Jakoblin)
  2. An Idea For The Poison Spell

    'cept if you were using a ranged weapon. Think poison darts.
  3. The Reason

    ooo, ooo let me join in the fray! I must say I have reached Behind's point as well...that being bored with just the game. However... ...there is purpose to EL. That purpose is different for different people. The purpose for me (now) is to learn more about AI, economies and societal relationships. (I'm a computer science major.) Since I'm playing EL less these days, I'm doing what Tum does...ponder ways to make it better. Frankly my some of my ideas are quite radical and have already been shot down. But that doesn't stop the learning experience. Who knows, I may make my own someday. ...there is purpose to life. Please don't kill yourselves yet. God created Adam with a job and a purpose. The job was to name animals and watch over them. The purpose was to give God glory in whatever Adam does (this doesn't always mean shouting God's praises or annoying other people in the land of Nod). Since we are decendants from Adam, the logical conclusion is that our purpose is to glorify God in the job that we do. Granted the vast majority of the world doesn't acknowledge this as true. That's called free will. You have a God-given ability to ignore God. Though I don't recommend it. God's underworld is a little less forgiving than EL's...oh...and there's no exit. ps> I did bring up spiritual matters here. If you feel the need to disagree with me, that's fine. The Flames section of the forums is open for business. See you there!
  4. Manufacture And Crafting.

    I concur, but on a wider scale. While there should always be a reasonable time period for which making something takes, once you get to a certain level of making something, you should have at least 98% success (health ess for instance). Say, after you have successfully made 1500 health ess, making them becomes natural as it would be with anything in real life.
  5. El Crashes Latest X.org

    Yah, you guys hit the nail on the head...but sideways. I have ATi drivers for a Radeon 9500 (and a 9700 Mobility on my laptop), but they are known not to work with Xorg 6.8. So I learned that. Bug resolved.
  6. El Crashes Latest X.org

    If you don't use Gentoo, you can disregard this I think. This is sort of an FYI since I don't think it's EL's fault (though EL could handle crashes better). I just did an emerge --sync; emerge -u world on my Gentoo box (for you non-Gentoo Linux users, that essentially brings all of the software up to date). One of the packages updated was X.org from 6.7 to 6.8. Now EL will not run. In fact, it causes X to restart. I backdated my X to 6.7 and EL works again. This happens for both EL 1.0.0 and EL CVS as of Jan 3rd. I've posted a Gentoo bug, but you should be aware of this since EL leaves no logging information with this crash (even with -DDEBUG in the makefile). http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=76587