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Posts posted by Wifon
I noticed - this posting about imbroglio is waste of my time, and you having fun with me, so ok, let’s end on this. Can you unban my other chars, and ip’s ? or again, we will write long posts about me. I'm already tired of this discussion.
Ok, wanna see the power of my evidence, and with that I'm right - here they are: (copied from chat log)
It’s my translate to english but if you don’t belive me you can use other translate google or somethin.
I do not know if moderation it can somehow confirm that (special local logs or whatever):
I have chat logs in local chat when Siberian asking me for that
[19:15:14] Siberian: chcesz kupic chare?> (you want buy char?)
[19:15:18] Siberian: przez vilka możemy (we can do via villek)
[19:15:27] waflu: jakiego (what char?)
[19:15:30] Siberian: ta (ye)
[19:15:35] waflu: ?
[19:15:41] waflu: jakiego chara? (what char?)
[19:15:43] [PM from Siberian: siberiana]
[19:15:48] [PM to Siberian: heh kupic ;d] (heh, buy)
[19:15:52] [PM to Siberian: a ile bys za niego chcial ?] (how much you want for him?)
And what do you say to this ? If you don’t belive me – you can check this, but villek can confirm that words
I think that these logs is a strong proof for my benefit about Imbroglio char
I think that it is enough…rule 4 & 10 is still valid.
IDK what u mean here “why does your version differ from magiczny's version” – What is Magiczny version ? I see Soul post, and? I don’t care for that, I bought that char and it’s mine.
For example, I got from someone char and someone writes on forum he got deleted character, nice, maybe I can post for top 1 char and he get locked cause I posted on forum “I never changed my pass to this account, it’s looks like someone hacked me” ! ~ but here are small difference, you got IP from him and you base only on this, but when it comes to the right to char, according to rules I got full acces.
I did not have to write it here, and I know selling char’s it’s strictly prohibited, but I write only that here cause you want to know from where I got Imbroglio.
So…when I’m back to the game, I was looking for buying new char. so I got this char from villek, I asked him for any char with 100 a/d. And he told me, he got a char for me, so he gave it to me. (not for free), I changed pass for this, and it’s all. I think when I changed pass for this char, so I’m new owner, right?
Anyway, I guess it’s char from villek before. I think rule 10 can help me here.
I'm back from holiday
i can get unban?
I have no idea, possibly when I was leaving my house, my brother he was at home...and he maybe logged on zexel and make a shitstorm
and he only knew my pass on zexel, maybe it's him.
ZeXeL is my harvy alt
and sometimes he logged in at him while harvesting...
my brother rarely helps me and have the ability to login on zexel.
I did not write this crap and fake mess from aislinn on channels 3,6 etc...
i'm not guilty
If you don't belive me, ok, it's your mind, man so much time playing in this game gets banned because for some idiot write stupid lyrics...
Ok, fine...
I can end this game now, and write here what I think about all this...but give me the time and money i spent in this game...! ! !
this is all some sick ! >,<
still can't log in ...
What is coincidence for you? You have any argumentation?
My network have public adress, and a lot of people close to me and may have a similar address...I do not think someone had broken into my house, and broke into the character ... possible that the same network. I do not know how to explain ... but you're wrong person...it's not me...also I have a variable IP, ok, fine I did the problem at 44 and say bad word on channel 44 because they pissed me one person, and i got a boot, as soon as I got Boot i logged on a zexel and and after a while I went off...because I was leaving to the house in the mountains , and next day i run el and i see ip ban...really do not know what this is all about.
So? What do I do? I do not understand this whole situation and this ban...
Can someone explain this to me in detail ?
You're intentionally banned.What you mean ?
intentionally ? I do not understand this
I want return to the game...If someone can help me ?
Calsonic is not my char now, i just edit my siggy and avatar.
Hello, after many years of playing I see "Your IP is banned" - I do not know who did what, but i'm sure it's not me.
Question: Why i got IP ban ?
I wants to quickly return to the game...
Okay! i updated my video drivers
now EL it's work
1.I have Windows XP.
2.Video card: RADEON 9200SE DDR x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE
Vendor ID: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL Version: 1.3.3966 WinXP Release
3. Yes, i have latest video driver version.Because there are no newer drivers for my card than the ones that I have...
4.I install the Update to my EL folder - where game is installed.
5.Signature Error AppName: el.exe ModName: atioglxx.dll
6. Yes, i switched the "poor man" option in Troubleshooting window and still the same error.
i have the same problem !
Log started at 2011-06-19 12:54:22 localtime (Środkowoeuropejski czas letni)
[12:54:22] Error: Server profile not found in servers.lst for server: Lands\el.exe". Failover to server: main.
[12:54:22] Using the server profile: main
[12:54:22] Warning: Didn't find your data_dir, using the current directory instead. Please correct this in your el.ini . Given data_dir was: "c:\Program Files\Eternal Lands\". Using "D:\Eternal Lands".
[12:54:22] Window size adjusted to 794x568
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_multitexture extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_point_sprite extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_texture_compression extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_shadow extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] GL_EXT_draw_range_elements extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_fragment_program extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_vertex_program extension found, using it.
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_fragment_shader extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_vertex_shader extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_shader_objects extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_shading_language_100 extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat extension found, NOT using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ARB_texture_rectangle extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] GL_EXT_fog_coord extension found, NOT using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc extension, not using it...
[12:54:23] Couldn't find the GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc extension, not using it...
[12:54:24] Error opening sound configuration file
[12:54:41] Could not load a channel list for language code pl. Using the english set instead.
[12:54:41] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst'>http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:41] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com
[12:54:42] Error: Can't open file "alias.ini"
[12:54:42] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:44] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:44] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com
[12:54:45] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:46] * server www.eternal-lands.com filename http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:46] Downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst from www.eternal-lands.com
[12:54:46] Finished downloading http://www.eternal-lands.com/updates191/files.lst
[12:54:47] Failed to download (files.lst) 3 times. Giving up.
[12:54:47] Error: Can't open file "custom_mirrors.lst"
[12:54:48] Client closed
I updated client to 1.92 version, when i write my pass and click "log in" i have white screen and i got Error Report...earlier i'm logged off in Nordcarn near my guild bot and can't log in :< Later i logged on my alt in MM and everything worked until i walked to Nordcarn and i got the same error again ! I'm trapped in Nordcarn ! I reinstall EL client but did not help :<
I don't know what it might be...please Help!
Well if you see any unhonorable things pm calsonic, demoris or me of course i dont talking about your brod tags because rules are clear.Agree with HaZe, pm me!
ty for warning. i have always had my own doubts about this fellow seeing him training yeties.when you sit and wait your turn he keeps buying more he's/sr's from bot there. no respect for other players at all.
heppuli? I Never heard of you.
CalsoniC serped and BJed me on Red Dragon the same way LuciferX used to do (he waits till you range dragon around 200HP then melee it).It will not happen again, because i have HS perk and it's big problem for me
So you will not see me there anymore...
Guild UNIT have Honorable Rules, so i can BJ my Enemies (Brod TAGs) - this is not prohibited.
Maybe i'm LuciferX or MufoSsA?
nice joke.
Looks like another ‘bad ass wanna be’. (...)Yeah! "return calsonic bad azz 2" !
Apologize from Wafel
in Bans
Posted · Report reply
At this moment we had 7+ miliards people in the world and EL got 200-300 online ppl atm.
Watch out because soon you will not ban anyone.
I can’t wait when this game is end and online here down to 10 ppl with 400 bots… and soon you will ban yourself too. Bye.