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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. Selling a Serpent Stone

    Bah... 11k
  2. Selling a Serpent Stone

    You should keep it...make a serpent sword.... 10k Talon18
  3. The PK clash of the year

    Sounds like fun...looking forward to it. Back to training Die Armed Orc DIE!!!!!
  4. Selling Cutlass

    Hey handy...if you gonna bid you have to log in to pay up....otherwise it goes to other bidder...I have your HE order too
  5. Talon's Mixing Services

    I need to get more experience because I need to get my levels up. So here's the deal 1. You provide the ingredients. Um...free, I need the exp I will provide the food and cover cost of critical fails, for example, you give me 1000 Silver Ore and 500 Crysthanium, you get 500 Health Essences, not 430 or what ever it turns out to be after my fails. ________________________________________________OR__________________________________________________________________ 2. I get the ingredients. Cost: Whatever it cost me to make them, plus 20%. Base cost of 3gc each. 1000 esses=3kgc. That is the minimum price. I get the ings, I make the product, this cost you more. Things I can make at the moment Alchemy Fire Essences Water Earth Spirit Matter Energy Life Health Magic Iron Bar Silver Gold Titanium Matter Conglomerate Potions Reasoning Defense Attack Spirit Restoration Crafting Vials Gold/Silver Rings Gold/Silver Medalions All the polished gems I also provide my own food, unless you want to be kind and contribute. Pm Talon18 or Patriot in-game chat for an exact price on all these things, or leave a reply to this thread and I will get back to you ASAP
  6. Talon's Mixing Services

    Hey Handyman...your Health Esses are ready
  7. Buying & Selling

    Well now I really feel like a moron.
  8. Buying & Selling

    I buy stars book if all other buyers drop out. What is ISOF book?
  9. Talon's Mixing Services

    Yo Woodeh...you gonna give me the stuff for your order? Talon18/Morphius
  10. [ Buying ] [ Selling ]

    I have also found an TS pot book, anyone interested? Or could someone leave a price range for this book? tnx I am a potter and might be interested...however I dont think I could pay any more than 10k for the book atm. Not really sure its value, although I know that it is a very rare book. Just not sure how many TS I would actually end up making unless it is just for exp and to sell to the NPC. PM me in-game Talon18
  11. Talon's Mixing Services

    Sounds good. I will be on sometime this afternoon. Probably around and hour or so, I will look you up in-game
  12. Talon's Mixing Services

    Ok, I should be back in-game in 1-2 hours. Are you providing the ings, or do I need to get them?
  13. My books that I sell

    How much for the Special Swords book? Talon18 >RT<
  14. buying and selling

    I will alch for you too if you still need it... Talon18