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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. ..then I'll continue to argue with them
  2. Really tho, if you think about it, all negative perks are not going to affect everyone the same.. For example: On pk server where multi has always been legal, I had a mixer char that had every single negative perk, with fairly low OA. Reason for this: he never left storage, so I had my 4 harvester alts bring him stuff to mix, and he mixed. The "negative" perks had 0 impact on him However, if I took every single negative perk on say, my fighter, then I would have issues, because certain perks would affect my game play. Examine HoS, on my fighters, which I never mix/harvest on, HoS is 5 FREEE pp, and the 60kgc to get the perk I gladly pay, because the pp are worth it to me.. Examine the One perk, for a harvester which only harvest flowers in VotD, or a mixer that sits in NC all day, that perk has little to no affect, because rarely does anyone bomb there, and even if it does get bombed, it looses 1 load of flowers at most. Examine HS, sure a perk that has some more annoying side affects, but counter that with the UW perk and Heaven Meds and rings, you can get around it very easily What I'm saying is, all negative perks affect people differently. The anti-social perk has long since been free pp ever since the bots invaded MM and NC, allowing antisocial players to buy anything they need, even if at a slightly higher price, it was worth it for the pp.
  3. Rule #5, multiplaying

    Making people with anti not able to do dailies is laughable. Like I said before, lots of the people who did the dailies before rule removal already had the perk, and the due to the insane amount of bots and willingness of other players, anti never had a very tremendous impact as a negative perk. It has always been one of the "better" negs to take, especially compared to HS/godless/one/gelly which have very annoying side affects. If you strip 10 from everyone who has anti that would cause a lot of problems, and there are people like myself with very high OA or capped OA, where would those pp come from?? I just dont think this needs to be a big issue, because many people had the perk already, and it affects everyone evenly. Its not like making anti slightly easier to have now, with rule 5 removed, only targets the fighters..its and equal opportunity for everyone..so leave it be.. *edit: ok Entris posted while I was typing..the idea of removing overall levels is absolutely nuts...You have someone with OA 179+anti, and you put their OA back to 169?? I mean really, so all that hard work to get the hardest 10 levels in-game gone just like that?? How about radu just give everyone with anti 10 nex removals and a pile of hydro bars with and anitsocial removal stone..you know while were coming up with insane ideas and all..
  4. Rule #5, multiplaying

    Really tho, most of the people who "need" the pp, already had the perk, and with guildies and bots etc, getting npc only items wasnt that big of a deal..sure yeah, you might have paid a bit more for those items..I would say just leave it how it is, its not that big of a deal
  5. Forum validation requests

    Thank you very much!
  6. Forum validation requests

    Yes, but without the suspension. That wasn't my account tho..
  7. Forum validation requests

    This name is already taken by someone else. Could you change it to just "Talon" then. I searched for this name under members and don't see it taken. Thank you
  8. Farewell all

    I see your point, I don't think it would benefit the game to have radu or some other mod/admin mediate $$ transfers etc However, I disagree on the part about people who level their own characters to be more friendly etc..I know many players who have bought their characters, and they are some of the nicest, friendliest people on the server. They are team players, make sure everyone gets their fair share in events/invances etc. On the other hand I know people who have leveled their characters, some with very impressive levels, who are complete stuck up jerks. They think they're better than everyone else, and make game play unpleasant..it works both ways. It's a issue of individual attitude, not player status..
  9. Invance, Pacific time?

    I would like to see if we could get a team together for an Invance in American time..I currently live in Pacific Standard time, and it seems we should have enough players to make a good team. My guild LSD, has several 140-150s players that are active this time of day as well as and handful of solid rangers. Also, MAD guild seems to have several active this time as well. Please post, if you can or let me know in-game so that we can try and do invance at least 1-2 times a week. It might have to take place instead of the uncapped bethel invasions once or twice, if everyone would agree to that.. People who would like to be on team: Talon: (previously Morphius)/patriot: Tank/Fighter/Ranger Saxum: Fighter/Ranger Osirus: Tank/Fighter/Ranger Infect: Fighter/Ranger Please again, let me know..My usually time for getting off work is around 5-6 PST, so anytime after that. Thanks guys!
  10. It has its benefits, sometimes its nice to go out and fight hard without caring about dying as much. On the other hand, not getting drops to make up for resources used got expensive. Either way, still fun. We were also offering to clear maps, so that could have been announced, and we would have cleared hydro path...
  11. Beware of Tyriel

    That sucks man, thank you for warning. Put him on list.
  12. Server Crash?

    Was in FRR and like 10 people grued. I didnt tho somehow
  13. Beware of TACO

    After having talked with Taco from time to time, and thinking he was a decent guy, he approached me wanting to sell a few items. I hesitated, but then agreed. I sent him the money (a rather small amount thankfully) but then he logged off, and has yet to give me what I have bought. I realize this is the risk of doing these transactions, but would just like to warn the EL community that scum still is around, so beware. I have plenty of other proof, if you doubt me. You can contact me in-game. He also got a 3rd party involved with this so was unable to realistically file a paypal dispute. Ofc was not made aware of the 3rd party till afterwards. Anyway. BEWARE OF TACO. HE IS SCUM and a SCAMMER.
  14. Trade bot storage

    I was given notice by radu when a #help_me was sent on this topic, that nothing is to be stored in the trade bots storage at all. Only items in inventory to be on bot. Unless, ofc, I may have mis-understood. Not sure if chat log posting is allowed, but he told me they are only allowed to carry the items they buy or sell.
  15. Dragon scales

    Great idea! Would give more use to the other 3 scales.
  16. I have approached radu with the idea of raising the cap on the pk server to 120 a/d. He asked that I create a poll to see if people are in favor of it. I would especially like to hear from the active pk server players. If you have other ideas or comments about them choose the last option. Thanks! IF you play the server please post in forums what you voted so we can tell if the regular players are in favor. It will be harder to tell who is in favor is people from main vote who dont play the pk server.
  17. Raise cap on PK server to 120 A/D

    Probably doesn't matter. Doesn't seem to be enough interest in this to make the change.
  18. Halberd of Action: Auction

    Are you offering the BIN price?
  19. Forum validation requests

    Could I please have my forums name changed from "talon1527" to "Patriot" (in-game name) Thank you!
  20. TINF removal

  21. Water reflection

    I'm not sure if this was resolved in-game. But I am having the exact same problem. Any advise would be nice. All the other graphic are astounding and runs super smooth. Water looks like crap. Kinda annoying. Thanks
  22. I have version 1.9.3 of the client downloaded of EL website. When I have the client in console mode a lot of time the client crashes. Sometimes it doesn't crash but instead flickers like it wants to crash. I have no idea why this happens, but any help fixing this would be nice. Thanks
  23. Client Crashes when in console mode

    Thank you for the reply. Looks like the problem has been resolved.