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About Coolkid_08

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/22/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    El,dark orbit,many computer mmorpg or rpg
  1. if you are ip banned...........

    So ok Its been a year and ive decided to make a new account but it says my Ip is banned
  2. Juhi the killer.

    -_- that isnt a contribution =D lool
  3. if you are ip banned...........

    It says im IP banned and i cant play using my old charecter -_-
  4. if you are ip banned...........

    Now my I.P is banned??
  5. Juhi the killer.

    The next day Juhi reterned to the tavern to kill another victim. This time the victim was male , his name was Coolkid_08. Juhi ran up to Coolkid_08 and hit him across the head with a battle hammer. 'GM from Coolkid_08: FTW n00b, why you kill me' 'GM from Juhi: Lol' 'GM from Coolkid_08: What i drop??' 'GM from Juhi: Only 10 GC , LOL n00b drop like lyndsy' Any Contributions accepted
  6. Fluffy Rabbit

    Lol ecip. Its kinda like when me and my friends go to KF lol. Very much like the fluffy rabit. <-- me and my friends
  7. if you are ip banned...........

    Guys i have now waited since November for my charecter to be unlocked and he is still locked. So could you plas tell me if its a permanent ban or just a limited block. Charecter name: Coolkid_08
  8. if you are ip banned...........

    so i have asked in a new post and got a longer bann so if anybody knows please answer.
  9. When will my char be back

    ok sorry....i asked in the other post but i didnt get a reply..

    thats a shame!
  11. When will my char be back

    can any of you tell me how long coolkid_08 will be locked for? I have had around 4 occurences with rule breaking and i am desperate to have him back Your Friend Coolkid_08
  12. if you are ip banned...........

    can any of you tell me how long coolkid_08 will be locked for? I have had around 4 occurences with rule breaking and i am desperate to have him back Your Friend Coolkid_08
  13. Jack of All Trades Day

    Great idea that might work!!
  14. NO SOUND! by coolkid_08

    it still doesnt work
  15. gossip

    What pk server?