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Everything posted by TigerClaw


    Amen. Where do i sign D:? exactly.
  2. A NEW DAY

    wonderful idea! *claps*
  3. Whats your Favourite song at the Moment?

    http://www.muvids.com/7092_video_jay-z_run_this_town (Run this Town) --- http://www.muvids.com/6858_video_jay_sean_down (Down) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8g5raSy8-I (Whatcha Say)
  4. Removal Stones - where did you find one?

    TigerClaw found a Reasoning Removal Stone You stopped harvesting. (Arius Gypsum) and less than an hour before.. TigerClaw found a Rostogol Stone You stopped harvesting. (same place) ;]
  5. Do you have eough slots in your Inventory?

    agreed. i cant seem to pk competitively without restocking ever 2-3 fights.. and thats me as a naab think of the higher a/d ppl with full icey sets plus the 5% change in dodging since the evancesence update..
  6. Spooky goings on

    Goddess of Evil. In the middle of the night, All is cleared of living sight. A lonely lady walks the street, Many claims her as a freak. Revenge in her twisted mind, Is all she seeks and ever find. Mercy to none but one, All the rest better run. Her weapons shines with a light, The fighter's skills are more then bright. Courageous and skills to match, Using speed to diss and catch. Her fury has exceed the max, With ever shattered minutes' pass. When the clock strikes on the twelfth, She guides many to a place called hell. Entering Kf in a mist, Many need allies to assist. On this day in this year, Living beings comes to fear. This monster of the dark abyss, The PKer named; Tyrannis.. -------------------------------------------- By: TigerClaw of GODz.
  7. pk fun

    how dare they merge D: because of them 80% of EL's Pk guilds has also merged into a bigger alliance funny how we merge cause we were friends & enjoyed each other's company.. and then the Pk guilds of EL decided to all form an alliance with each other cause they 'love' us THAT much.. so now a days its like some other people meantions.. 8-10 guilds (plus an OP mage or 2) vs GoW (combination of 2 guilds.. one was actually made up of only ~6 members..) and funny how we still own (on topic: ND NCA would provide more of a reason to Pk. since PK is all in fun & some people say "omgz they get no drops since its ND!" .. well Kf isnt a drop map & it has become quite active compared to the past version of it )
  8. Summoner Related Changes

    -bump- if u havent voted.. vote
  9. PK Central improvement

    *combat skill PK = combat but combat > PK. That might be why PKI isn't given #edit: Perhaps kills by guardbots and guardbots getting killed could be excluded? There's hardly any achievement in killing a bot that just came from underworld with the lowest possible health over and over again. Apart from that, guilds/mapowners have paid for a 'secure' environment, and with this recent explosion of guardbot targetting any random noob seems to want to find out about other maps/guardbots (and yes I'm aware that even guildmaps shouldn't be considered 100% safe) Combat Skill is used for Pk (Player Killing) so really no reason why it SHOULDNt be counted as a Pk Skill.. unless ur saying that only high a/d is capable of killing another player.. another thing is that .. Pk usually stands for "Player Kill" which leads me to think that u need to KILL ANOTHER PLAYER with that skill for it to be considered a PK Skill.. (Example: A/D can kill someone. Magic can kill someone. Ranging can kill someone. Summoning can kill someone. Potioning can NOT kill someone. Crafting can NOT kill someone.. got my point?) PKI = Player Kill Score.. if u can kill playerswith Summoning, Magic, & Ranging.. shouldnt u get Pki for PKing a person?? a PKI Central message would be nice too
  10. PK Central improvement

    agreed. well maybe radu should change that since ranging & summoning & magic is considered a PK skill.. so why shouldnt it give PKI?
  11. PK Central improvement

    yea, make summoning a skill which would give u pki/pk central message since it IS considered a combat skill... and since all the other combat skills gets u pki why shouldnt summon?
  12. Summoner Related Changes

    come on people.. (at least) 7 more votes needed for ACs & TS to work... work with me here D: EDIT: only 4 more people EDIT #2: wow 99 votes for changing the heal|smite formula... one more vote til 100
  13. Spooky goings on

    GODz of War. Feel it coming in the air, panicked screams from everywhere. I'm excited by the sounds, there's a dangerous fight around. Can't be stressin' bout them now, they lack courage there's no doubt. Running to the Deity, blessing them for a fee. What's your version of m'rcy, BroDs ready; inventory. Countless brown tags dies, heartbroken voices cries. Its insanely amazing, the absurd reactions. The reasons for this opposition, is strangely annoyin'. This combination calls forth, enemies waiting of separation. We're the reason, half exhausted. Holding on to our belief, from the pr0s to the weak. Halloween; our time to shine, from the depths of the grime. Heartbeats take flight, at the sight.. of teh GODz of War. -TigerClaw of GoW EDIT: btw this is a song.. (it can do as a poem as well) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4PmiNGw3nk (at :24 in the youtube video u should be at "Its insanely amazing,")
  14. Unolas' Crown

    *claps* bravo, cant wait til ur next one .. -mumbles- that crown is mine
  15. Summoner Related Changes

    and u neglected to realized that the summon's DEFENSE does nothing to aid them against Mage's SMITES... i dont believe there SHOULD be complete shut down of a skill.. i mean sure.. an advantage is reasonable but "rock-paper-scissor" is like COMPLETE annilation of a skill by another skill. EL isnt a "class" game so thats why i see it as a game where some skills are at a "disadvantage" NOT "rock-paper-scissor" .. (if u want complete annilation of one "class/skill" by another "class/skill" WoW's open ) there are many actual ways to get rid of ACs its just that people arent aware of it (i'm not telling but there IS a way.. ) and yes i believe in their uses as "worthwhile" but everytime i see my ACs die to a MAGE ALT (like yetio..) i feel the "worthwhile-ness" slipping away.. and might just result to summoning hawks or not "pure" summoning in Kf at all... but the thing is that summoning is very joyful for me, so i would like to CONTINUE to grant Kf with more of my ebul babies... but its just discouraging sometimes when u see the effort u put into them and then see someone use way WAY less effort to kill them all... -TigerClaw
  16. Summoner Related Changes

    umm nope, only ACs that DOESNT have TS is Summoned ones... if the invis person "clicks" on someone and ATTACKs them then that makes u visible.. other wise ur invisble. if someone attacks u and ur invisible.. u stay invisible unless ur the one who "enaged" the combat.
  17. Summoner Related Changes

    i voted NO there, because i think none of the ACWs should have TS, not even the invaded ones. full ACK to this one! seems like ur promoting invis bj-ing in invasions and "ACK"?? a (decent)reason would be nice also seems like the regular & invasion ones ALREADY have TS.. so why shouldnt the summon ones have as well?? *not complaining much.. as long as -the Summoner has TS then the summons has TS. -ACs has TS. -some other creatures has TS..
  18. Summoner Related Changes

    I do understand that but any changes should be made to the Summoner not the summons (like the suggestion in my edited post above ) or make the summons see what the summoner does, if the summoner uses Ts and see's a mage then the summons do, its then down to player skill and tactics, not just summoning 8 TSed ACW, going to make a coffee, coming back and counting the death msgs (extreme example ) yes i can agree with this here. if the Summoner has TS then the summons should have as well, i can live with this so radu plx!!! i read earilier that summoners & their summons shares a temporary "ID" and if we lag then we get assigned a different ID and such .. but in the end u said it was "do-able" or "semi-reliable" so ponder about conavar's idea
  19. TigerClaw's Way to the Top :]

    next up are hawks & possibily tank rabbits :] (and dragons after! muhaha) -TigerClaw oh yea this one was before the the ACs ->
  20. TigerClaw's Way to the Top :]

    so was in Kf a few nights ago.. summoned my first hawks :] but also summoned a tad too late and was in hell lol. but still.. hawks! \o/
  21. Making EL better

    making EL better?? http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.p...=50846&st=0
  22. Summoner Related Changes

    come on people!! ACs & TS wont be so bad!! with out summons a Summoner is no longer a Summoner... against an invis mage my summons a USELESS .. (going to give this another go) Pkers vs Summoner: Pkers can still use their A/D to determine the outcome of the battles.. Summoners can use their summon lvl to determine the outcome.. Pkers vs Mage: Pker can still use their A/D to determine the outcome of the battle.. Mages can use their magic lvl to determine the outcome.. Mages vs Summoner: Mages can still use their magic lvl to determine the outcome.. Summoners can NOT use their summon lvl against an invis mage! this thing is freaking unbalanced!! --- if any other skills clashs they can still use the skill they train'd on to determine the outcome... where in Summoning.. ur summon lvl does NOTHING against an invis mage! if u reply to this please answer my question.. question: what good does my summon lvl do against an invis mage? unless the ACs get TS their more like dead hay bundles just ASKING to be Smited/Harmed... i find this totally unbalanced .. sure a Mage is at a disadvantage against an enermy with MI but the mage can still cast spells such as Restore & such.. while a Summoner is not at disadvantage BUT is at the mercy of the Invis Mage.. -TigerClaw of GoW
  23. Summoner Related Changes

    i would like to point out that most people are like "omfgz the TS will make the ACs more OP!! it will kill everything!!~!" Pking: Bronze. Summoning: ACs. Mage: Harm. how to make more SOP?? (not he staff now!! stands for SUPER OP) Pking: Bronze & ACC/EVA Pots & Fire/Ice Arrows. Summoning: ACs .. nothing. Mage: Harm. Magic Pots & More rationality. -------- sure sure u CAN make ur summons "stronger" with Teh Summoner Perk & more Charm, but does any of that helps against an invis mage?? no it doesnt cause the summons just stand there like hay bundles... so everyone plx reconsider ACs & TS.. come on. u cant expect summoners to go to a dead stop against all the other SOP items/abilities... so adding TS would make all ACs having TS more consistance.. would also make summoners find them more worthwhile
  24. PK Central improvement

    Yes, it can be done, but the thing is, it happens rarely, and usually not a huge issue. *cough* i ALWAYS summon when i go to Kf, and they almost always kill someone. whether it be by hawks, ACs, MCs, Tigers, or POLAR BEARS!! (*cough* Tristan) so summoners getting the pk central message would really make it more worthwhile since everytime i do kill someone their all like "omgz no pki lost, no pk central message, hahaha u killed me for nothign!! n00bz" .. and i find it that i do kill them for nothing since i am pking on a ND map a bit of recongization & fame wont hurt since i think thats why Pk central was created... so plx radu!!!