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Posts posted by Burn

  1. Yeah, that was a bit of digging there. Gave me something to do while harving. ;-)


    A thought that occured since... if we get a new interim release:


    Is everything (or can everything be) changed to item UIDs to put an end to the same-image issue?

    (Or, perhaps since it's a new release, someone has the time to do new images for duplicates? I think the item UIDs should still be used over image either way, since new stuff added later has a chance of using same images.)

    I know already-saved item lists and such from earlier will be an issue, but us players can deal with that. ;)




    If we get a go on this, and maybe a one month window to get last-minute stuff in, I could get started on the .elm tweaks I mentioned. And set up a c2 arena if it's desired.

    Can we test changed .elm files on the test server? (I know not to use them on main of course.) I mean, will it work with just my "votd main map" .elm file changed here but the test server has something different?




    Also occured to me that putting a new release out also shows the game as being "still active" to non-players. And will freshen listings on game/download sites. Any attention is good attention... unless it's a DOS-attacker. ;-)

  2. While making RPMs for OpenSUSE, I considered making "official 1.9.3 release" ones but decided not to on realizing just how much has been added/changed since that release.

    Since the gl2 client isn't progressing as was hoped, and 1.9.3 is from Feb. 2012, perhaps an interim 1.9.4 release is warranted, considering the very high number of fixes, additions and updates/tweaks that have been done since then.

    Those of us using more recent GIT-compiled clients are seeing a lot of benefit over those just using the official 1.9.3 release.

    Not an issue for me since I'm doing/using git builds, but those who can't compile and new players may find the changes useful.

    I've attempted a list of all that's changed in the GIT repository since 1.9.3 was released. Just new features and bug fixes. There's of course been various code cleanup, and the list is based almost entirely on commit messages so there may be more fixes and changes that weren't documented when done.

    (Those who actually did the fixes, bluap, Odie, etc. - I interpreted your commit comments as best I could, but lemme know if you see something wrong or I left an "interesting one" off, hehe.)

    Improvements and New Features:
    * Summoning filter, option to ignore "(name) summoned a (critter)" mesages (Mar 31, 2012)
    * When using just @ to post to active channel, channel gets underlined (Apr 01, 2012)
    * Various improvements to the Manu window Recipe saving (Apr 04, 2012 and later)
    * Added video modes for 1366x768 (Apr 10, 2012)
    * #research command ETA adjusted to take fast reading into account (May 04, 2012)
    * Added actions to desktop icon for easy access to test/pk servers (Jun 02, 2012)
    * Various improvements to the Item List window (Jun 05, 2012 and later)
    * Sound when opening a dialogue added (Jun 05, 2012)
    * Accelerated zooming when holding CTRL while using mouse wheel (Jun 05, 2012)
    * Astro window: Option to always print details to console (Jun 26, 2012)
    * Show Ranging stats with right-click option on right-side HUD (Jun 26, 2012)
    * Option on "Item Lst" button right-click to set Item List to open left of inventory instead of right (Jul 04, 2012)
    * "repeat spell" works everywhere, not just in game window (Jul 07, 2012)
    * "your position" on map view made more visible (Jul 15, 2012)
    * No longer stop mapwalking if you click on the HUD (Oct 27, 2012)
    * Found Pears added to the Events counters (Nov 12, 2012)
    * User-defined channel colors (Dec 04, 2012)
    * Option for darker channel-text color on bright maps (Jan 01, 2013)
    * Customizable icon window (Jan 01-02, 2013)
    * Various improvements and fixes to the Quest Log window (Jan 11, 2013 and later)
    * Added command #reload_icons for customizable icon window (Feb 11, 2013)
    * Added Trade Logging (Feb 11, 2013)
    * Option to disable weather special effects (Feb 14, 2013)
    * Print Counters to console (Feb 28, 2013)
    * #session_counters command, prints all session counts to console (Mar 03, 2013)
    * #save is triggered automatically if no save done in the past 5000 seconds (Apr 11, 2013)
    * Item descriptions added to items quickbar (Jun 26, 2013)
    * Additional storage window sounds (Jun 27, 2013)
    * New option on NPC dialogue, set a map mark using the NPC name (Jun 27, 2013)
    * Named Color support, configured in xml data file (Jun 29, 2013)
    * Holding Ctrl/Alt while hovering over inv items shows larger quantity text (Jul 21, 2013)
    * Max/Last experience added to session window, including row highlighting with mouse click (Jul 25, 2013)
    * Mouse-click highlighting added to other windows such as Knowledge, Counters... (Jul 28, 2013)
    * Disable Ranging Lock when fighting option (Aug 18, 2013)
    * HUD countdown/stopwatch timer added (Aug 26, 2013)
    * Auto-remove extra spaces between name and start of message for PMs and such (Nov 01, 2013)
    * Added context menu to control hud timer, minor refracting. (Nov 23, 2013)
    * Suppress *You are too far away. Get closer* messages within a 5 second window, but highlight the actor with an orange cross. (Dec 22, 2013)
    * Option to not display console messages for mixed items when other windows are closed (Dec 29, 2013)
    * Add ctrl/alt zoom for storage item numbers. (Dec 30, 2013)
    * Added keys #K_COUNTERS #K_HELPSKILLS but unassigned to keyboard by default. Unassigned keys can be assigned in keys.ini and using #keypress. (Dec 30, 2013)
    * Add minimal status indicators window to hud. For day, harvesting and poison states. (Jan 3, 2014)
    * Added 'Heal Allies' to spells.xml (Jan 7, 2014)
    * Do not auto-save while fighting to prevent lags (Feb 1, 2014)
    * Allow full game window keys for #keypress and Icon window simulated key presses. (Feb 2, 2014)
    * Forum #56640 and #59274: Option for ctrl/alt click actions in inventory window. (Mar 10, 2014)
    * Add 'Mother Nature taking a dump' to the events counters. (May 7, 2014)
    * Added server specified spell/buff durations. You can now see how long a spell will last. (May 30, 2014)

    * Added invisibility poisoning to buff count trigger. (Jun 20 2014)
    * Add option to storage title menu, to disable item filter. (Jul 13 2014)
    * Added item description filter within storage category. Type text, filter items. Non matching items are grayed out. (Jul 6 2014)
    * Added HUD tab option to always enlarge text where pressing ctrl or alt would be the only trigger previously. (Aug 1 2014)
    * Add enlarge text option to ground bag quantities. (Aug 1 2014)
    * Add enlarge text option to trade window quantities. (Aug 1 2014)
    * Add enlarge text option to quickbar window quantities. (Aug 1 2014)
    * Client version based on git labels (Aug 10 2014)
    * Add a *distance* measure to the session window. Just counts changes of x,y coordinates. (Aug 18 2014)
    * Add hud timer option to keep the time and running state of the timer when changing mode. (Aug 18 2014)
    * Add non MC message *...already fighting with someone...* to spam suppression list. (Sep 20 2014)
    * Move Clear button to the left side of the manu window. (Oct 20 2014)
    * Support for different eye-colors. (Oct 31 2014)
    * Add #relogin command: tests server connection and moves to disconnected state if the test fails. (Dec 22 2014)

    * Zoom-in increased to allow to better see eyes (Jan 20 2015)

    * Use the same selected/hightlighed colours for storage category as elsewhere in the UI. (Feb 12 2015)

    * The "You'd need to use binoculars" server message when you've opened a book and switch maps won't show anymore if the book is closed. (Feb 24 2015)

    * Heavily updated (English) Encyclopedia and book/knowledge list

    Bug Fixes and internal tweaks (sampling of the "big ones", there are many more):
    * Sound crash due to incorrect array indices (Mar 13, 2012)
    * Fix for offline buddies in buddy list (Apr 11, 2012)
    * Many memory leak fixes (Jun 15, 2012 and later - Feb 2013 had many)
    * Various map editor fixes (Jun 28, 2012 and later)
    * Fixes to console text, "dead lines" in the console (Jun 28, 2012)
    * Tweak to work with next Cal3D version (Jul 01, 2012)
    * chat log rotation tweaks (Jul 04, 2012)
    * Kill count improvements (Jul 07, 2012)
    * Fixes to Eye Candy handling (Oct 14, 2012)
    * Only rotate camera/advance/turn when in game window (Jan 23 & Feb 10, 2013)
    * Check if Ency exists in selected language, fallback to English if not (Jan 26, 2013)
    * Fix of spell regeant confusion on non-unique images (#item_uid issue) (Feb 16, 2013)
    * Improvements to hover-over descriptions of items (Feb 17, 2013)
    * Support use of libxml2 > 2.8.x (Mar 08, 2013)
    * number of cache-items added to the #mem command (Mar 14, 2013)
    * Add handling of when max number of mapmarks is reached (Mar 23, 2013)
    * Counter window fix to reset scrollbar when new entries added (May 18, 2013)
    * Fix to handling of missing anims to prevent speedups/resyncs (May 30, 2013)
    * Fix crashing when encyclopedia fails to load (Jun 26, 2013)
    * Fix custom download and update stack smashing issues (Aug 07, 2013)
    * Fixed missing weather sounds (Aug 07, 2013)
    * Initialize new notepad storage when reallocated. (Dec 22, 2013)
    * Fix for Mesa 10.0.1 changed gl.h header (Dec 25, 2013)
    * Fix uninitialized value on EC lamp effect. (Dec 27, 2013)
    * Fix use of inventory mix button before manufacture window has been opened. (Dec 29, 2013)
    * Fixes for sound system. Initialization, thread safety, memory access issues. Can now reliably turn on/of etc. (Jan 6, 2014)
    * Fix various compiler warnings (Jan 6, 2014)
    * More memory cleanup, valgrind complaints (Jan 15, 2014)
    * Fix log-message in #unmark command (Jan 15, 2014)
    * Properly shut down the network on client exit (Jan 19, 2014)
    * Fix middle mouse button handling on Windows and Mac (Feb 2, 2014)
    * Fix truncated user menu help text (Feb 2, 2014)
    * Fix OPT_INT_INI usage (Mar 10, 2014)
    * Trap exceeding MAX_SERVERS reading servers.lst (Mar 13, 2014)
    * Added -lz needed for newer compiler. (Mar 29, 2014)
    * Map editor bug and compiler fixes (Mar/Apr 2014)
    * Linux launcher, work around for Zenity bugs. (Apr 11, 2014)
    * Fix missing last char in a line due to rounding issues with 'strange' zoom factors. (Apr 27, 2014)
    * More than one update thread can cause severe lags on some computers. (Apr 27, 2014)
    * Prevent NPCs wearing custom clothes by accident (May 26, 2014)
    * Move local #save text to Translate module (May 27, 2014)
    * Fix find_var() matching substrings of wanted variable name, leading to unsaved variables. (May 29, 2014)
    * NULL terminate the dark_channeltext config options which should fix a crash on opening the options window. (Jul 6 2014)
    * Fixed missing last page of encyclopedia when using context menu. Fixed other occurrences of not looping over all the pages. (Jul 28 2014)
    * Players with Overall Level 179 won't gain any OA exp anymore, so the stats window will show exp/min 0.0. (Aug 6 2014)
    * Put *Equipment* text to background in inventory windows. (Aug 10 2014)
    * Fix opacity setting from manu window title menu. (Aug 30 2014)
    * Fix crash when leaving buggy maps. (Sep 4 2014)
    * Change invance channels to current 120-145 and 145-200 (Oct 18 2014)
    * New character: Fixed missing character animations when race or gender changed. (Nov 2 2014)
    * Fix parse_2d0() for NEW_TEXTURES - ground items like skeletons are visible again. (Nov 22 2014)


    * Remove use of Learner's server version of item_info.txt, will be included directly in the client. (Feb 27 2015)

    * Various compiler warning fixes including use of CLANG compiler, memory init fixes, and fixes to new features.




    There are quite a few new caves and buildings, some benign and some designed to be useful. (Won't be discussed as there may be contests to find them and such.)

    Some old locations that were "removed" have also been tweaked or redesigned to fix the problems and re-added. A couple were just deleted, deemed beyond hope of repair.

    A couple big changes to current maps as well.


    Every single map in the game has been gone over with a careful eye multiple times, tweaked and adjusted to be as correct as possible. This includes:

    - Fixing where you can walk. Areas that shouldn't be walkable like under rocks and such have been removed, while areas that should be walkable (you click but you can't go there) are.

    - General design fixes (floating objects, items just poorly placed or stuck in other items they shouldn't be stuck in, etc.)

    - An incredible amount of work has been done to reduce flickering of items seen when the camera is moved. (May never be 100%, but a good chunk of it's fixed.)

    - Enter locations fixed that cause you to walk in odd directions when you click to use them. Exit drop locations fixed where you end up in an odd corner instead of directly at the entrance door/cave/etc.

    - Most all harvestables that are in a harvestable area are now actually reachable, where design allowed. (Some placed as decor-only and are not allowed to be harved on that map remain that way.)

    - Some harvestables stuck inside cave walls and such brought out. (This being a very time-consuming and difficult task, it was not done 100%, but I got to what I could.) This will be why when you visit some harv spots you know, there may be more ores or minerals or such there than were before. Those were always there, just hidden in the walls.


    (While most work done of this nature on current maps won't be visibly noticeable, it will be in some areas. Nothing drastic in these cases, so I call them "easter eggs". ;-) )



    And of course, all reported bugs fixed.




    Some minor points that can be discussed (these only go into effect when 1.9.4 is released, not before):

    - Palon Vertas main map will be multi-combat (currently single)

    - The Whitestone crafting school will work

    - Both Zirakinbar schools (manu school on the east side near docks, craft school area near EP exit) work

    - Trassian Manufacturing school (southwest corner of Trassian) works

    - The entire inside-the-stands area of the KJ temple arena will be PK, not just an unmarked square in the middle of it.

    - Mount Sorrow in SRM is harvestable.

    - The dung portal room has had flags placed above each outhouse indicating where they lead. You can "eye" the flags for specific info, or if you don't know the map flags (shame on you)

  3. Packages available for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Leap 15.1, and Leap 15.2


    64-bit builds only as OpenSUSE no longer supports 32-bit.

    - Builds are the official 1.9.5 client.


    Current build: GIT as of April 29, 2019.

    - 4 Packages:
    1. elc - the main client (required)
    2. elc-data - the game data files (required)
    3. elc-sound
    4. elc-music
    Sound and Music are optional, and install the same sound/music as found on the official download page.

    Updates will normally only happen when truly warranted, not every tweak in the GIT. I also make sure the builds work for me at least before putting them out there.


    Direct Install

    Go to this download page at the OpenSUSE Build Service. Click the OpenSUSE version you have.

    Zypper install

    Go to the above-linked download page and click "Add repository and install manually" for instructions.

    YaST Install

    If you know how to add a repo in YaST, use the repo links found in the Zypper instructions. If not, just use the 1-click install and the repos will be automatically added.


  4. The dailies get counted up to 251 times done, then sits at that number. You've done 251 or more for those two.


    251/50 = 50 needed for the perk, 251+ times you've done it, so you're good.


    Daritha had a bug at one point that it was resetting the count, so it's possible you've done it more but got hit by that bug in the past. You've done it 27 times since the last time the bug affected you. (Only thing to do is keep doing the quest until you hit 50.)



    (Although, hmmm, if you *just took* Smart Harvester*, you'd think there'd be 50 less Xaquelina quests counted. That doesn't affect you though.)

  5. it would slow down mule to half its speed,


    Making it a minimum of having to carry twice the normal amount just to be equal to normal. Add to that cost of the cart. Not getting much value.



    and make it pkable in any maps.


    And the little value goes to negative value. Mule with no armor, no weapon, and no magic, moving at half the speed of everyone so easily caught, in a game filled with duh-it's-moving-so-I-kill-it types. Wouldn't last one trip.



    And then there's the idiots who would find ways to abuse that they could make themselves pk-able on demand. (There's a reason making people pk-able doesn't get doled out by mods as "punishment" anymore.)


    Nothing that makes people pkable-on-demand will likely ever pass muster. And as a regular mule-shifter, I'm not seeing a reason to want this even without that.


    As well, sounds like a means to make things simpler for instancers. Serious doubt that would be wanted.

  6. It was asked in 6 who does Dorel every day. That question is a tricky one because it unfortunately has more that I'll skip than do. And possibly others are thinking the same way.


    Providing this info should it be helpful in making Dorel less of a thing to skip.


    Just my opinions as feedback, not complaining... got plenty to do with the 4 dailies I regularly do as it is.




    1. Apala - Steel Helm - SKIP


    Someone said in 6 the new change was 31kgc and 4k manu exp. That's unfortunately still not worth it. (Correct if wrong, I haven't tried it myself and I know 6 isn't exactly a reliable info source.)


    Ings for a steel helm are currently at about 38kgc... with hopes you don't crit fail.


    End result with that in mind is you're paying 7kgc to get 4k manu experience.


    The exact same experience can be gotten, on a *normal day*, by mixing about 58 leather helms.


    Just selling those helms to Trik at lowest price of 20gc, that same experience costs about 238gc.


    So 7kgc for 4k exp, vs. 238gc for 4k exp.


    (1300 base exp for mixing the helm doesn't improve the comparison much.)


    Result: Basically put, there's no reward here, just a heavy cost, even with the new update.



    2. Gerund - Rare books - Normally SKIP


    The 4 original books asked for aren't available like they were when this was first added. Last I checked only 1 was available on any bot for sale. Hunting for the rare book drop just ain't gonna happen.


    Basically if I have the book or it's available on a bot for 6kgc or less, I'll do it. Normally that's not the case, and it's skipped.


    Honestly I don't see any way for this to be avoided. Don't know what new books have been added yet, but they'll end up the same way.


    Result: May be better to just have Telia/Betty buy these books and cut out this part. Book availability makes this an obligatory skip more often than not.



    3. Maja - 150 tiger/panther/leopard furs - Normally SKIP


    When this was added, these furs were in high abundance as they're otherwise useless. That's not the case anymore due to this daily.


    The pay per fur is definitely okay, but now that they're no longer in abundance, 150 furs is hard to come by.


    Self-hunting them every time this daily comes up would be seriously time-consuming and frustrating, as there's much quicker ways to earn the gc, and 3k summon experience doesn't make that time worth it either.


    The longest Haidir daily takes half an hour or so in best conditions. Hunting 150 of any one of these is much longer than that. Comparisons here should be done to similar Haidir dailies, where you only need 30 leopards/tigers and you get tons more experience in comparison.


    Result: This was a good way to clear up the furs gathering dust in storage when first added, but now that's not the issue. May need severe tweaking to reflect that.



    4. Zhena - 100 C1 rings - Normally SKIP


    The gc is okay, but only if you self-harv everything and mix from scratch. Otherwise it becomes a cost. The combined mixing experience + 3k reward experience is good of course.


    While I can do this, and it's possible to be done without being costly, that can only be done with a lot of time. Can take up to 2 hours just to harv all the necessary ings. I have a lot of plans at any given time, so spending more than half an hour on a "daily" doesn't feel worth it no matter how good the reward is.


    Result: For this one, I'm sure there's some who feel it's worth it. I may feel differently in the future when I switch my focus to crafting and get that god. I can't provide a suggestion for this one other than maybe cutting it to 50 rings, cutting the gc reward equally.





    The others are okay:



    5. Rhodica - honeycomb


    2gc per honeycomb is fine. A simple harv exercise.


    6. Arona - Go to c1 NPC and go back for small xp+gc


    Basically a small amount of gc and xp. No problem.






    Again, just feedback, not complaining. Attempting to show where the issues lie in this particular daily.

  7. Not really working well enough atm to be tested. From what I understand some of the maps still don't work (possible crash) among other things.


    (But self-compiling one can still be done using Xaphier's GIT repository.)


    The only ones that should have an issue using it are those on very old laptops that are only barely able to run the current client. And possibly very old comps (as in no AGP slot much less PCI-e). But that your graphics hardware supports OpenGL 2 or higher is the important thing.

  8. The graphics core integrated into the IGP 320M chipset was developed from the ATI RADEON VE graphics chip. This solution was originally intended for "office" use, so the IGP 320M is also an "office" rather than "gaming" chipset.


    That's from a Presario 900 review from 2003, which also went on to say you're not going to be doing much of anything 3D-wise on it. It can only handle very fundamentally basic 3D according to the review. EL is still a 1.x OpenGL game, but it's above that.


    While some older model laptops may be able to handle it, as the review states in the quote your model is specifically designed for office work, not gaming. The graphics were even called "outdated" for 2003 standards. If a game runs on it, it is apparently more a bonus than a feature.


    There's a very good chance you just won't be able to run EL on it. (And note it's pretty much guaranteed you won't be able to run the coming OpenGL2 version of EL, so not really an idea to get comfortable playing on that anyway.) I have an old but several years more modern laptop than yours and EL does essentially the same thing on it. And it definitely has crappy-but-much-better-than-Presario graphics.

  9. FTR, there is a very good possibility that this old comp is the problem. Graphics card on it is from the OpenGL 1.x days. (Yes, *that* old, hehe.) Driver updates have it supporting up to OpenGL 2.1.2 but I'm thinking that support isn't so great. Which in turn could be the cause of the segfaults I get.


    Working on building a full new comp piece by piece as I can afford it, should be completed by end of August. Gonna give up on this until I get that done.


    So... just ignore my last post, can't really cater to computers that old when dealing with improving graphics. Esp. just to GL2. ;-)

  10. Yeah, I'd like to have my arrow shooting alt mule a ton of arrows into the gp arena, but he can't.


    People mule loads of arrows to the arena all the time. You have to de-mule to actually range, but you got the real need, getting the arrows there, taken care of, no need to stay mule once you're in and on the spot you want.

  11. As a 24/7 speed haxer, I see no value in this.


    All this does is eliminate the need for the potion. Any haxer will tell you the food is the real cost.


    If I didn't intentionally stop my hax on occasion for things like shapeshifting, I could easily run for months on a single potion. Anyone who tries 24/7 haxing will soon enough be able to do the same.


    End result: 6 pickpoints spent on something that will cost you maybe 400gc here and there.


    Hax isn't really rare as it is. Anyone can grab a 400gc potion off a bot and speed away, once they get the hang of handling the food. The real issue is the food itself.


    (Even changing the food for the perk, I'd stick to being haxed using potions. Unless it eliminated food usage completely, something I seriously doubt would be acceptable, it's not worth that many pp's.)




    Oh, and radu has actually stated before that he doesn't want everyone running around. That's why it's "possible" (I and a couple others do it) but costly and requires a lot of attention to keep the food up--- Intentionally to avoid that situation.

  12. Seems to be coming along nicely.


    Only two things that come to mind after some quick testing:


    1) An "Are you sure?" type popup before it logs you out. Because the same button is used to just "close the inventory" and such as does the log out, I find myself randomly logging out through misclick.


    2) For the "long tap to move on map view", some kind of indicator that the long tap has been accepted. A quick "flash" of the map or other such indication. It's hard to know if you've held long enough when the only indication is hiding underneath the thumb/finger.

  13. Yay ;-)


    Compiling went fine, including compiling of all the various editors.


    The program continues to segfault here though, as it did before compiling issues. :-/ Hopefully it's just something on my side as I'm a little confused in how to include the data dir and other stuff in places. Pretty sure I got that right, but maybe not completely and that's the issue.


    Could just be this comp is a bit old. OpenGL is 2.1.2 though.


    Too long, so put it in pastebin. The main.log file: http://pastebin.com/i71Z4ckx

    And the less-informative chat_log.txt http://pastebin.com/GiRL0SG0



    map_editor crashes on load as well: http://pastebin.com/cPuUcSvN

  14. "Teleport to Portals Room" spell sends you to the correct portal room for the map you're on, regardless of continent.


    "I.C.T.P.R." sends you to the *opposite* portal room.


    Use the same (first) spell for both continents. Whatever continent you're on, that's the portal room you'll go to.

  15. http://www.eternal-lands.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=57082


    Follow that thread about the coming version. It's in github under new_map_editor (how well it works unknown)


    Sir_Odie seems to be making Windows binaries, posted further in the thread. Zip file he provides includes a map_editor, just unsure if it's the new one (no Win here).


    If you can't compile yourself and Odie's binaries don't have the new editor, perhaps Odie could be encouraged to include it with his next build.

  16. I believe he means there's no way to turn the current maps automatically into fully 3D terrain, which is what is desired for the next release. In order to achieve that desire, each map will have to be hand-edited.


    However, it will still be able to handle the old (current) 2d terrain. This will allow things like guild maps to continue to work, but for the official maps it's desired to change the 2d terrain to 3d. It'll still be more or less reading it as 2d terrain, but not in a way that makes it easy to auto-convert to 3d.


    ("I believe" disclaimer - I'm unfamiliar with the exact workings of it, but it kinda makes sense here, enough that I don't need to know more at least... that the old map versions continue to work was all I needed to know.)

  17. Yay! :-P


    But... (after tracking down minizip) on this OpenSuse machine, compiling went fine right up until it was ready to link the executable


    (Only change to CMakeLists.txt was to set Build Map Editor to "on")



    Linking CXX executable el_client
    engine/libelengine.a(scene.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::Scene::do_cull() [clone ._omp_fn.0]':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/scene.cpp:920: undefined reference to `GOMP_sections_next'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/scene.cpp:926: undefined reference to `GOMP_sections_end_nowait'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/scene.cpp:926: undefined reference to `GOMP_sections_next'
    engine/libelengine.a(scene.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::Scene::do_cull()':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/scene.cpp:920: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_sections_start'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/scene.cpp:920: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_end'
    engine/libelengine.a(cdlodquadtree.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::CdLodQuadTree::update_level_zero_rgb10_a2(boost::shared_ptr<eternal_lands::Image const> const&, glm::detail::tvec3<float> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&) [clone ._omp_fn.1]':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:283: undefined reference to `omp_get_num_threads'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:283: undefined reference to `omp_get_thread_num'
    engine/libelengine.a(cdlodquadtree.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::CdLodQuadTree::update_level_zero(boost::shared_ptr<eternal_lands::Image const> const&, glm::detail::tvec3<float> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&) [clone ._omp_fn.0]':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:312: undefined reference to `omp_get_num_threads'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:312: undefined reference to `omp_get_thread_num'
    engine/libelengine.a(cdlodquadtree.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::CdLodQuadTree::update_level_zero_rgb10_a2(boost::shared_ptr<eternal_lands::Image const> const&, glm::detail::tvec3<float> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&)':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:282: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_start'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:282: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_end'
    engine/libelengine.a(cdlodquadtree.cpp.o): In function `eternal_lands::CdLodQuadTree::update_level_zero(boost::shared_ptr<eternal_lands::Image const> const&, glm::detail::tvec3<float> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&, glm::detail::tvec2<unsigned int> const&)':
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:311: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_start'
    /home/Flame/Documents/newEL/Eternal-Lands-master/engine/terrain/cdlodquadtree.cpp:311: undefined reference to `GOMP_parallel_end'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[2]: *** [el_client] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/el_client.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2



    I'm at a complete loss. :-/



    Should note: With some CMakeLists.txt hacking, the git prior to updating compiled fine, just resulted in a segfaulting program. ;)



    Add... all the "omp" stuff in there makes me think "OpenMP". If that's what it's referring to... option(BUILD_OPENMP "Build using OpenMP" off) ... not using it.

  18. 1) Is there some automated process converting the current 2d ground to 3d for the next version, or does each map have to be hand-converted?


    (If the latter, would really like to see the new editor working, some of us could possibly help.)




    2) Will the old 2d-ground maps still work in the next client? (I'm thinking about things like abandoned guild maps that noone will likely update.)

  19. The issue (until next server update):


    The server is only counting up to 250 when you do Minel's quest. That is, if you do Minel a 251st time, the counter goes back to 0 (resets due to overflow).


    If you've done Minel close to that many times, you'll need to stop doing Minel to avoid losing your count, until you've redeemed the perk.



    Redeemer will tell you how many times you've done it if you click that you want Fewer Tears and are missing qualifications.





    This will no longer be an issue after the next server restart. However if you've regularly done Minel for a long time, your count may be lost.
