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Posts posted by Burn

  1. Not against continuing support, was just questioning if it was absolutely necessary at this point since it is gasping its final breaths. I'm not doing the actual code so that's mostly up to bluap anyway. ;-)



    And just last night it was noted by someone, who told me and I confirmed, that a minor change was made to AA Wyrmgoth Underground (was "hidden" so won't say what, unless you knew of it you won't see the change) obviously done on the server side but is a change that should be done to the local .elm file as well. That leads to thoughts that there will be .elm updates, even if just minor, leading to undoing my thought that 1.9.3 could possibly continue to be used. (1.9.3 binaries with updated data files maybe.) But probably a moot point anyway.

  2. There's also the option to try clean default settings.

    Simplest way to do that is rename your ~/.elc directory to something else (like ~/.elcREAL) forcing EL to create a new default .elc directory with a default .ini file.

    If that still crashes, open that default ~/.elc/main/el.ini file and set "poor_man" to 1 and try again.

    If it works with poor man on, slowly set better settings to see at what point it crashes.

    If you do rebuild, these are the requirements per the spec file. (Scream if it doesn't build due to a missing requirement not on the list.)

    BuildRequires:  Mesa-devel
    BuildRequires:  fdupes
    BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
    BuildRequires:  libSDL-devel
    BuildRequires:  libSDL_image-devel
    BuildRequires:  libSDL_net-devel
    BuildRequires:  cal3d-devel
    BuildRequires:  libogg-devel
    BuildRequires:  libpng-devel
    BuildRequires:  libvorbis-devel
    BuildRequires:  openal-devel
    BuildRequires:  unzip
    BuildRequires:  update-desktop-files
    BuildRequires:	libxml2-devel

  3. Hmmm...


    I don't have a 12.3 box anymore. All the builds are done on OpenSUSE's build service, even the ones I'm using on 13.1. So they are actually being built on a 12.3 platform.


    Sometimes there's more info in the ~/.elc/main/chat_log_201401.txt file, can check the end of that file after a crash to see if any error messages appear.


    In YaST Software Management top row menu, Package -> All Packages -> Update if newer version available (just to make sure you have the latest everything).



    It shouldn't be missing requirements, pretty sure I included all those in the spec for the RPM.



    If nothing shows there, I don't really know what to say. "illegal instruction" doesn't say much, unfortunately.


    I could suggest rebuilding the RPM from the .src RPM (can be downloaded from the first-post link if you dare try) but you'll likely have to install a lot of -dev packages to do that. :-/



    But as a last resort, can try replacing the binary with one of bluap's builds, which I used back when I was on 12.3 http://twinmoons.org.uk/el/git/ until it can be figured out what the issue is.

  4. While I'd rather not leave someone in the dark on a new release, it is questionable as to whether issues with an OS that should have gone dead two years ago, only still alive through a time extension, should halt progress in the game. How much time to spend fixing something for an OS that is officially dead in 3 months, and anyone on it should be using this time to switch.


    This is just a "grace period" for XP to give time to get upgraded, not to just keep on using. There's already been two years of time added to allow people to get off of XP and onto a more modern OS.


    (Just like with OpenSUSE, I won't provide RPMs for any prior release that is no longer supported. )


    This would of course not be an issue if any other OSes were showing the same issue. It could just very well be lack of support for XP itself that's making this update impossible.



    Another thought, continued use of 1.9.3: It doesn't seem any .elm files or graphics are changing with this update (Ace/Roja/Radu may need to chime in on this). If that's the case, couldn't 1.9.3 continue to be used even after 1.9.4 is released? I know the server has forced upgrades with previous releases, but with reason. I'm not seeing a reason thus far that the XP users couldn't continue using 1.9.3 until they get their OS updated. Old OS = old EL version, rather than spending too much time fixing something solely for an OS that is about to EOL?

  5. Hmmm.


    Must be a hosting problem.


    However, likely unrelated but worse than a temporary hosting glitch:


    Expires On January 06, 2014

    ^ According to whois, the el-wiki.net domain name expires tomorrow.

  6. Would require .elm-file changes, and while it's still possible I don't see a good chance of that happening in the next release.


    There is an alternate option, have the place you exit from the portal room be like two steps away from the outhouse. Pretty sure that is a server-side change so could be done on any server update.


    But this alternate option would pretty much guarantee a fix. The .elm-file change would at best make one spot two spots whereas portaling out two steps away would be:







    P-where you'd appear leaving the dung portal room

    X-The first 8 possible alternate spots you'd appear if someone/thing is already at P


    Leaves plenty of room to avoid ending up stuck.

  7. RPMs updated for current git20140104.


    Changelog (since Dec. 7th build):

    * Sat Jan 04 2014 flamesworld@gmail.com

    - Update to current git code. Changes include:

    -- Identifiers in HUD showing Harvesting status, Special Day info, and Poison status

    -- Remaining spell duration indication (not working in this build - may need server changes to work properly so don't hold your breath on this one ;-) )

    -- ctrl/alt zoom for storage item indicators

    -- Option to not display console messages for mixed items when other windows are closed

    -- Suppression of "You are too far away" messages when within five seconds of each other

    -- Other minor internal fixes


    - Update to current encyclopedia (Halberd of Action added)


    - Added item_info.txt file to data files for trade info in console

  8. Two issues:


    1) Mixing and spells (and trading) are off for shapeshifting. I believe radu mentioned not wanting shapeshifts to do these things. Dunno if that means that's how it's coded and would require major code rewriting to allow or not, but there's a possibility any shapeshifts will have to follow the same pattern.


    2) The "dragon is mixing" aspect...

    - a mule is regularly used to carry heavy loads. Thus the extreme emu is relevant.

    - a phoenix fights like a bird, being mythological is more powerful than your average hawk or falcon. Thus its fighting skills and possibly respawning instead of dying is relevant.


    I don't see how dragons and mixing work together.



    I think radu also already had plans for (little) dragon shapeshifting and what they could do already. Though those seem to have gone by the wayside since phoenix never "took off" (primarily because it's way too expensive for what little it does, too much creature food combined with the relative rarity of the glyphs we thought would become makeable).




    Not sure if the faster-mixing thing would even be allowed, but I'd picture it being more an "item" thing. What item I dunno, never considered it. But like the frying pan allows faster meat cooking...

  9. Working Name: Less Critical


    Cost Possibility: Considering the nature of it, and relative to current Redeemers, pretty high. Achievements that are more mixer-oriented, which would include harving. Unfortunately mixing achievements are rare (that can be redone, finishing mixing tutorials are one-time):


    Herbalist 3

    Miner 3

    Lucky Crafter 3

    Lucky Finder 2

    + whatever item(s) (that aren't already-overused grapes)



    Does: "When you fail a mix, there's a slightly less chance it'll be a critical fail."


    i.e. If there's currently a 1 in 3 chance a fail is critical, it'll be 1 in 4 instead. (33% to 25% with perk)


    Actual implemention depends of course on how it's coded on the server, but something that gives a similar result. Think of it as the mixing equivalent of "Fewer Tears" perk.




    Balance: Enough to be worth it, not enough to be overkill or remove the risk involved in a mix.

  10. Yay! :)


    Wasn't expecting so quick. We may have to wait until after the holidays, some like Odie are going to be off for a while.



    But there are technically builds now for testing that are up-to-date with the GIT, if they can't get done until then.


    Win and OSX : http://www.gm.fh-koe...L-Services.html - builds by Odie are up to date with GIT


    Linux: http://twinmoons.org.uk/el/git/ - testing binaries by bluap, plus his Ubu/Deb packages (and my OpenSUSE builds)



    Updated encyclopedia is also at Odie's Win/OSX link above.

  11. - The only real changes to the data is the (English) book list and encyclopedia have been heavily updated. Those are in the GIT.


    Acelon is working on taking over maps and such. We're not sure what or if there are any changes but if there are it's just a matter of tossing them into the data package, no big deal. If possible some map fixes may be made if there's time, I'd help Ace with those (see the same thread for talk on that).


    An update could be done without any map changes though. The maps are mostly in a holding state until the 2.x version gets done since it requires updating all the maps. Any changes to them now would likely just be fixing bugs and slight tweaking, if that.


    - Packaging would be no different than for 1.9.3, just with people doing packages for specific distros *in addition to* normal packaging.


    - bluap would be the primary coder, it seems based on GIT commits. If you click the link to the list of updates in the first post, you'll see he's on board for this, and was even considering bringing up a new release himself. Odie's quiet but has voted yes above.


    Ace is also on board. Radu is... as said, not originally planning a release but if there's enough interest we can do it.



    The lack of activity in 1.x GIT would also be an indication that now's a good time to go ahead with this. The stuff that has been done is tested and seems stable, so no fixes have been necessary.

  12. Heh, well considering the 2.x client code hasn't had an update in 5 months now (and current code for that doesn't seem to compile without a segfault for me) I don't think this will take away from the 2.x work. Server side code isn't open so dunno how far along radu is on that end.


    Packaging for various platforms can get handled by bluap, Odie, anyone else who wants to make a package for their platform (like I started doing for OpenSUSE).


    Non-code stuff like updating other sites... well, there's been a desire to get more people playing, this could be considered "free advertising". Some of it can be done by non-coders.


    Yeah, it'll require some work, but the end result would prove beneficial.

  13. The work is already done, several of us are already running what would be 1.9.4. It's just a matter of making an official release for it. So not only is the code for this done, but it's also been tested. ;-)


    So this won't really affect the 2.x work. Bluap and Sir_Odie have done a good job of keeping the 1.9.x code updated and added to even while the 2.x work was ongoing.

  14. There's been no plans to release another 1.9.x client since work on the GL2 major update client started last year. However, that's taking longer than expected, and our current client is now 22 months old.


    Those of us who compile the latest source code have been privy to a huge number of additions, updates, and fixes while those who can't compile are still sitting with that old code.


    For this reason, I've suggested a 1.9.4 minor update release be done. This way, everyone can take advantage of all the changes made to the code since 1.9.3.


    What changes? See here: Semi-Complete List of Changes since 1.9.3


    (As well, there's the "stagnation factor". Outsiders used to open source programs having regular updates may be turned off by not seeing anything happening (even though there's regular game updates), since they're not in the game. Download/Gaming site listings get freshened by a new release, which in turn can be "free advertising". A release shows the game is still alive to the never-played-before.)


    If we can get enough people to want to see the above-list changes turned into a new minor update, it can happen.


    So... answer above. ;-)

  15. No...


    1) As was mentioned, skill schools are essentially "buying xp" already. Though you still have to work for it by collecting ings. Buy ings, burn off the ings in a skill school on a school day, there's your "buying xp". Buy a school day stone and get even xp. (I've bought/used over 10 School Day stones myself, it works, if you put the work into it.)


    2) No a/d, summon, magic? Buy a tzu/magic/summon day stone. You're buying xp by using it.


    We already have ways to "buy xp" in the game. Indirectly.

  16. BTW, by "minor tweaks" to the .elm files that I said I could work on, it's primarily just height/walkability issues. Examples that come to mind:

    1- IotF - The "big hole" just south of the igloos where you drop underground where it should just be unwalkable.

    2- VotD lower gold cave - The walking paths on this map are bad in several places. Primarily in the big gold area, there's a lot of places "near" walls and items that should be walkable but you click and you can't.

    3- VotD - The tele nexus spot on top of a bush near the toadies that's been known for a long time. (Most recently reported in Map Bugs by Maxine)

    4- Arius - There's a patch of the long wall between sto and coal cave that you can walk into the wall (not go fully through).

    5- Portland - Invaders get stuck in the entrance to the manu school due to bad walk spots. Ditto several other places.


    As well, "move" some stuff that flickers when you walk past it.


    With a one month advance notice, I can handle the majority of these as well as "take requests" from devs for tweaks.

  17. The certain forum with a bunch of secrets on it is actually still missing quite a few. And I ain't telling. ;-) Some of those I doubt more than a handful of currently active players are aware of.

    So even if you know those on "that forum", you won't know all of them.


    New secrets would require a new client update to update .elm map files with new areas that would have to be created by someone. There is a suggestion in the programming forum now to consider putting out a new release, but I don't know if anyone is available to build new stuff in maps that will then need to be converted later for the (one-of-these-days-coming) OpenGL2 client. If there is a new client soon, new map additions will likely be minimal if any at all (I'm not a programmer so that's not an official answer, just guessing).



    Not dismissing the suggestion, just considering the current client state.

  18. Well, at best you can only hold maybe 316 or so dung in inventory. 1 teleporter used up to send that small amount to storage. While teleporters do seem to show up regularly, they don't to the extent that this could be a constantly-done thing. Such regular use of them would make the price go up, people who find them end up using them themselves a lot, so less on market for when that dung portal room gets a rare use.


    So considering the low amount of dung and it won't be possible to do this with every full load as the teleporters don't appear enough for that, I don't see the overpower. It would at best allow you to sit at a different outhouse and harvest, but still only until you run out of teleporters. And that in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, what with so many focused on using the MM outhouse closest to haz sto.


    I'm thinking it won't be worth it to use it this way in the end result. If you're looking to harv large amounts of poo, popping a speed hax for the trips to sto and keeping food on you to use it makes the trips to storage a breeze. Literally, running that fast you can feel the wind in your hair. ;-)




    But as for the actual suggestion, no opinion either way. Won't care if it's added, but doubt I'd use it myself.

  19. I think.. maybe new haidir dailys, red drag, blk drag, icy.. etc :) Any level can kill those, just range np.


    Dailies on single-spawn creatures would cause problems on many levels. We've already seen problems with single spawns just in general play. The only thing that makes the current haidirs work is that there's other spawns for people training or farming.

  20. The simple answer is that there are many, many suggestions in the past on ways to "make dying easier".


    The end result for most of all of them boils down to "dying isn't supposed to be easy". Thus we have rostos, the perk to reduce the chance of dropping things... you have to pay to make it easier.



    Losing the deathbag is the only risk of dying. It's not like Super Mario where once you're out of lives, you can no longer continue to save the princess in another castle.



    My above suggestion remains valid... If you have looked around the map and keep a general idea of where you are on it, you don't need coordinates.


    And, well, "don't die" is always good advice, even if it can't always be heeded. ;-)

  21. Been a SUSE user since version 7.1 way, way back in the day. Can't be bothered with trying others any more because "it just works". And that's all I need. A stumbling block here or there but nothing major and always relatively easy to deal with.




    Though I gotta say the latest release, 13.1, is definitely worth giving a try. I haven't had a single issue with it yet. The KDE setup is very nice, quick, stable and probably the most impressive I've seen. (I don't use Gnome but I've heard people saying it's set up similarly well.)


    Simple enough for any average Win user, but all the "power stuff" for the coding crowd is there as well. And there is very little in the way of Linux software that isn't available in some repository. The Build service (like I used for the elc RPMs) hosts thousands of unofficial programs, to go along with the thousands of official builds.


    *steps down from the gecko pulpit* :-P
