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Everything posted by gio

  1. Macintosh OS X client 1.8.0 bugs thread

    i'm using 10.5.8 on a macbook pro "Intel Core 2 Duo/2.4 GHz" with 2gb ram and a "GeForce 8600M GT". in my opinion this can't be relevant since i didn't change neither hardware nor software in over 3 years the tests that you propose will have to be done. i did send a ping to the el web server because of not knowing the ip the client talks to (yeah i know i could have fetched it from lsof or netstat) and there was like 10% packet loss. given that and assuming that resent packets are excluded on server side due to earlier packets already been processed, the same thing should happen while walking for instance. but it was only the case for storage operations. i will tell you more when i'm on the next time and experience the problem again. it has never occured before, not even since i downloaded the current client.
  2. Macintosh OS X client 1.8.0 bugs thread

    problem with moving things from storage to inventory hi! today, for the very first time i experienced to following problem: when i'm at a storage and have both windows opened i normally click to select something in one of the windows and click onto the other to move the selected amount of the chosen thing from one side to another. today i encountered some strange behaviour: beginning with the second or third different item (i.e. after having moved one or two things) by clicking to the destination window nothing happens. when i keep on clicking, sometimes after about 20 clicks the item gets moved, most times not. closing and reopening the windows solves the problem (but is a dumb work). the problem is reproduceable (even after logging out and in again) and not deterministic, i.e. i can't say when it will happen. now you
  3. Mac test client

    i overwrote the old files so i'm not using the old client anymore. i will have a close look at the files in the el-directory to see if something was not copied well or got lost while switching the clients.
  4. Mac test client

    i didn't change any directory. i am missing some entries from novac that definitely were there before. i'm not sure but i think there was a crash inbetween - i don't know exactly when they disappeared. i will try to get some some information running it via command line.
  5. Mac test client

    some new problems which came with this version: * characters plunge below the floor while passing the corner of a house or entering a boot (don't know - is this a general problem?) * some entries of my quest log disappeared after a restart of the application; and the order is messed up * i experienced some rare client crashes (all without any usefull information); mostly they occured while fighting (not a good moment at all) i'm downloading the new files and will pay attention to all these cases
  6. Mac test client

    while switching to a channel log via the top left tab bar not its current lines get displayed, but rather some older ones, like if the algorithm doesn't address the index correctly when it exceeds some limit. (everything clear?)
  7. New Screenshots needed

    nice skies: