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Eternal Lands Official Forums


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Posts posted by Korgan

  1. Vieläkö tämäkin peli on olemassa? Näköjään. :blink:


    Eipä ole tullut käytyä edes forumeilla varmaan puoleen vuoteen ja vielä vähemmän itse pelissä. Mutta nähtävästi täällä vielä joitain suomalaisia pyörii kun kerran threadikin oli melko alkupäässä.


    Joo-o, että sellainen heppa ja hyvä meisinki. Pitäkää lippu korkealla tai jotain. :o

  2. -you still linger on the forums even after not playing a 5 hour session for almost a year. :unsure:


    Heh heh, so true. Actually the most I've been in EL for the past... uh. 8 months... was one session of like 1 hour. Still check the forums every now and then just to see what's happening. So can't really say I'm addicted, no. Glad to see some people still enjoy the game, though..



  3. Studies have shown that 98% of the population ends up with the number 5000. The math above actually adds up to 4100. Don't believe us? Get out the calculator!


    So does that mean 98% of people suck at math? I'm awful when it comes to math and even I got the right answer.

  4. 2.take out the batteries on the remote and then tell him that a Football game is on
    Actually if this happened to me, I'd be more like "Eww, sports! Turn the damned thing off so I can play Anarchy Online in peace!". ^_^

  5. tehtävät nyt ehkä on hiukankin turhan monotonisia, vois kuvitella että niihin kyllästyy nopeesti.. tiimitehtävät taas on aika jees



    Anarchy on aika paljolti team-meininkiä, varsinkin kun teit Soldierin. Kyllä soldier on ihan ok soolossakin myöhemmin, mutta helpompaa on kyllä soolota luokalla joka osaa parantaa edes jotenkin (Adventurer, Martial Artist, Fixer). Soldierilla pitää luottaa kovaan damageen ja siihen että reflect shieldit pitää kasassa. :P


    Soldier on yksi vaikeimmista luokista IP:n kanssa muuten... Tarviit kaikkia statteja, psychiciä vähemmän kuin muita, plus Body Development ja vähän Nano Poolia. Skilleistä sitten aseskilliä mitä haluat käyttää, eli yleensä Assault Rifle (ja usein ranged energy, mutta vaan jos ase sitä vaatii), ja usein Burst (jotkut soldierin aseet käyttää myös FullAutoa ja joskus harvoin fling shottia).. Koita saada teamimissioneista Division 9 Plasmaprojector (tippuu loppupomoilta harvakseltaan), joka on ihan pätevä verme isoimman osan "peliuraa". Joskus korkeilla tasoilla voi sitten miettiä vaikka Hellspinner Shock Cannonia, mutta vielä ei kannata sillä vaivata päätään. :D


    Soldierina kannattaa yrittää käyttää Joko Sta/Str tai Agi/Str haarniskoita, mielellään Sta/Str koska niitä on helpompi buffata kuin esmes Agilityä.


    Että semmoista tällä kertaa. Muutkin suomalaiset vaan Anarchyä kokeilemaan.

  6. You are a Bumble Bee! A beautiful insect that is good at working with teams and produces something many want: honey! A bumble bee commands great respect, and will respond to a bad situation with a quick sting! Bumble bees are serious and very wise.


    Yeah, I command great respect, and I'm very wise. But I'm no bee. I'm a beaver. Grunt.

  7. nyt on asenneltu ja testattu, vaikuttais ihan hyvältä... tosin menee hetki ennenkun tohon peliin pääsee sisälle, ensivaikutelmaltaan helvetin sekava.

    mutta eiköhän se siitä...

    atlanteanilla pyörin myös ja hahmon nimi Astroc



    Myönnettäköön että Anarchyssä on korkeahko oppimiskäyrä, ja suositelenkin että luet forumeita ja varsinkin newbie-oppaita joita löytyy eri luokkien sivuilta forumeilta ja ympäri nettiä.


    Hyviä linkkejä on mm.


    http://www.auno.org/ ja http://www.aodb.info/ <- tavaroiden jne databaseja

    http://www.anarchyarcanum.com/ <- ohjeita questeihin, tradeskilleihin, jne

    http://forums.anarchy-online.com/ <- viralliset forumit (ilmaiset asiakkaat voi lukea, mutta ei kirjoittaa)


    Ja forumeilta löytyy kyllä infoa ja lisää linkkejä kun vaan etsii.


    Eli muutkin suomalaiset kokeilemaan vaan. Yhdellä accountilla voi hahmoja olla muistaakseni 8, ja ekaksi hahmoksi kannattaa ehkä kokeilla Adventureria, joka on kohtuupätevä tappelemaan ja toiseksi paras parantaja pelissä.

  8. This is a bit different, but what the heck:


    If Dolly Parton married Tommy Smothers, then went even further back in show business and married Mr. Lucky, then divorced and married Martin Short, then divorced and married football kicker Ray Guy, we could all nod understandingly when we heard, "Dolly Parton Smothers Lucky Short Guy."



  9. I'd love some implants that would make me (even more) superhuman. Cloning a human seems inherently wrong, but it might have some uses if there was a way to accelerate growth somehow, to get "spare parts" and blood that would be 100% compatible. In any case, if cyber implants were possible, we wouldn't need "spares".

  10. Friendship is also about accepting the other person, including his/her flaws. While I think it's good that you want to talk about serious things, you should also learn to accept whatever comes out. Surely you're not perfect yourself, would you like it if your friends abandoned you if they found out one of your little secrets?


    You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends... but don't take it so literally. A good friend is worth more than his/her weight in gold, so don't let some little "skeleton in the closet" get in way of the friendship. If you can't accept someone's flaws, maybe you weren't such good friends after all. When you ask these things from your friend(s), be mentally prepared to hear something you don't like and try your hardest to accept, accept and accept. Be the better man and show you don't abandon a friend because of their little secrets or their past or whatever the reason may be.


    With the case of anger, you need to vent it out, but not with violence (beating a punch bag might feel good for a while, but it only brews other problems). Talk it over, tell your friend that it feels uncomfortable and why. Try to see his point of view and try to understand the circumstances behind what he did.


    All in all, don't lose a friend over something that you can easily fix with simple communication.

  11. Gotta agree here, I saw that before you posted it here. I added it to my favorites and gave it full points. But the average EL player probably isn't even old enough to know what the hell it is about. And the rest don't have enough sense of humor. :(

  12. Old.


    It was originally posted to Newgrounds, by the very guy who appears on the video. There's also a version with subtitles in both romanian and english. In all honesty I didn't think it was all that funny anyway, I hate that band for numerous reasons and one of them is that they look like "chocolate thieves" (from Gayzor islands) and still women like their scrawny arses. Anyhow. Old.

  13. so go play runescape if u wanna fish... :o

    No, if you want to fish, go play Ultima Online.


    Then sit idly for 4 hours, just fishing away. Afterwards you go to market and sell the fish, then you go and fish for 2-5 hours again and go sell the fist at the market and... the highlight of the day is seeing 7 naked newbies run past, chasing a squirrel. Or a naked person with a 2-handed axe chasing a pig. Then you can just continue fishing and sell the fish and then fish some more, until you're t3h ub4h phish4.

  14. World-wide? I am pretty sure that those acronyms are american, and it would be hard to find someone in europe (except american tourists :o) that even know what those acronyms mean.

    Umm... I'm from Finland (I should be offended you thought I was american :o ). NHL games are top sellers here every single year, and as far as I've gathered, they're very popular all around europe. Hell, even american maim-others-and-carry-the-ball ("football") games sell here. Any given wife-beater at a local sports bar drinking beer will say he plays sports games if asked, out of those who actually play anything. Most rednecks (= sports fans) don't even know what a "com-peew-tur" is, much less a "pluh-stesh-uhn". Then again most "normal people" (as opposed to cool roleplaying computer literate people) are chocolate thieves from the Gayzor islands. <_<

  15. NHL, NFL, NBA, and such games are like the top sellers worldwide... Many "non-geek gamers" only play such stupid sports games. And they keep buying the new versions every year, even if there is absolutely nothing new compared to last year. "Ooh, the animation is smoother when the hockey players grab each others asses after scoring a goal."


    Needless to say, I loathe sports games.

  16. I never said that non-geeks don't play games, but they play games that are not geeky.

    The so-called "non geek gamers" play sports games. *shiver*


    To me watching grown men skate in some cold as hell hall, poking a rubber puck with wooden sticks is way more geekier than playing a great RPG. On the contrary of popular beliefs, roleplaying rather teaches people social skills, and are great for imagination. All writers (books, movie scripts..) should play roleplaying games. On the other hand, sports games should be banned because they make people violent. You can tackle all you want and the little guys on the screen never die. Then they do that in real life and wonder why people die. In roleplaying games you only kill evil monsters, so you are doing everyone a favor. ;)
