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Everything posted by Raistlin

  1. Banned?

    I think people still won't understand, that moderators can't put other jerks on #ignore, though it really is tempting sometimes
  2. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    10k Silver Ore (25k) Ty, Raistlin
  3. No problem, if ings for the manufacturable one would be worth about 1M gc
  4. Essences and More for sell

    I take those Raistlin
  5. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    10k silver pls, ty
  6. Hi there, I want to make a suggestion regarding the current status of Zarin, the craft goddess. All gods that are in game now, give a 20% xp-bonus in their skill with the exception of Zarin. As I understand, Zarin was conceived earlier to be a god in another skill and would be overpowered back then. But now she simply is a god in another noncombat skill. My suggestion is to simply add the last quest for her, so that the crafters gain the same benefit from their god like manuers, potters etc. I did a quick search if this has been suggested before, but couln't dig up any recent posts. If there are some, feel happy to flame me Regards, Raistlin
  7. Inconsistency in book read

    Hi all, I just started reading a new book: You started to research Ice Dragon Cuisses Armor Building. ETA: 1428 minutes. typing #research confirms it: You are researching Ice Dragon Cuisses Armor Building. Research points left:20000/20000. ETA: 1428 minutes If I look into the knowledge window (CTRL+K), there is shown 20000 pages as well, BUT if I hover mousecursor over knowledge bar, it says: ETA: 2500 minutes I waited a few min, still nothing changes, one counts down from 1428 minutes the other from 2500. Hever had this issue with other books afaik.
  8. How to correctly interpret Astro Indicators?

    Things left to do: 1. Check min/max for make rare 2. Check/confirm bonus percentage of arti cape 3. Revamp acc modifier a bit, I got hints from malameo and saw on old screenies, that this might be related to a/d level and/or other stats as well Feel free to send me any info regarding this.
  9. How to correctly interpret Astro Indicators?

    It's 1 a/d per 20 levels; it's +/-6 for you because you are between 120-140 a/d. Yes, malameo already pointed me to this. Confirmed with some testing on other chars. Will modify my post. Tyvm for hinting.
  10. How to correctly interpret Astro Indicators?

    Ok, I try myself in this. Astrology in EL is a science in itself filling pages. So prepare for a rather lengthy post, on the other hand, don't blame me, since some ppl asked for it. If you are too lazy to wade through it, just take sceptic perk Disclaimer: The author of this post won't be held responsible for any inconsistencies and thus not be burned on a pyre if some appear Also I have to refresh my mind on some numbers/figures, I do this from memory atm, and will look up some things soon and edit this post accordingly later. Preliminary notes: Astrology in EL goes in approx. cycles of 48 RL hour. The curve resembles a bit of a sinus curve because the min/max points are rather short. Green bars are generally good for you, red bars on the other hand bad (with exceptions to certain player needs ofc). Child of Stars effects three astro types. Those are Harvest astro, make rare astro and failure astro. The astro cycles won't contain red states anymore. So whenever you should have red astro normally, it just will remain neutral. It's like cutting off the lower sinus part of the curve and replacing it with a zero flat line. And here we go. 1. Harvest/Degrade indicators a. Harvest event modifier ranges from -90 to +90. This applies to the frequency of regular harv events (mini events not counted into these). So a green bar gives you more events, this results in more damage and interruptions, but also increases the chance for you to find a stone (esp. when combined with the "Increased harvesting events" day). A red bar decreases the event rate. This is very good, when you want to protect your precious harvmeds. Wear them now, since your chance of losing them is much lower than normal. Note 1: There is no guarantee to find a stone even if you have max green astro AND the mentioned special day combined. Note 2: Breakage of harvmeds only is related to events (and the frequency of those) and NOT to the following explanation of degrading (astro) effects. Child of Stars effect: No more red astro here. That means whenever you enter a red cycle here, the astro will remain neutral. b. Degrade modifer ranges for -900 to +900. This applies to the breakage of any item worn during melee combat AND tools being used to create items (like m&p, ring/med molds etc.). A green bar lowers the chance for item to break, a red bar increases it. Example: Let's say an item has a chance of 1/10000 to degrade (or break). A full green bar lowers the chance for breakage to 1/10900, a full red one increases it to 1/9100. Wearing NMT (or having the perk) gives a factor of 4 which is applied to the modified chance to degrade for equipped items. In the above example, the chance to break would be 1/43600 with a nice full green bar and 1/36400 with a red bar. 2. A/D indicators a. Attack modifier is dependant on your actual attack skill value. For every 20 attack levels you gain -1/+1 in attack modifier range. So, if you have let's say an attack skill between 120-139, the range is -6 to +6. This directly applies to your attack skill. A green bar will give you the benefit of a higher attack value, a red bar will lower your attack power. The green bar can be compared with using an attack potion but lasting much longer. You can also combine it with drinking one ofc. Note: Higher or lower attack values resulting from astro won't influence the xp you gain in contrast to the use of attack potions. b. Defense modifier is dependant on your actual defense skill value. For every 20 defense levels you gain -1/+1 in defense modifier range. So, if you have let's say an defense skill between 120-139, the range is -6 to +6. All I said about the attack modifier applies here as well (incl. the notes), but this time defense skill is in focus instead of attack skill. Note 1: Higher or lower defense values resulting from astro won't influence the xp you gain in contrast to the use of defense potions. Note 2: A defense modifier won't change your defense ignore value of aggressive critters in any way. So, if you just hit the defense ignore level of a critter, a red (negative) defense modifier won't let it attack you again. Also a green (positive) defense modifier won't allow you to bypass an aggressive critter which you were close to be ignored by with your natural defense level. 3. Criticals indicators a. Critical to hit modifier ranges from -8 to +8. This applies to your chance to hit a creature in melee comabt critically. A green bar increases your chances, a red bar decreases it. Knowing your astro here can be very useful when it comes to training a/d. A thoughtful trainer will adapt his weapon choice to his astro if possible. A nice green modifier can result in choosing a lower (less expensive) weapon for training with same hit/kill results than choosing your "normal" weapon. On the other hand, you may find it difficult to train your creature when this bar reaches red figures. Perhaps you need to compensate it with a better weapon or other means of strenghtening yourself. b. Critical to damage modifier ranges from -8 to +8. All I said about critical to hit modifiers, applies here as well. A green bar is good for dealing out more critical damage in melee combat (nice for invances/invasions etc.), a red bar lowers the critical damage you make in melee combat. 4. Accuracy/Magic indicators a. Accuracy modifier ranges from -6 to +6. This applies to the accuracy for hitting a creature in melee combat. A green bar increases the accuracy, a red bar decreases it. Again this may influence your training. If you have green astro here and feel comfortable with hit rates, you may try to wear a uni med to increase your defense by 4. If a red astro makes it harder for you to train a creature, because you miss a lot, try to compensate that by using a moon med (+4 accuracy and armor). b. Magic modifier ranges from -9 to +9. This applies directly to your magic skill. A green bar will make you a stronger mage, because some spells are increased in strength (not duration), a red bar with a negative value will result in lowerpowered spells. Example: The restore spell can give you up to 18HP more per restore with max green astro or if you are unlucky, you restore up to 18HP less than normal. Note 1: The magic modifier DOESN'T influence the required magic level to be able to cast a spell at all. For example: You have a magic level of 35 and you have a green (positive) modifier of +7, so in theory you have magic level 42, but still you won't be able to cast MD (required level of 40). The same applies to the red (negative) modifier as well: Your char will still be able to cast MD, with a natural magic level of 45 and a negative modifier of let's say -7. This is in contrast when looking at the use of magic pots. Magic 35 and a potion is enough to cast MD (at least for a short while). Note 2: The magic modifier also DOESN'T affect the failsafe level of a spell. The failsafe level of a spell is calculated like this: (Magic level required to cast spell) + 28. Example: Casting MD needs level 40, so at level 68 you will never fail it again, regardless of a negative modifier. 5. Make rare/Failure indicators (*make rare numbers/arti percentage need verifying...*) a. Make rare modifier ranges from +800 to -800 (?). This value applies to your chance to create a rare item instead of the standard one (a GHP instead of a BR for example). If you understood the degrade astro thing, then this one is easy for you, since it follows the same pattern. A green bar increases the chance to create rare items, a red bar lowers it. Example: Let's say an item has a chance of 1/10000 to be created (It's pretty common knowledge that creating an EFE has this chance). A full green bar increases the chance for creating 1 EFE from 1/10000 to 1/9200, a full negative red bar lowers the chance to 1/10800. Wearing an Artificer cape (or having the perk) gives a bonus of approx. 30% (?) for creating a special (rare) item and is applied to the modified chance. So taking the above example of creating an EFE while mixing FE and wearing that cape, the chance can increase up to 1/6440 with a full green bar. Child of Stars effect: No more red astro here. That means whenever you enter a red cycle here, the astro will remain neutral. b. Failure modifier ranges from +9 to -9. This is the most important astro value for mixers, esp. when attempting high level items, as this modifier applies directly to all mixing skills (ALC, POT etc.). A green bar with positive numbers is good, since you will (crit) fail less items. A red bar isn't that nice, since you have a higher failure rate, perhaps not so notable when creating items you are well above the recommended level anyway. Don't get confused, when you see a negative number though your bar is green and vice versa, it still is correct. This modifier stacks with potion effects (like I mentioned in the A/D indicator section) or god blessings. Example: Your natural manu level is 50, with max green astro of -9 and the use of a manu pot, it can go temporarily up to 64 (50+9+5), or even better: combine your good astro with a blessing to reach level 67 even (50+9+8). Child of Stars effect: No more red astro here. That means whenever you enter a red cycle here, the astro will remain neutral. Well, that's all. I hope I clarified understanding astro a bit more. See you in EL. Comments welcome Edit: added Child of Stars effects
  11. Red Dragon Set for Thread

  12. Sto sale

    Total 32399, rounding up to 32400gc Raistlin
  13. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    10k Blue Quartz - 20k gc Ty, Raistlin
  14. Monster Killer Acheivement

    1. cant remember, killed many lowlevels by just walking by 2. hobgob (4 per gypsum run ) 3. FC 4. still working on that Note: ACW count to high killer, not to very high killer
  15. Warning: longer post, some ranting included... I never said training Feros takes many pp, and it didnt take me half a decade to train high level mobs. I bet I killed more high level mobs than most of the newer a/d players right now. The fact we have haidir dailies and many invances gets those pure fighters up fast w/o much effort. Sure just go on and take the minimum examples like mixing FE and stuff, I counter that with low level mobs training, those dont give heaps of xp either. You can make MANY xp just with mixing, you don't even have to harv for it yourself and I know what I am talking about. Yeah sure just go on and delete years of progress of players who arent pure a/d-gamers, for which it's very easy to recover. You don't seem to have the slighest idea how many millions of gc it takes to be successful in NON-a/d skills and I just speak of leveling those, NOT including books costs AND getting pp for the nexus needed there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also your point of buying pp and negging out isnt valid, I have never bought a single pp with removals, only nexus points. Also I still can buy all I want from NPCs and am a lot asked to this for other negged out players (already said which negs I have above). Still I can tank dragons in instances and am a good ranger. But being able to do all this takes patience. Another point: You never mentioned how radu should implement this w/o punish all those players who have worked their asses off to get hydro nexus. He would have to talk to EACH player individually or look at all details of all players to determine how many hydro nexus a player has bought and give him back that pp back to make it fair for all. Only other method would be a complete reset for all players, which again would favour some more over others, so not practicable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /rant on Players just want to have it all, right from the beginning. Radu did a great job of getting lower players faster in a good position with introducing invances and dailies, but still it seems it's not sufficient for some. I know many players who just sit and talk all the day till 12h are up and they can ask for next invance and don't train anymore. Imagine what you could achieve if you actually would sit down and PLAY the game instead just TALKING about it. You voted to get skill points there even more easily, so I ask you for what? The only reason you haven't enough pp for nexus, is that you concentrate on one skill (let's say a/d) and neglect others in favour of it. But that's your OWN choice. Every classless approach requires a little sacrifice. In EL this sacrifice is very little, since with a little patience you can achieve it all. I remember asgnny, a player you could solo dragons AND was successful in other skills and achieved it himself. Today a/d-players still make millions of gc and could EASILY use those to up other skills, but look elsewhere and you see where all those millions go ... sold to other players. /rant off I think I will leave this thread now, I am a bit tired of it EDIT: structured post more
  16. I am not anti, neither do I have gelly bones perk. Only negative perks I have are Scotty died, PH and ICD, so np here. Many fighters neg out very early to advance fast in training, because they lack the OAs or patience to accomplish this elsewise. As I said a skilled allrounder already has many more OA than a pure figher, so he has less problems. Every player has his own focus how to advance more in a desired skill, whether its using neg perks or get more OAs early via mixing or a mixture of both. The system is already good as it is now imo. Just my 2 cents
  17. I disagree, one main feature of EL actually IS to play classless. And I have to add I got all nexus you mentioned above except Hum10 and I can train nicely on FT with good xp. The thing with being an allrounder is, you have many skills leveled and gained many OA from them, so you have more pp to spent than the average-fighter, they compensate it with more neg perks then
  18. Selling sto

    Total 36,653gc Since I am most probably not online till Wednesday, pls PM my guildie Allandor or Sir_Odie to make the deal. I couldnt reach you the whole day Ty, Raistlin Reason for Edit: Alternative delivery
  19. Are you a hardcore player ? :)

    Voted 1 It took a great effort to achieve all my levels/skills over the course of years. I would hate to lose all that >.< I also find the topic title a bit irritating, since as a powergrinder I already consider myself as a hardcore player
  20. You already can watch this via other sites before logging in: http://bots.el-services.net/index.php http://www.el-cel.com/info/day_recent.php
  21. the last Magic Day

    To get more info, use the bot mercator: /mercator specialday magic
  22. Selling AE and sunflowers

    I take the sunflowers, I catch you tomorrow in game Raistlin
  23. the last Magic Day

    The list of some recent special days can be viewed here: http://www.el-cel.com/info/day_recent.php According to this list there was no magic day since at least March 5th. Average luck/statistics shows that a special day of a certain type comes approx. every 40 RL days (using stones not included), however since we talk about statistics you can sometimes have bad luck and it comes rarer, or be lucky and get it more often. The chance for a certain type to happen is equal for every special day. Just be patient
  24. **Generation X**Harvesting** - the 3rd Degree

    20k sunflowers (15k gc) pls Raistlin
  25. God Please save PK - Magic Only

    +1 Really would like to see a change in the formula how magic damage (harm/poison) and heal spells are calculated. Taking the magic level more into account would be great.