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Everything posted by The_Piper

  1. Rule #5, multiplaying

    You should really hate IE, too. There is someone who doesn't hate IE? Sure. Billy Boy himself. Piper
  2. Latest Android client (14/10/2013)

    Are there instructions available how to use the client? I installed it now on my android Huawei Ascent G510 smartphone and it seems to work, but i have not really a clue how to use it. Ok, chatting at least is working. Piper
  3. Rule #5, multiplaying

    After travelling through the Eternal Lands for more than 10 years, i have finally reached my destiny. Rule #5 is gone! Shuts off and finally dies at once. Finally \o/ Piper
  4. Guild vanished

    This morning i logged on and got this message: But, according to Mercator, the guild master wasn't online since more than 7 days. Any clue what happened? Piper Edit: Arg, that should be in "Help me", plz move this post. Edit2: 2 of my bots still have a guild tag, "q". One, who logs off and on every 5 hours doesnt have a guild tag anymore..
  5. Guild vanished

    Okay, created. Lets see how long it stays Piper
  6. Guild vanished

    Did you try resetting the information? (Short name, long name, url, description) That worked for us with the only info staying corrupted is the guild member count. No, nothing like that I am just waiting for an answer, thats all, not trying to recreate the guld, so radu can have a look what happened. Piper
  7. Guild vanished

    Yeah, thats one of my bots. So, do we have any clues what happened? Do we get our guild back or do we have to create it again or is it doomed forever? Piper
  8. Guild vanished

    Yup, i would guess that too. But thats not the question What happened to my guild? Piper
  9. Looking for an alternative for google or bing or whatever? One interesting thing is YaCy (Yet another Cyberspace). http://yacy.net/en/index.html The advantage of YaCy is that there is no central search index like google or bing or other search engines have, which can be censored or manipulated or blocked by any authorities, or, at least, not that easy. But instead of a central search index, there are a lot of local indexes run by users on their local computers, which are connected via p2p technology. How to run YaCy: Download and unpack the software on your computer or server, then run the startYACY.sh or startYACY.bat to start up the search engine, web crawler, web interface and such. (To stop it, run stopYACY.sh btw. stopYACY.bat) Now you have a running search engine with a local search index on your computer, which connects via p2p technology to other servers in the YaCy network. Start a browser and type http://localhost:8090 (If you are running YaCy on a server, type the server's URL instead of localhost) Now you see the interface of your local search engine, which will search your local search index and ask via p2p for more search results from other YaCy search engines, run by other users. Nice, isnt it? But how do you fill your local search index? At the top left of your browser window is a button "Administration". Click on it. You see the YaCy Administration screen then. (If you are asked for a password for the admin account, go to your YaCy directory, switch to the bin directory and run passwd.sh and your desired password, like passwd.sh myyacypassword. Then enter as the account "admin" and as password the password you have set with passwd.sh) At the left side of the screen is a topic "Index production" / "Crawler/Harvester", click on it. At the next screen you can enter the URL of a website the web crawler should download and store in your local search index. To see what your local web crawler is actually doing, click on "Index production" / "Creation Monitor" To return to the search interface and search for stuff, click on "Search Interface" / "Web search". Thats what i've found out this evening about YaCy. Would be nice, if some more ppl join this project by running the software and so expanding the amount of local search indices. Have fun with it! Piper
  10. Search engine with a de-centralized index

    See? The NSA whats you. Or, at least, your data. YOU. YOU!! *Points at hussam with an evil grin* Maybe i should try to update my android phone too and find out what happens then Piper Lavabit? Trustworthy company, but unfortunately offline Piper
  11. Search engine with a de-centralized index

    Oh, c'mon, that argument is pretty lame, you are, by running a Linux distribution, downloading every day stuff from unknown sources or, by accepting or trusting some stupid certificates every day, trusting things from unknown sources. You have not even a chance, to rate stuff if it's harmfull or harmless or thrustworthy or not, and so do i and nearly 99.9999999% of mankind I tried duckduckgo too, but got some strange, not so expected results, when i was looking for some harmless things, like traveling tips and such. But yes, it's a nice search engine too (havent tried ixquick until now). But they tell you that they don't log and save user data, the same way Google and Micro$oft tell you that they don't collaborate with the NSA. Who do you believe, who can you trust? Anyways, YaCy has around 1000 supporters, who run the software, and the YaCy Project was started and is run by a member of the www.heise.de forum, which is the most evil german computer forum, which is full of trolls, maniacs and paranoids. If that software is really malware, at least one of them would have been that paranoid to monitor what YaCy is doing, and if it would be malware or do misbehave, would have posted there, but that didnt happen until now Piper
  12. Search engine with a de-centralized index

    True, but you wont be able to crawl through the whole wikipedia just by starting at the start page. But i got your point. On the other hand, YaCy (and other search engine like that) makes only sense if ppl index various sites and not everybody focusses on WikiPedia and such. You can also limit the crawler to which pages it gets, like getting only pages from the same domain, like de.wikipedia.org is the german Wikipedia and if the crawler should not follow external links, en.wikipedia.org, the english one, will not be crawled. Further you can limit the pages the crawler gets from one domain. Ok, if someone misconfigures the crawler, you can really cause some kind of DDOS, but you can do that too by abusing wget without YaCy. Piper
  13. Search engine with a de-centralized index

    Indexing wikipedia makes no sense, because the crawler follows only links on websites, and there are only a few at the wikipedia front page. Piper
  14. Search engine with a de-centralized index

    "constantly hit by thousands" is a little bit extreme. As far as i've found out, per default you have to start the crawler manually, tell him which websites to crawl and index. If you want, you can set for each website a period of time, when the crawler revisits this website. But that must be done manually for each website, so per default, the crawler gets the website once and thats it. Piper
  15. CRASH

    Looks like it's up again. Piper Edit: And unreachable again. Since i was able to type #stats, the server itself is not down, it's just unreachable.
  16. Poll - New client update?

    Yes please. Piper
  17. Get rid of rule #5?

    Maybe it's the time to start another discussion about illegal multiplay, rule #5, maybe because of some stuff i read in channel #6 during the last days.. So, what do you think, is rule #5 helpful to prevent cheating or is it more causing players to leave, or, not even force them to continue to play, after they created a char and played for a while? Opinions? Discussions? Feel free to post your opinions here, the NSA is watching you anyways, even aluminium foil hats cant stop them Piper
  18. Get rid of rule #5?

    This This is more or less my point of view and the reason why i started this thread. If ppl do level chars/alts on their own and do not macro, let them do it, who cares, it doesnt hurt the game (or not that much IMO). Getting rid of the black market and evil char buyers would of course be really nice, but honestly said, i have no clue, how to really do and enforce that Piper
  19. I wouldnt name it membership, because that implies, that you must be a member to play, somthing like Supporter would make more sense for me. And yes, give those supporters something nice, the idea of a taming skill is nice. I would define a taming skill like this: o You can tame only animals, not creatures like gobs, orcs or yetis and such o Tamed pets will follow you and follow some commands like "come", "beam", "go to storage" o Pets could have a mule feature, so they can run some stuff for you to/from storage. Like, a tamed rabbit, well, some flowers, 1-2 fruits... o Tamed pets can be attacked by raptors like fox, wolf, puma, bear. When they die, you can resurrect them by going to an NPC and pay a random fee, some gc, some bottles of wine, some jewellery, some magic items, to get your pet back. o Pets can be agressive like summoned creatures or not, depending which command you give them. A supporter might be able to wear special items, like a rucksack, which increases your slots in your inventory and your EMU. A supporter might get a unique badge "supporter of EL" A supporter might get a color change stone for free, when s/he pays a fee every year. A supporter might buy a ticket for the lottery for 50% of the usual price. If a supporter donates stuff for GWIS, this stuff counts double. A supporter has access to some special teleport spots which teleport him to some nice areas, maybe from C1 to C2, for free. for example from Whitestone to Hulda or such. Well, some thoughts Piper
  20. I do the task for Arona, or for Maia, if i have the furs in storage, that depends on Haidirs missions. All others, too expensive or too time consuming, i don't have hours every day to harvest honey combs (2 hours iirc) or to waste money to buy books from bots or to kill monsters to get them. Zhena, rings, there was a time, when rings were available at bots for a price where you don't make a loss for a few XP's, but it looks like, they are not available anymore. Making them myself ==> too time consuming Piper
  21. Possible new chat command

    It should be possible not to send such a message to the market/newbie/help or whatever channel. Might be useful IMO. Piper
  22. Anybody feeling nostalgic?

    You want old pics? This is old: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/the_piper/jjk.jpg Found it somewhere on the internet some years ago, lol Snow IP with a buggy graphics driver: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/the_piper/Screenshot-The_PiperontestEternalLa.png Getting a PKer n00b on the PK server: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/the_piper/piper_quizzel.png Piper
  23. 34

    "Today is a special day: Day of the dead" At this special day, i had to kill for the Haidir quest for Serpa 34 large spiders instead of 30, as Serpa asked me to do. Someone else had to kill 34 Wolf in NC, instead of 30 for Haidir. Someone else had to kill 34 Yetis, instead of 30. Is that a bug or was the random number generator just drunk? Piper
  24. New Tab Map available for C1 and C2

    Very nice, thank you Piper
  25. Problem with Dung Teleporter?

    Always have one or two tele ring with you, which brings you to a safe map. This is old knowledge. Piper